Come Heal Yourself



Just as we need to shower every day for our physical hygiene, we need to scrub our spiritual selves as well.Come Heal Yourself includes digging in and identifying ones issues related and then going deep in to release those issues, followed by deep cleansing and complete healing. During this time, you will gain deep insight about your own patterns and belief system giving you Aha moments when you discover those and understand their very root. Come Heal Yourself has been developed keeping in mind, complete physical, mental emotional/spiritual healing that eventually leads to a positive, peaceful, healthy and joyful life.Listen Live at 10 PM ET Sunday on


  • Releasing Unhealthy Patterns from Our Past!

    22/04/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 21 April 2015, 11:00 AM ETAs a traditional psychotherapist, Dr. Brian Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. Using past-life therapy, he was able to cure the patient and embark on a new, more meaningful phase of his own career.Something in our childhood or at a certain stage at life happens and blocks us in a way that we forget to live and experience life fully, something is missing or life is drastically affected. Hypnotherapy helps release those traumatic experiences.Deeper goes a past life memory! Past life issues keep affecting us in every life time until we learn the lesson and release those completely.Let’s get a glimpse of our past lives and bring profound healing and free ourselves completely of the patterns inhibiting us for lifetimes!Love and blessings to all!About Monika GoyalMonika Goyal is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner and a Psychic/Angel Taro

  • Ayurveda for Blissful Living!

    15/04/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:00 AM ETWhat is Ayurveda? Ayurveda is the Traditional Medicine based on the understanding of:Unique Nature of an individual (No two people are alike)Unique Nature of the ailment/issueUnique Nature of the remedyAyurveda is the holistic/spiritual way of living guiding you towards a conscious lifestyle and helping you achieve enlightenment as you follow the path of SELF (Soul) and not self (ego).Please join me to understand the basic principles of Ayurveda and your own composition and personality (Doshas) and how to apply this knowledge in day to day life to uplift and lead a blissful life. We’ll together chant some powerful Mantras understanding their meaning.Love and blessings to all!About Monika GoyalMonika Goyal is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner and a Psychic/Angel Tarot card Reader and has been practicing for 8+ years. She is a Hypnotherapist and has helped heal several people through Past life regressions. She does private healing sessions using various different mo

  • What is Ascension?

    01/04/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 31 March 2015, 11:00 AM ETAscended Master is a being who has become Self-Realized. They are spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a process of spiritual transformation. Their souls passed through many lives working through karma, passing tests and fulfilling their unique reasons for being.The wisdom that the masters pass on to us comes directly from God because they have attained union with God through the ascension. There are thousands of Ascended Masters who have walked this earth. They protect and guide us, bringing peace on earth.The Angels are the purest energy source bringing the power of God to us and through us as healer and healee. Angels are available to all who call on them for support, comfort, wisdom, healing, or assistance.We are able to bring forth this knowledge through those Ascended Masters and Angels who have raised their consciousness high enough to accept these teachings.About Monika GoyalMonika Goyal is a certi

  • Unleash the Godddess Power Within!!!

    25/03/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 24 March 2015, 11:00 AM ETNavratri (nine nights) is the time to worship/awaken Shakti, the feminine form of the Divine. The mother Goddess is worshiped in nine different forms during this time. This is the the time of fully opening ourselves to receiving all the blessings of Universe. This the time to destroy the evil within us and move towards Sattva (truth).During this time of Navratri, we will receive powerful/Divine Goddess healing, empowering us to uplift our lives to the new heights, connecting us to that divine supreme and remove all blocks we have created in experiencing bliss.Please join me in awakening our Divine potential in this deeply healing/ meditative session.Love and blessings to all!About Monika GoyalMonika Goyal is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner and a Psychic/Angel Tarot card Reader and has been practicing for 8+ years. She is a Hypnotherapist and has helped heal several people through Past life regressions. She does private healing sessions using various different mo

  • Living an Authentic Life with Author Nita Goyal

    18/03/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 17 March 2015, 11:00 AM ETDoes our current belief about self-love holding us back? Why self-acceptance is essential in transcending our deepest fears, and for helping us live from a place of health, joy and abundance? Join us for an unusual conversation on living an authentic life by honoring our real self, totally and completely, with all its perfections and imperfections with the author Nita Goyal.About Guest Nita GoyalNita is visionary new age author bridging the gap between spiritual and objective view of life. In her first book, “Seduction of the Mind— a pilgrimage of spirit” released in 2011 she has attempted to integrate science and spirituality. Written in visionary fiction style, it encompasses vast and complex subjects in the realm of mind-body-spirit. Deeply influenced by her own experience, ancient eastern texts, and teachings of spiritual masters her book comes down to the basic questions of one’s existence, the meaning of life, and how to live enriching and harmonious life.Nita em

  • You Are Wisdom

    11/03/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 10 March 2015, 11:00 AM ETDo you feel separated from your higher self? Do you feel blocked from receiving Divine grace? What is your perception of God? Do you feel isolation and loneliness?Would you like to know the reason/underlying issues behind it? Welcome to this deeply healing session, where we will work together to understand our fear and work on releasing it. During this time, you will gain deep insight about your own patterns and belief system giving you Aha moments when you discover those and understand their very root. Today we will heal all the fear and blocks in connecting with our all knowing inner self, recognizing and reconnecting with our ability to see beyond the physical as we realize our deep connection with Divine once again, you are inseparable part of God! You are the Universe!About Monika GoyalMonika Goyal is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner and a Psychic/Angel Tarot card Reader and has been practicing for 8+ years. She is a Hypnotherapist and has helped heal severa

  • The Clairvoyant You!!!

