The Turkish Audio New Testament (NVS) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible. For a list of other available languages go to our website at The mission of Faith Comes By Hearing is to bring His Church together and make disciples from every nation, tribe, language, and people: to give every person the opportunity to listen completely through the New Testament in their heart language.
Vahiy 3 - Revelation 3
31/12/2009 Duration: 03minMektup - üç kilise - Jesus dictates letters to three more churches.
Vahiy 4 - Revelation 4
31/12/2009 Duration: 02minTanrı övgü aldı - God on his throne receives praise.
Vahiy 5 - Revelation 5
31/12/2009 Duration: 02minKuzu taht kapalı alır - The lamb takes the sealed scroll.
Vahiy 6 - Revelation 6
31/12/2009 Duration: 02minİlk altı mühürler kırılmış - The first six seals are broken.
Vahiy 7 - Revelation 7
31/12/2009 Duration: 02min144.000 mühürlendi - 144,000 followers of the lamb are sealed.
Vahiy 8 - Revelation 8
31/12/2009 Duration: 02minYedinci mühür kırıldı - The seventh seal is broken, and the first four trumpets are sounded.
Vahiy 9 - Revelation 9
31/12/2009 Duration: 03minBeşinci ve altıncı trompet - The fifth and sixth trumpets are sounded, which are the first two woes.
Vahiy 10 - Revelation 10
31/12/2009 Duration: 01minJohn biraz ilerleyip yiyor - John eats a little scroll.
Vahiy 11 - Revelation 11
31/12/2009 Duration: 03minJohn tapınak önlemler - John measures the temple.
Vahiy 12 - Revelation 12
31/12/2009 Duration: 02minEjderha ve erkek çocuk - The dragon persecutes the male child.
Vahiy 13 - Revelation 13
31/12/2009 Duration: 02minYedi başlı canavar - The seven-headed beast comes up out of the sea.
Vahiy 15 - Revelation 15
31/12/2009 Duration: 01minMusa'nın şarkı söylenir - The song of Moses is sung.
Vahiy 16 - Revelation 16
31/12/2009 Duration: 03minYedisi dökülür çanaklar - The seven bowls of wrath are poured out.
Vahiy 17 - Revelation 17
31/12/2009 Duration: 03minScarlet hayvan ve kadın - A woman sits on a scarlet beast.
Vahiy 18 - Revelation 18
31/12/2009 Duration: 04minBabylon Büyük düşüyor - Babylon the Great falls.
Vahiy 19 - Revelation 19
31/12/2009 Duration: 03minBeast cezalandırılır - God's people rejoice as the beast is punished.
Vahiy 20 - Revelation 20
31/12/2009 Duration: 02minÖlü değerlendirilecektir - The dead appear at the throne and are judged.
Vahiy 21 - Revelation 21
31/12/2009 Duration: 04minYeni Kudüs - The New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven.
Vahiy 22 - Revelation 22
31/12/2009 Duration: 03minTüm iyi Tanrı'nın şehirde! - All is well in God's city!