Where personal finance & racial economic justice intersect
#48: Let’s Talk Investing with Papillon
28/04/2015 Duration: 01h02minWe are so excited to have Papillon Financial back on the show this week! Shurnette Henry and Dana Wilson, cofounders of the firm, are on the show to answer those investment questions you always wondered about but didn’t know who to ask (Google doesn’t count!). have an exciting new financial empowerment program they’re offering this […]
#47: Abi Vega Build Strategic Alliances
20/04/2015 Duration: 59minDo you want to learn how to really connect with the people you meet and go beyond just taking their business card? We are excited to have on the show Abi Vega of Fedcap, who is an expert on connecting people. With his background in finance and sales, he walks us through his best tips […]
#46: How to ask for a Raise as a Woman
13/04/2015 Duration: 01h02minWhen I googled “consequences of not asking for a raise” (go ahead, try it), the first link was an article called, “For women, asking for a raise is damned if you do or don’t.” The first PAGE of the search is littered with similar articles, cautioning women about how asking for a raise changes how […]
#45: How to Ask for a Raise and Get It
06/04/2015 Duration: 01h01minWe spend a lot of time thinking and talking about how to cut back on expenses, spend less, and save more. The other half of the equation is making more money. On this week’s show, we talk about proven strategies to ask for a raise and what your mindset should be when you go into […]
#44: Mary Pilon & The Monopolists
30/03/2015 Duration: 01h05minTo close out Women’s History Month, we talk with Mary Pilon, whose new book reveals the true history of the invention of Monopoly. The story Parker Brothers tells is such common knowledge that it’s included as an insert in every Monopoly set – Charles Darrow, down on his luck, invents the game in his basement, […]
#43: Starting a Startup w/ Morgan Hirsh
24/03/2015 Duration: 01h05minWe hear about start ups all the time – the hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars they raise, the cool offices, the “culture.” But what does it really take to start a start up? On today’s show, we talk with Morgan Hirsh, founder of Morgan’s Don’t Run Out (, a line of bathroom […]
#41: Chipotle vs. McDonalds
09/03/2015 Duration: 01h04minAt one point, McDonald’s owned 90% of Chipotle. On today’s show, Brunch & Budget goes in on how Chipotle Mexican Grill is leading a new fast food era and how McDonald’s is trying to not get left in the dust.
#40: Student Loan Counselor on Air!
01/03/2015 Duration: 01h06minStudent loan debt has gotten to be even more confusing than ever, especially as people take out more money, loans get sold to other companies, and it’s not clear what’s federal or private, subsidized or unsubsidized (and what the heck does all that even mean???). Luckily, on today’s show, we have student loan counseling expert, […]
#39: One Truth About Landmark Forum
01/03/2015 Duration: 01h06minEmcee, artist, and entrepreneur MeccaGodzilla joins us in the studio today to revisit our show (episode 10) on the Landmark Forum! He attended the 3-day intensive, did the 10 week action steps course afterwards, and he says it changed his life! But not in a culty way! We dig in on what the 3-day course […]
#38: Cost of being single vs coupled
01/03/2015 Duration: 01h07minAnother Valentine’s Day has passed, which begs the question, is it less expensive to be single or in a relationship? Not just on Valentine’s Day, but in general. Do couples spend more money or do single people spend more money trying to get couple-y? We compare single and living alone to single and living with […]
#37: Shark Tank – Real vs. Reality TV
08/02/2015 Duration: 01h07minShark Tank is a super popular TV show where entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to very wealthy investors to get them to invest in a piece of their companies. They say they’ve reignited the entrepreneurial spirit in America. Drink every time someone says “American Dream” on the show and you’ll be drunk by the end of […]
#36: SOTU and Middle Class Economics
02/02/2015 Duration: 01h01minPresident Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address was inspiring. He called for focusing on building a “middle class economics” and outlined three ingredients that would be needed to achieve this: 1. helping families feel more secure (i.e. raising minimum wage, paid sick leave, childcare options) 2. upgrading Americans’ skills (making higher education more financially […]
#35: Rus Garofalo of Brass Taxes
26/01/2015 Duration: 01h07minDo you want to talk to an accountant who also makes you feel like a person? Take a listen to our interview with Rus Garofalo, founder of Brass Taxes, a tax preparer who treats his people like, well, people. He drops a ton of knowledge throughout the show on what you can claim, tips on […]
#34: Traveling Through Asia on a Budget
19/01/2015 Duration: 01h38sIn December 2014, Dyalekt and I traveled through Asia for 25 days and did it for $5,700. Total. For the both of us. In this week’s show, we talk about how we planned, what we stumbled through, what snafu’s we ran into along the way, and how we prioritized our spending throughout the whole trip, […]
#33: The Myth of the American Dream
12/01/2015 Duration: 01h03minIn Part 2 of why we believed the $72mm lie that Mohammed Islam told NY Magazine (that he made all this money investing in the stock market), we explore why we WANTED to believe his story. America and the American Dream is built on the idea of “rags to riches” narratives, being able to come […]
#32: Why We Believed the $72mm Lie Pt1
04/01/2015 Duration: 01h01minMohammed Islam was named in NY Magazine’s annual “Things We Love About New York” issue for claiming to make $72 million in the stock market. He said he started trading penny stocks at the age of 8 or 9 and that his net worth was in the 8 figures. Of course, a few days later, […]
#31: Your Obamacare Questions Answered!
04/01/2015 Duration: 01h03minDo you know you have to get health insurance for 2015 but also feel completely overwhelmed? Me too. So we invited a health insurance expert on the show to answer all our questions about the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. We go over the most jargon-y jargon you’ll need to know, like deductible, copays, coinsurance, […]
#30: Saving More Money in the New Year
27/12/2014 Duration: 01h02minThe number two New Year’s resolution people make every year (after losing weight), is to save more money. So what stops us from saving? In this show, we go over the common reasons people don’t save and the most effective ways to get around these reasons and change your savings habits, according to your money […]
#29: So, um, the NFL’s a Non Profit
15/12/2014 Duration: 01h01minTis the season to give back to your favorite non profits, and what better place to give than the… wait? The NFL is a non profit? That’s exactly what we said when we first found out, so we did some research and found ourselves down a non profit rabbit loop hole matrix. Or something like […]
#28: Deepti Kapur on Food Delivery
13/12/2014 Duration: 01h02minDeepti Kapur, CEO and founder of, joins us in the studio and shares some eye opening facts about the economics of online food delivery services like and If you are a frequent user of these online services, like Dyalekt and I once were (we deleted our Seamless accounts immediately after this show!), […]