Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 185:29:21
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In this show, Dr. Shannon and her guest experts share actionable strategies and practical steps to master your life and business so you achieve Epic Success! From proven systems to achieve big goals, master productivity and time management shortcuts, to achieving mindset and habit mastery, leadership prowess, motivation strategies, and believing God for dreams for your Epic life and Business. Grow Smarter, stronger, happier, more integrated, faith filled, and build an Epic Life and Business that you LOVE!


  • Stand Out in a Crowded Market with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    16/10/2019 Duration: 26min

    Have you ever felt like you are doing all the things, showing up, trying hard... but you just don’t seem to get traction or much exposure? Do you ever feel like your niche in the market place is just too crowded and you’re a small fish in a big pond? What if I told you that the thought of a “crowded market” is the problem, not the market itself?  Here’s the thing, when you’re in a niche wanting to stand out, you need to lean into the brain-based perspective to get curious about what you’re telling yourself as you put yourself out there. You need to slow down long enough to ask yourself what you think and feel about your business. On this week’s Epic Success Podcast, I want to help you change your thoughts around “crowded market” and become an industry leader using my NeuroCoachingTM model where I go from the inside out to help you train your brain so you can sell more, impact more, and have a real legacy business. Ready to slow down and dive in so you can stand out? I’ve got you! The biggest take-aways from t

  • Brain Habits for Success with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    09/10/2019 Duration: 15min

    One of the things I get asked a lot is how to change habits. I think we all have habits we would like to either get rid of or a new habit we’d like to build. What is one habit you would like to change or add to your life? Want to know how to neurohack your success through habits? Awesome! It’s not as “hard” as you may think. This week on the Epic Success podcast, I’m sharing how habit success is an inside job. One thing I know from my studies of NeuroPsychology is, becoming successful, in business AND life, is in the daily habits of what you think. It all comes back to my neurocoaching™ model, which I skim the surface of today but go into depth on inside my Epic Success Academy. One of the hacks for training your brain to transform your life and business, is really leaning hard into neurohacking on a daily basis. Ready to learn how? The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: “A habit is just a decision repeated over time, just like a belief is just a thought repeated over time.” A habit starts in the

  • Unpacking Your Money Story with Dr Shannon Irvine

    02/10/2019 Duration: 29min

    f you aren’t exactly where you want to be in your business… If you want more clients and sold out programs but it’s a struggle… If you are driven by impact but don’t have the cash flow to make the impact you desire… Here’s what’s blocking you: what you saw and heard when you were growing up impacts how you view money. Unpacking those money stories is the key to shifting from wanting success and actually attaining it. This week on the Epic Success podcast I’m helping you unpack your money story so that you can start to train your brain to transform your business, shift what is programmed in your subconscious to stop blocking you from what you know you are called to do, and tap into what stories you have hardwired and replace with the abundance mindset that you want. I want you to slay your business and have so much money because you’re impacting lives. Ready? Let’s go! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: “Money is one of those things that touches on all those stories that we connected with from y

  • Entrepreneur Type... Do you know yours? with Dr Shannon Irvine

    25/09/2019 Duration: 23min

    Why is it vital to know where you’re starting in order to train your brain for success? Our brain needs to see things before it creates things.  What do I mean by that? Your subconscious mind is responsible for 80-90% of your decisions & actions. So you need to make sure your subconscious mind is programmed for what you want instead of just reacting. Your brain needs your directions, input, and belief in order to get to where you want to go… on purpose. On today’s Epic Success Podcast you’ll identify what type of entrepreneur you are according to how your brain is wired and learn how to turn what’s holding you back into your biggest asset. My hope for you is that you feel empowered after listening to this episode. I want to help you see where you’re at so you can create an intentional path forward to your next level of success. If you’re not sure what entrepreneurial type you are, get ready to find out! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: “You need to make sure your subconscious mind is prog

  • The Video 4x Effect for Scaling a Business with Brandon Lucero

    20/09/2019 Duration: 40min

    You’ve already heard “video is king.” But if you’re like me, your next thought is “but why?” Why video? Why now? Why have a plan for video? As my incredible guest today puts it, video is the best way to get the right message to the right people at the right time. I am so excited to bring you Brandon Lucero, the video king with Video 4x Effect methodology for using video to scale your business. I’ve been working with Brandon in my business and it’s been transformational! He’s helped me dial in my messaging and communicate effectively my methodologies to help you train your brain to grow your business. Today we are diving into the mind of messaging. So if you’re ready to dial in your messaging and get your message out there in a more impactful way, listen up! Brandon breaks down his Millionaire Messaging framework to help you stand out because you stand for something. The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “I’m a big believer in getting the right message to the right person at the right time.”   V

