Brunch & Budget

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 326:35:49
  • More information



Where personal finance & racial economic justice intersect


  • #109: What is Brexit and how will it affect you?

    01/07/2016 Duration: 01h00s

    The European Union – often known as the EU – is an economic and political partnership involving 28 European countries. It began after World War Two to foster economic co-operation, with the idea that countries which trade together are more likely to avoid going to war with each other. It started with 6 members, and […]

  • #108: The Dangers of Lifestyle Creep on Growing Your Wealth

    24/06/2016 Duration: 01h00s

    Do you feel like you’re always living paycheck to paycheck, even though your income goes up every year? Do you wonder where you money goes every month? You may be experiencing Lifestyle Creep. We make more money so we can live better lives. The trouble is, sometimes the money controls us more than we control […]

  • #107: Is travel the new status symbol?

    18/06/2016 Duration: 59min

    Is travel the new way to show off these days? Before it was an expensive purse or coat, a piece of jewelry, a nice car, the hot new electronic, but now, with social media, it feels like people are showing off in a different way – through experiences. The ability to travel and travel often […]

  • #106: Seize the day or look before you leap? Why we hate to plan

    07/06/2016 Duration: 59min

    This show was inspired by a Cracked podcast Dyalekt and I were listening to during our many hours of driving on Famous Sayings (that aren’t true). So many of those sayings were either about taking risks or being really careful, being spontaneous or planning everything. And when we were real with ourselves, we realized that […]

  • #105: How to Budget Your Way to Financial Independence

    29/05/2016 Duration: 59min

    Here’s the big secret – budgeting doesn’t work! At least not in the way we were taught it was supposed to work. When people hear the word budget, they think of it as a restriction, as being limited or denying themselves something. In this weeks’s show, we welcome you to think of it a different […]

  • #104: What is peer to peer lending?

    29/05/2016 Duration: 01h53s

    Peer to Peer (or p2p) lending is a site that has sprung up since the meltdown. Banks are much more careful about who they give loans to, but people still need them. On one side, there are lenders looking to make more money than they would be able to in stocks, and on the other […]

  • #103: The Uber & Lyft Paradox

    21/05/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    Uber and Lyft just left Austin because they don’t want their drivers to be subjected to fingerprinting. Some call it a safety issue, while others see it as another way to deny the formerly incarcerated legal work. Regardless of who’s side you’re on, jobs in the area have evaporated instantly because big companies have decided […]

  • #102: Investing for Dummylekt, Part 2

    08/05/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    For the last several months, we’ve been using Dramatic Dyalekt as a guinea pig for different investment platforms to see how they feel when you use them in real life. We explore Dyalekt’s trepidation with the stock market in general, how to make it feel less like gambling, and have some practical ideas for how […]

  • #101: Investing for Dummylekt Part 1

    05/05/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    For the last several months, we’ve been using Dyalekt as a guinea pig for different investment platforms to see how they feel when you use them in real life. We explore Dyalekt’s trepidation with the stock market in general, how to make it feel less like gambling, and have some practical ideas for how to […]

  • #100: Poverty Lines: What it’s really like to be poor in America

    25/04/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    We did it. We are aired our 100th Bondfire Radio episode. We recorded it at our Airbnb in CA. It felt like it went by so fast. For the last 100 weeks of our lives, we created something and put it out into the world, never fail. Hopefully we educated and entertained people in the […]

  • #99: How running out of willpower and decision fatigue affect your finances

    18/04/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    This show was inspired by our financial planner, Sophia Bera, who we met with recently. She stopped us in the middle of our word vomit and said, “I think you guys have decision fatigue.” We were running on empty with all the work we were booking, planning a cross country trip to CA, and, oh […]

  • #98: How to talk to your kids about money, forreal forreal

    18/04/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    True stat – parents are more afraid to talk to their kids about money than they are to talk to them about sex or drugs. At the same time, we have all picked up money habits, lessons, and philosophies from our parents and other influential adults around us and our kids are doing the same. […]

  • #97: It’s financial literacy month! So… how do you know if you’re financially literate?

    04/04/2016 Duration: 01h25s

    I feel like people toss around the phrase financial literacy and everyone nods along and says, “Oh yeah, I need that.” But what exactly is THAT? How do you know whether or not you’re financially literate in the first place? Do you take a quiz? And if so, which quiz do you take? Is the […]

  • #96: Should you file for bankruptcy?

    28/03/2016 Duration: 01h20s

    What comes to mind when you hear the word bankruptcy? Are you shocked when celebrities file for it time and again? Have you considered it at some point when your debt felt too high to handle? Have you gone through it and feel ashamed to talk about it? Today we talk about the in’s and […]

  • #95: The Morbid Money Question Hour

    23/03/2016 Duration: 59min

    Have you ever wondered: How do medical bills of significant other impact your finances What are tax implications of money won in a lawsuit? What happens to my student loan debt if I die? What happens to my credit card debt if I die? What happens to my pets if I die? What happens to […]

  • #94: How to make tax season easier for you NEXT year

    15/03/2016 Duration: 58min

    We are right in the middle of tax season and many of us find ourselves in the same place we do every year – scrambling on April 14th, trying to get all our numbers to our accountant who can’t make any promises that it will go through in time. What about if next year was […]

  • #93: The govt is requiring advisors to have your best interests in mind, and people are mad about it: The New Fiduciary Rule

    12/03/2016 Duration: 01h00s

    Today on Brunch & Budget on Bondfire Radio, Dyalekt and I going to talk about something I feel very strongly about, something I’m appalled has actually caused controversy. We talk a lot on the show about how important it is to make sure your advisor has committed to being your fiduciary, which basically means they […]

  • #92: How to talk to your honey about money, Part 2

    05/03/2016 Duration: 44min

    Dyalekt and I had SO much to talk about on Valentine’s Day that we decided to do a second show on how to talk to you significant other about money. This show is all about getting down to the details, the nitty gritty. Exactly HOW should you set up your bank accounts? Should you get […]

  • #91: Founder of Morgan’s Don’t Run Out, Morgan Hirsch Back on the Show!

    23/02/2016 Duration: 01h08s

    Last March, 2015 we Morgan Hirsch on the show, right when his idea for a subscription service for bathroom essentials was just taking off from idea to creation stage. We invited him back on the show less than a year later to talk about his recent launch! We get an inside look on what it […]

  • #90: How to talk to your honey about money

    16/02/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    Forget the roses and the candy. If you want to make sure your relationship lasts past this Valentine’s Day, how do start to talk to your significant other about your finances, or, even scarier, their finances? We’ve all heard the stats – money is the #1 cause of divorce in this country – and at […]

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