Karen Swain Atp Radio

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  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 602:15:39
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Awakening Consciousness and expanding our view of reality. Join KAren Swain, teacher of Deliberate Creation, as she shares stories of LOVE, Transformation, Enlightenment and Making a Difference on Accentuate The Positive Media. Accentuate the Positive is not just a name, it's a way to live your life. We are creating a Positive Impact through media and transforming lives.The world is changing and we are on the transition team making the world better place. Please Rate and Review the show. Thank you so much for your Love and Support.


  • Dolly Safran Preston Dennett

    28/04/2022 Duration: 02h08min

    See more and get the book here https://wp.me/p58EtD-5Bf Dolly Safran is a generational contactee, having experiences since a child. She is a conscious contactee, She does not need hypnosis to recall her encounters. Her story is chronicled in; Symmetry, A True UFO Adventure; by Preston Dennett, a gripping true-life adventure story, answering many questions surrounding UFO phenomenon. Why are they here? Where do they come from? What is the alien agenda on our planet? Preston Dennett first began investigating UFOs in 1986 after learning that his family friends and co-workers were having encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of people and investigated a wide variety of cases. He has written 29 books and more than 100 articles about UFOs and the paranormal. Symmetry: A True UFO Adventure. This book is the true story of Dolly’s lifelong adventures with the grays. Unlike the vast majority of UFO contactees, Dolly has no fear of her encounters, and is able to remember them in their entirety. She is wh

  • Rachael Burns Dragon Energy Light Codes

    24/04/2022 Duration: 01h57min

    Rachael Burns Light Codes & Dragon Energy The INNER SANCTUM Sessions with KAren Swain See more here https://wp.me/p58EtD-5ko Sign up here https://karenswain.com/inner-sanctum/ As a young child Rachael channelled the Language of Light. For much of her young life she felt she didn’t fit in. After encountering a great deal of childhood trauma, Rachael blocked many of her memories until she was 34, this is when she encountered a deep spontaneous remembering and eventually the healing of her toxic limiting beliefs picked up along her physical journey. Rachael spent the last 30 years working with children in many different capacities, including working with additional needs children, teaching Meditation, Mindfulness and Movement and facilitates children’s groups. She also facilitates meditation and developmental groups for adults, including workshops on Parenting the Golden Age Child, and Opening to Light Language. Rachael is now working with pure God consciousness and the powerful energy of acceptance and forgiv

  • Dayna Dunbar AWAKE

    21/04/2022 Duration: 01h31min

    see more here https://wp.me/p58EtD-5zF Dayna Dunbar is an award-winning novelist, her latest work; Awake: The Legacy of Akara, a spiritual sci-fi thriller about an awakened race of beings, has fulfilled her lifelong desire to write a spiritual science fiction thriller inspired by her encounter in Sedona in 1994 with a highly advanced extra-dimensional being of light from the future called Kiara.

  • Australian Floods

    14/04/2022 Duration: 01h10min

    What is happening down under with the weather? As the east coast of Australia floods and houses and lives are lost, we share some stories of what us happening down under with the floods and how you can help ... Vision Keeps Page https://www.facebook.com/The-VisionKeepers-105371042115059/ Some places to Donate... https://www.womensvillagecollective.org.au/ https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-hearthground-recover-from-flooding?fbclid=IwAR3dio7OIbFZn7gXUtsskddErzDMdltDFrqvJe_Tn3K_yUg1Br7FxKOwd78 Thank you Karen and Vision keepers. SeaLotus fundraising page https://gofund.me/9e710a2b & fb page walking in the foot steps of the ancestors, or see her website www.handsaroundtheworld.com.au See more here https://karenswain.com/ More shows here https://www.karenswain-atpmedia.com/ #AustralianFlood2022 #Australia #Floods2022 #FloodingDownUnder #ThankYOuForYourHelp

  • Moonwalker

    13/04/2022 Duration: 01h23min

    See more here https://wp.me/p58EtD-5ya In 2010 Moonwalker had an NDE when she wrecked her motorcycle. As she lay bleeding in a ditch, she experienced a profound encounter with her true self. Her consciousness disassociated from her self-sabotaging mental loop and she saw her life from a different perspective free of all filters & conditioning. See More Here https://karenswain.com/ Follow us on other platforms https://unifyd.com/profile/kswain/ https://mewe.com/i/karenswain1 https://odysee.com/@KAren-Swain:c THANK YOU for SHARING these conversations, we present them to you completely FREE with NO Ads! Please spread the LOVE and Wisdom. BIG LOVE ks.