  • Abundance Priming with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    18/09/2019 Duration: 29min

    Are you an entrepreneur trying to have abundance in your business and it works sometimes, but not always? That inconsistency is super frustrating. I know, I’ve been there too! Priming abundance is one of my favorite topics when it comes to the brain. I know that as an entrepreneur, you’re driven and wanting to get your big mission and vision out there, but it’s a stop and start. You start to see evidence of abundance and success, but then something happens and you retract. This week on the Epic Success Podcast I’m talking about abundance priming, which is building a pathway in your brain that believes abundance is not just possible but inevitable. And yet I can’t, in good practice, talk about abundance without first addressing the biggest blocks to abundance and how to remove the neural-networks that feed scarcity thinking. The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: “We program our subconscious minds by the thoughts we have over and over again.” The first block to abundance is jealousy. When you’re lo

  • Biggest Block to Abundance with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    11/09/2019 Duration: 31min

    Here’s the truth: safety almost completely sabotaged my business... and it might be doing the same to you. If you want to grow your business to 6 figures and beyond, you have to learn the secrets that 7 Figure entrepreneurs know about removing the blocks to abundance! Our brains are wired to keep us safe and familiar, NOT to make us successful UNLESS you learn how to remove the blocks that help you survive, but not go beyond survival.  Our brains really are doing the best they can with the stories they formed during our childhood… but they just aren’t working for you now as an entrepreneur. Today on the Epic Success Podcast I’m getting extra vulnerable with you sharing how a traumatic childhood experience led me down a destructive path of over-achievement in an effort to create safety & control in my life. It’s one of the reasons I’m so passionate about helping fellow entrepreneurs remove limiting beliefs and tap into the power of your brain by building a neuropathway in your brain to allow success to com

  • Hardwire Abundance with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    04/09/2019 Duration: 13min

    When all of your dreams come true, who will you be? How will you spend your time? What will you see, smell, taste, feel, have, do, be? If you allow yourself to really dream, your big vision will require you to step into a new level of abundance. That big vision is totally available to you… you just need to start hardwiring your brain now to get you to where you want to be then. Your brain has to believe it so you can see it manifest.  This week on the Epic Success Podcast, we’re talking about hardwiring abundance in your brain. It starts with training your brain so you can transform your business. I want to see YOU step into the next level of success! 80-90% of your daily actions and decisions are running on autopilot in your subconscious mind. If abundance isn’t what you believe, it isn’t going to manifest until you do.  We must consciously hardwire our brains to bring us what we want. How can you start to build a neural-pathway in your brain to allow abundance to flow? That’s exactly what you’re going to fi

  • Self Leadership with Dr Shannon Irvine

    28/08/2019 Duration: 22min

    What does self leadership have to do with your business growth? Well, everything. You cannot rewire your brain without self leadership. Self Leadership is making sure you’re governing and leading yourself in a way that will bring you to your highest and best version of yourself. Self Leadership is putting yourself out there so you are accountable to stick to your word. On this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I want to share with you how self leadership is key. The concept of self leadership is something I stepped into after learning how the brain is wired for success and failure.  Self leadership was and is a vital piece of my growth and success. The first way I stepped into self leadership was by getting incredible mentors. Mentors help not just affirm that our BIG goals are possible, but they also hold us accountable. Something magical happens when you no longer advocate for any excuses that you have. Are you ready to step into self leadership without your excuses? Awesome! The biggest take-away

  • NeuroHack FEAR to Create Success with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    21/08/2019 Duration: 18min

    I love that I have so many entrepreneurs in my tribe, like you, who are go-getters, working to make things happen and trying to gain traction. The thing that I most see standing in the way between you and your biggest goals is fear. Fear often leads to procrastination, playing small and sabotage. Your brain is wired to keep you safe, not to build a highly profitable business. Today on the Epic Success Podcast, I’m sharing a neuro-hack that will help you break free from fear and move you towards the successful business you want. It has gotten me and my clients great results! I want the same for YOU. If you’re tired of feeling stuck on this side of fear and are ready to gain real momentum towards your goals, this episode is for you! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “What you’re looking to do is on the other side of fear, safety, procrastination, and sabotage.”   I learned this ‘Power of 5’ Principle from Jack Canfield years ago. It’s a simple process, yet not many do it. Listen in to hear th

  • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    14/08/2019 Duration: 29min

    Do any of these thoughts sound familiar? “I don’t think I have what it takes.” “I’m not expert enough.” “Who do I think I am to do that?” “People will find out I’m not really qualified.” “I need a degree first.” “If I just had 10 years experience, then I could do that.” If you’re saying “oh yeah, those all sound like me!” Then, welcome to entrepreneurship. We all have said those things to ourselves. On this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I want to help you create a different kind of conversation that goes on in your head that will help you achieve your big goals instead of playing small. You’ve heard me say this many times: we are not wired for entrepreneurship. But we can be! The key to wiring your brain for entrepreneurship is build a success neuropathway and to remove (or prune) those pathways that are programmed that aren’t serving your success. I’m going to show you how to overcome imposter syndrome by leveraging the natural systems in your brain to work for you and not against you. Ready

  • Permission to Chase Your Version of Success with Christy B. Wright

    07/08/2019 Duration: 49min

    As an entrepreneur and parent, have you ever felt the tension of balancing business and family? Or how about balancing between your faith and business? Based on conversations with the hundreds of entrepreneurs I’ve worked with, navigating business, family, and faith is a very common struggle, which is why I’m really excited for you to listen to today’s episode. Today on the Epic Success Podcast, I have Christy Wright, author, Certified Business Coach, a Dave Ramsey Personality and founder of Business Boutique. While those are her official titles, she is also a wife and mom to two little boys. We talk about what it’s like to be an entrepreneur and how our faith plays a role in that. We also dive into success shame, mom guilt, and navigating the seasons of life & business as a parent and business owner. If you’re wondering how to approach business in a way that honors God, your family, and your gifts, this is the episode for you! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: “We all have a seasonality t

  • Superfans with Pat Flynn

    31/07/2019 Duration: 39min

    Have you read the article “1000 True Fans” and wondered to yourself, “that’s awesome and I want that… but how?”  In a time when everyone is crazed over the number of followers, subscribers, and customers - it’s created an inch-deep, mile wide focus. We have this culture with everyone going for the numbers instead of depth and longevity. Today’s Epic Success Podcast guest is the one and only Pat Flynn. He’s the host of Smart Passive Income podcast, one of the top 10 business podcasts of all time, as well as the best-selling author of Will It Fly?, Let Go and his newest book, Superfans:The Easy Way to Stand Out, Grow Your Tribe, and Build a Successful Business. Pat has been one of my mentors for years. It’s truly been a privilege to see his business from the inside out while being apart of his Accelerator mastermind. I definitely consider myself one of his Superfans. If you’re ready to build a legacy business while creating a superfan base of people who sell your products, you’re in for a treat! Pat is sharing

  • The 5 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make and the Myths That Keep Them Stuck with James Wedmore

    25/07/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    What if I told you that the hustle hard struggle of entrepreneurship is completely optional? That you could move past striving and start thriving? We weren’t trained to be entrepreneurs and our brain isn’t naturally wired for it. We were taught to study hard, get good grades, avoid failure at all costs, and take the route of least resistance in a career for 40 years until retirement. News flash: that is not how entrepreneurship works. In fact, those actions are exactly what keep so many entrepreneurs stuck and frustrated. Great news, though! You can train your brain for success and step into the Digital CEO you were created to be!  My friend and business coach, James Wedmore, joins me today on the Epic Success Podcast to teach you how to see entrepreneurship from the inside out! James trains Digital Entrepreneurs to market their business effectively and generate more revenue, all while reintroducing FUN into their business plans! As founder of his signature program Business by Design and his Mind Your Busines

  • Finally Write and Publish Your Book with Coach Azul

    17/07/2019 Duration: 42min

    Have you thought about writing a book? Do you feel like you have an idea worth sharing? If you’re like 81% of Americans, according to a NY Times article, your answer is YES. My guest today and I both hold the belief that you absolutely have a message to share with the world that someone can only receive from you and your unique experiences. Tragically, the article also revealed that only 3% write their manuscript. Let’s make sure you are a part of that 3% who takes the step of courage and publishes! You don’t have to keep dreaming about it! You can finally write and publish the book you’ve always wanted to write. My guest today on the Epic Success Podcast, Coach Azul, is a genius at pulling out the inner story that all of us have. He is a book coach to very successful entrepreneurs like Pat Flynn and Dana Malstaff and has a podcast called Born to Write. From the classroom to coaching, he has always had a passion for story. His TED Talk called “What Makes a Good Teacher Great” has 1.4 million views. He helps p

