Gday and welcome to the Aussie English podcast.Im Pete Smissen and my objective here is to teach you guys the English spoken down under. Whether you plan to travel, to work or to live in Australia or you just have an interest in our culture, history and spoken dialect of English. You have come to the right place. And whether you aim to speak English like a true blue Aussie or you just want to be able to understand what the flippin hell were on about when were havin a yarn. You have come to the right place.If you listen to this podcast you will learn: A ton of Aussie slang and vocabulary, Heaps of terms and expressions, And a bunch about Australian history and culture.So kick back, grab a cuppa and enjoy Aussie English!
AE 501 - Interview: How Luma & Artur Moved to Australia from Brazil
27/10/2018 Duration: 32minLearn Australian English in this interview episode of the Aussie English Podcast where we hear about how Luma & Artur Moved to Australia from Brazil.
AE 500: Celebrating 500 Episodes with Special Student Guests!
24/10/2018 Duration: 35minLearn Australian English in this episode of the Aussie English Podcast where we celebrate the 500th episode of the podcast with special student guests!
AE 499 - Expression: — Up a Storm
20/10/2018 Duration: 22minLearn Australian English in this expression episode of The Aussie English Podcast where I teach you how to use — Up a Storm like a native speaker.
AE 498 - Expression: Down To Earth
13/10/2018 Duration: 18minLearn Australian English in this expression episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I teach you how to use DOWN-TO-EARTH like a native speaker.
AE 497 - Expression: On Thin Ice
06/10/2018 Duration: 20minLearn Australian English in this expression episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I teach you to use the expression ON THIN ICE like a native.
AE 496 - Interview: Why You Should Learn Canadian English!
03/10/2018 Duration: 30minLearn Australian English in this interview episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I chat to Dana Catherwood from Can Learn English about why you should learn Canadian English.
AE 495 - Expression: Dodge A Bullet
30/09/2018 Duration: 23minLearn Australian English in this expression episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I teach you to use to DODGE A BULLET like native speaker.
AE 494 - WWP: A Change in Direction for Aussie English
25/09/2018 Duration: 09minLearn Australian English in this Walking With Pete episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I chat to you about a change in direction for Aussie English.
AE 493 - Expression: Go Pear-Shaped
23/09/2018 Duration: 21minLearn Australian English in this expression episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I teach you to use to GO PEAR-SHAPED like a native speaker.
AE 492 - Interview: How to Get Permanent Residency in Australia with Mai Medina Pt 2
18/09/2018 Duration: 41minLearn Australian English in this interview episode of Aussie English where I interview Mai Medina about how to get permanent residency in Australia.
AE 491 - Expression: The World Is Your Oyster
15/09/2018 Duration: 21minLearn Australian English in this expression episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I teach you how to use the expression THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER.
AE 490 - Interview: How to Get Permanent Residency in Australia with Mai Medina
11/09/2018 Duration: 51minLearn Australian English in this interview episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I interview Mai Medina about how to get permanent residency in Australia.
AE 489: 50+ Difficult English Words to Pronounce
10/09/2018 Duration: 20minLearn Australian English in this pronunciation episode on the Aussie English Podcast where I teach you the 50+ difficult English words to pronounce.
AE 488 - Expression: Bang For Your Buck
09/09/2018 Duration: 24minLearn Australian English in this expression episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I teach you to use the expression BANG FOR YOUR BUCK.
AE 487 - WWP: What A Day! Photography Update
04/09/2018 Duration: 28minLearn Australian English in this Walking with Pete episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I give you my photography update!
AE 486 - Expression: Cash Your Chips
01/09/2018 Duration: 20minLearn Australian English in this expression episode of The Aussie English Podcast where I teach you the expression to CASH YOUR CHIPS.
AE 485: 1 Tip to Buy Cheap Books (in Australia)
30/08/2018 Duration: 05minLearn Australian English in this episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I teach you 1 tip to buy cheap books in Australia.
AE 484: How to Improve Your English with Reflective Practice
29/08/2018 Duration: 15minLearn Australian English in this episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I talk about how to improve your English with REFLECTIVE PRACTICE.
AE 483 - Expression: Bite The Bullet
25/08/2018 Duration: 20minLearn Australian English in this expression episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I teach you to use to BITE THE BULLET like a native speaker.
AE 482 - 50+ Australian Slang Words You Need to Learn
23/08/2018 Duration: 17minLearn Australian English in this episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I teach you 50+ Australian slang words you need to learn!