Gday and welcome to the Aussie English podcast.Im Pete Smissen and my objective here is to teach you guys the English spoken down under. Whether you plan to travel, to work or to live in Australia or you just have an interest in our culture, history and spoken dialect of English. You have come to the right place. And whether you aim to speak English like a true blue Aussie or you just want to be able to understand what the flippin hell were on about when were havin a yarn. You have come to the right place.If you listen to this podcast you will learn: A ton of Aussie slang and vocabulary, Heaps of terms and expressions, And a bunch about Australian history and culture.So kick back, grab a cuppa and enjoy Aussie English!
AE 701 – Interview: Conservation & Documentary Filmmaking with Harrison Warne
09/07/2020 Duration: 57minLearn Australian English in this interview episode with Harrison Warne we talk about his efforts in conservation & documentary filmmaking!
AE 700 - Aussie Politics: Pass the Pub Test
07/07/2020 Duration: 08minLearn Australian English in this Aussie Politics episode where I chat with the boys from the Pouch the Podcast about the meaning of PASS THE PUB TEST.
AE 699 - Expression: Shotgun Something / Call Shotgun
05/07/2020 Duration: 22minLearn Australian English in this Expression episode of the Aussie English Podcast you’ll learn the meaning of SHOTGUN SOMETHING & to CALL SHOTGUN.
AE 698 - Aussie Politics: Fair Shake of the Sauce Bottle
01/07/2020 Duration: 08minLearn Australian English in this Aussie Politics episode where I chat with the boys from the Pouch the Podcast about the meaning of FAIR SHAKE OF THE SAUCE BOTTLE.
AE 697 - Interview: British English, Comedy, & the C-Bomb with Luke Thompson
29/06/2020 Duration: 34minLearn Australian English in this interview episode with podcaster and comedian Luke Thompson where we talk about British English, comedy, and the C-bomb!
AE 696 – Expression: Jump on the Bandwagon
28/06/2020 Duration: 21minLearn Australian English in this Expression episode Aussie English where I teach you to use JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON and about wagon cars in Australia.
AE 695 – Interview: A History of Aboriginal Trackers with Michael Bennett
26/06/2020 Duration: 01h07minLearn Australian English in this Interview of Aussie English Podcast where I chat with Michael Bennett about the history of aboriginal trackers.
AE 694 - Aussie Politics: Mudslinging
23/06/2020 Duration: 07minLearn Australian English in this Aussie Politics episode where I chat with Gregg and Jake from The Pouch about what MUDSLINGING is.
AE 693 – The Goss: Australian Racism, Morepork Owls, and Why Norfolk Island was a Living Hell
21/06/2020 Duration: 25minLearn Australian English in this episode of the Goss where my dad and I talk about racism in Australia, Morepork owls, and Norfolk Island being a living hell.
AE 692 - Bonus Ep: BLM, Indigenous Issues, Branch Stacking, & More with Jake Farr-Wharton & Gregg Savage
20/06/2020 Duration: 02h13minLearn Australian English in this bonus interview episode with the boys from The Pouch The Podcast about Black Lives Matters, indigenous issues, political corruption, and more!
AE 691 - Aussie Politics: A Kingmaker
15/06/2020 Duration: 06minLearn Australian English in this Aussie Politics episode where I chat with Gregg and Jake from The Pouch about what A KINGMAKER is.
AE 690 - Expression: On the Ball
14/06/2020 Duration: 17minLearn Australian English in this Expression episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I teach you to use ON THE BALL and talk about B&S balls in Australia.
AE 689 – Interview: Scottish Wilderness Survival Skills with Tom Langhorne
10/06/2020 Duration: 44minLearn Australian English in this interview episode where I chat with Tom Langhorne about Scottish wilderness survival skills and more!
AE 688 - Aussie Politics: Gerrymandering
08/06/2020 Duration: 06minLearn Australian English in this Aussie Politics episode where I chat with Gregg and Jake from The Pouch about what GERRYMANDERING is.
AE 687 – Expression: Give Someone a Run for Their Money
07/06/2020 Duration: 20minLearn Australian English in this Expression episode of the Aussie English Podcast where I teach you how to use GIVE SOMEONE A RUN FOR THEIR MONEY like a native English speaker.
AE 686 - Interview: An Aussie Actress in America with Candice Moll
05/06/2020 Duration: 56minLearn English in this interview episode where I chat with Candice Moll about being an Aussie actress in America and her new show G'day Let's Play!
AE 685 - Aussie Politics: Dog-Whistle Politics
01/06/2020 Duration: 08minLearn Australian English in this Aussie Politics episode where I chat with Gregg and Jake from The Pouch about what DOG-WHISTLE POLITICS is.
AE 684 – WWP: The Wren & The Spider
31/05/2020 Duration: 15minLearn Australian English in this episode of Walking with Pete where I tell you about my day at the beach with the wren and the spider.
AE 683 – The Goss: Crappy NBN, Going to Mars, & the Problem with Brumbies
30/05/2020 Duration: 26minLearn Australian English in this episode of the Goss where we talk about crappy Australian NBN internet, going to Mars, and the problems with brumbies.
AE 682 - Interview: Are Non-Native ESL Teachers Better? with Marek Kiczkowiak
28/05/2020 Duration: 58minLearn English in this interview episode where I chat with Marek Kiczkowiak about teaching English & whether native or non-native ESL teachers are better.