    04/03/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 3 March 2015, 11:00 AM ETDo you think clairvoyance is the ability of psychics/special/gifted healers? What blocks you from seeing your inner truth? Do you follow your intuition? Are you fearful about acknowledging situations in your life? Do you suffer from eye related issues?Would you like to know the reason/underlying issues behind it? Welcome to this deeply healing session, where we will work together to understand our fear and work on releasing it. During this time, you will gain deep insight about your own patterns and belief system giving you Aha moments when you discover those and understand their very root. Today we will heal all the fear and blocks in connecting with our all knowing inner self, recognizing and reconnecting with our ability to see beyond the physical as we open our third eye and polish our innate psychic abilities.About Monika GoyalMonika Goyal is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner and a Psychic/Angel Tarot card Reader and has been practicing for 8+ years. She is a

  • Let Your Inner Truth Shine!!!

    25/02/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 24 February 2015, 11:00 AM ETWhat prevents you from expressing yourself? Do you easily find yourself in a conflict/inharmonious situation where you feel controlled, unable to speak? Do you feel tongue tied? Are you labeled as ineffective communicator? Do you constantly have a sore throat? Have difficulty communicating yourself?Would you like to know the reason/underlying issues behind it? Welcome to this deeply healing session, where we will work together to understand our fear and on resolve our conflicts from past, present and future. During this time, you will gain deep insight about your own patterns and belief system giving you Aha moments when you discover those and understand their very root. Today we will heal all the fear and blocks in expressing ourselves, heal all the conflicts from past, present and future and let our inner truth shine. Let’s surrender ourselves to that loving guidance/message that Divine wants to convey through us.About Monika GoyalMonika Goyal is a certified Angel

  • Love Makes the World Go Round!!!

    18/02/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 17 February 2015, 11:00 AM ETWhat is love? Do you feel loved? Do you let your love flow? Let’s unlock the power of love together and allow the miracles that love creates.About Monika GoyalMonika Goyal is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner and a Psychic/Angel Tarot card Reader and has been practicing for 8+ years. She is a Hypnotherapist and has helped heal several people through Past life regressions. She does private healing sessions using various different modalities of healing including Reiki, Theta and SED and teaches ascension and healing workshops on a regular basis. She is also an Earth Acupuncturist and does deep Land/Property healings. She connects with you at very deep level and provides guidance and healing according to your needs.

  • You are Powerful!!!

    10/02/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 10 February 2015, 11:00 AM ETDo you feel powerless? Are you a Victim? Do you feel controlled by others? Do you feel the need to control others? What insecurities prevent you from manifesting the life you want? Monika Goyal will help you identify and release your self sabotaging patterns.About Monika GoyalMonika Goyal is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner and a Psychic/Angel Tarot card Reader and has been practicing for 8+ years. She is a Hypnotherapist and has helped heal several people through Past life regressions. She does private healing sessions using various different modalities of healing including Reiki, Theta and SED and teaches ascension and healing workshops on a regular basis. She is also an Earth Acupuncturist and does deep Land/Property healings. She connects with you at very deep level and provides guidance and healing according to your needs.

  • Celebrating Life with Nita Goyal

    04/02/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 3 February 2015, 11:00 AM ETThe greatest obstacle preventing us from manifesting abundance and law of attraction? What can we do to bring the laws of attraction into our active awareness? And how to transform intellectual knowledge about the law of manifestation into actual experience and realize our true potential? Join us for an unique dialogue with the author Nita Goyal.About Guest Nita GoyalNita Goyal is visionary new age author bridging the gap between spiritual and objective view of life. In her first book “Seduction of the Mind— a pilgrimage of spirit” released in 2011 she has attempted to integrate science and spirituality. Written in visionary fiction style, it encompasses vast and complex subjects in the realm of mind-body-spirit. Deeply influenced by her own experience, ancient eastern texts, and teachings of spiritual masters her book comes down to the basic questions of one’s existence, the meaning of life, and how to live enriching and harmonious life. This book takes one deeper i

  • Let Go and Let God

    28/01/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, January 27 2015, 11:00 AM ETWhat holds you back from creating a life you want? Relationship issues, unforgiveness towards yourself or anyone else, any organization? Any Incidents from past dragging you down? Monika Goyal will help you step by step to release all the guilt, resentment, and anger so you create a space for all that you want to create in life.About Monika GoyalMonika Goyal is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner and a Psychic/Angel Tarot card Reader and has been practicing for 8+ years. She is a Hypnotherapist and has helped heal several people through Past life regressions. She does private healing sessions using various different modalities of healing including Reiki, Theta and SED and teaches ascension and healing workshops on a regular basis. She is also an Earth Acupuncturist and does deep Land/Property healings. She connects with you at very deep level and provides guidance and healing according to your needs.

  • Strengthen Your Root and Manifest a Blissful Life

    21/01/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 20 January 2015, 11:00 AM ETAre you struggling with your finances? Depressed, looking for a peaceful existence? Monika Goyal will help you dig into your survival issues. We will work together on deep cleansing and complete healing of your Root Chakra. During this time, you will gain deep insight about your own patterns and belief system giving you Aha moments when you discover those and understand their very root.About Monika GoyalMonika Goyal is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner and a Psychic/Angel Tarot card Reader and has been practicing for 8+ years. She is a Hypnotherapist and has helped heal several people through Past life regressions. She does private healing sessions using various different modalities of healing including Reiki, Theta and SED and teaches ascension and healing workshops on a regular basis. She is also an Earth Acupuncturist and does deep Land/Property healings. She connects with you at very deep level and provides guidance and healing according to your needs.http:/

  • Co-Creating NOW Launches on OMTimes Radio

    14/01/2015 Duration: 55min

    The first show of Co-Creating NOW with Monika Goyal on OMTimes Radio,

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