  • Copy That Converts with Sara Anna Powers

    10/07/2019 Duration: 40min

    As an entrepreneur, when you want to transform peoples’ lives, connecting with new clients and converting your ideal client has everything to do with messaging. You can have the most amazing, powerful, life-transformative service, but if you cannot get your client to understand the value in that service, they will not buy. As an entrepreneur, it is your duty to learn this messaging piece so you can impact all the people you are meant to serve in the world. If copywriting (your words that attract and sell to your clients, not to be mistaken with copyrighting to legally protect your work ;) ) sounds a bit daunting to you, then today’s podcast is meant for you! My guest today on the Epic Success Podcast is the super talented copywriter, Sara Anna Powers. She helped me with my copy as I transitioned my business online and she is a copy specialist. She is sharing her Six Cs step-by-step framework to take your client from connection to conversion and make you amazing at copywriting. So if you like a good step-by-st

  • Is a Toddler Brain Running Your Business? with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    03/07/2019 Duration: 24min

    You have this big calling and big ideas. You’re putting it out there and wanting it to be a success...but feel like something’s blocking it and it’s frustrating! You get really close, then you sabotage. Or you start to get some momentum, then you procrastinate. You just can’t figure out what’s blocking you and you’re left with this feeling of, “It just must be me. I must not have what it takes...” You need to know you’re not alone! (and it is NOT your fault) I used to deal with this as well and as a Doctor of Neuropsychology and high performance business coach, I see this in my clients all the time. Your brain is my specialty! I help entrepreneurs learn the brain-based, science-backed methods to high performance so that you can remove the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back and keeping you stuck - and allow you to lay the neural pathways in your brain so that success can come easily and effortlessly. As an entrepreneur, there is one thing you absolutely need to know about your brain. It’s the one

  • Fear: #1 Success Blocker and How To Remove It with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    26/06/2019 Duration: 30min

    I would love to know: what fear is standing in your way? What is the thing that you’re saying to yourself that’s stopping you from playing big and doing the big things you desire to do? No matter what your biggest fear is, I can tell you, IT IS the #1 thing blocking you from the success you desire. If that FEAR remains in your subconscious, then you will always play smaller than you are. You will always limit yourself. You will always keep that foot on the brake and wonder "why am I not getting where I want to go?" Good news: fear is what our brain uses to keep us in the safe and familiar. Why is that good news? Because fear is created in our mind, same place success is created! And you, my high-achiever friend, have the power to remove those fears and replace them with the thoughts and beliefs that create the success and results you want, and it is easier than you think! I coach clients daily to remove their fear-based blocks holding them back. Using my brain based coaching model you can finally get the resu

  • What Thinking Creates Success & The #1 Thought You May Have That is Keeping You Stuck with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    19/06/2019 Duration: 13min

    What if I told you there’s a strategy that is responsible for 90% of the results of the most successful entrepreneurs … would you want to know what it was and HOW they used it? Would you want to learn it ASAP so you could start getting results like they have 90% of the time?  I think I know what you answered!! YES!!! 80-90% of your daily actions and decisions are being created from ONE part of your brain, the subconscious, which is programmed from your past and on automation. The good news? It is 100% within your ability to not only remove the past faulty programming that has kept you stuck, overwhelmed, procrastinating, and on the perfectionist rollercoaster AND literally ‘train your brain’ to success. IF you decide to NOT learn this model of brain training, you will stay on autopilot, letting your past limiting stories and beliefs govern 90% of every decision and action. YOU can’t outperform, out-hustle, or just out-affirm your subconscious, which is programmed from your past and on automation. You don’t wa

  • What You DECIDE Today Will Make or Break Your Business with

    12/06/2019 Duration: 19min

    Does decision-making ever feel daunting when it comes to your business or your life? Today I’m talking about a vital decision you must make that will either make or break your business. I help entrepreneurs train their brains so that they can step into their biggest vision, impact millions and crush sales in their business. One thing I see over and over again as I help clients build their business from the inside out, is that they are in an ‘abundance to striving’ struggle.” This happens when they have not made this key decision I’m going to talk about today. Aren’t you ready for this to be your breakthrough year? Aren’t you ready to stop advocating for the limited version of yourself? Let’s do it, together! Key takeaways “A vision requires you to lean into the being that you must become in order for that vision to come true.” Your vision is the gateway through which all of your actions proceed. Every decision you make is either advocating for where you are now or where you want to be. You must define that fu

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