  • Jeff Granville 2022

    10/04/2022 Duration: 02h03min

    See More Here https://karenswain.com/jeff-granville/ Jeff's Website: https://www.mindfulpresents.org/donate Jeff's Podcast show on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCcknDRyKH6sxeisHshXCHQ Follow us on other platforms https://unifyd.com/profile/kswain/ https://mewe.com/i/karenswain1 https://odysee.com/@KAren-Swain:c. Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-815875 THANK YOU for SHARING these conversations, we present them to you completely FREE with NO Ads! Please spread the LOVE and Wisdom. BIG LOVE ks When Jeff Granville faced a parent's greatest nightmare, little did he know that a calm inner mental practice of visualisation and breathing, or what is seen today as mindfulness, would save a life. On December 30th 2014 Jeff’s 4 year old son Makoy suddenly became very ill. During the medical procedures to save his life, Jeff used mindfulness to sooth and care for Makoy as he was going through spinal taps and other invasive procedures. After Makoy was diagnosed with a rare form of T-cell Leukemia, Jeff beca

  • Larisa Stow

    07/04/2022 Duration: 02h07min

    See more here https://wp.me/p58EtD-5w9 Larisa Stow was born to wake, shake and create a vibration-raising WEvolution. A modern-day mystic, student of heart-centered living, sacred sounds gypsy and Transformational Life Coach, Larisa is the lead singer, songwriter of the band Larisa Stow & Shakti Tribe, a sacred world mantra rock group inspired to up-level consciousness. See More Here https://karenswain.com/ Follow us on other platforms https://unifyd.com/profile/kswain/ https://mewe.com/i/karenswain1 https://odysee.com/@KAren-Swain:c THANK YOU for SHARING these conversations, we present them to you completely FREE with NO Ads! Please spread the LOVE and Wisdom. BIG LOVE ks Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Medium and Channel, KAren helps you align with your Soul's calling. Connect with KAren Swain here http://karenswain.com/ and download her free report '10 Top Ways to Lasting Happiness'. KAren Swain is a Channel, Mentor, Spiritual Teacher and Way-shower for the expansion of our Powers of Deliberate Creation,

  • Kimberly Meredith The Holy Spirit Saved My Life

    30/03/2022 Duration: 01h11min

    Kimberly Meredith is a self-taught Medical Intuitive, Medium, Trance Channeler, Spiritual Teacher, Surgical Hands-on Energy Healer with gifts from what she calls’ the Holy Spirit. In Kimberly’s book, published Dec 2021; Awakening to the Fifth Dimension: Discovering the Soul’s Path to Healing; Kimberley reveals many spiritual and practical methods to alleviate mental, emotional, and physical ailments, to lift you into the Fifth Dimension frequencies. In the book you will find stories, exercises, prayers, affirmations from case studies and testimonials, which confront many health struggles, to find lasting healing and elevate your mind, body, and soul. See More Here https://karenswain.com/ Follow us on other platforms https://unifyd.com/profile/kswain/ https://mewe.com/i/karenswain1 https://odysee.com/@KAren-Swain:c THANK YOU for SHARING these conversations, we present them to you completely FREE with NO Ads! Please spread the LOVE and Wisdom. BIG LOVE ks. Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Medium and Channel, KA

  • Viviane Chauvet DNA Upgrade

    26/03/2022 Duration: 01h53min

    See More here https://karenswain.com/viviane-chauvet/ Blended Frequencies for Ascension DNA Upgrade with Vivianne Chauvet The Inner Sanctum Group Sessions. #Enlightenment #Spirituality #HumanPotential Join our online zoom sessions here https://karenswain.com/inner-sanctum/ Viviane Chauvet, originally from Canada Viviane, now in Arizona, she is a Arcturian Holographic Matrix Master Healer, representing the advanced and enlightened Arcturian star civilization. Viviane's emanation came to the planet as a biological Arcturian hybrid. She is in constant telepathic communication with her team of light, and serves as an ambassador between higher spheres of realities and the earth plane. Her Galactic Family are conduits of Light Consciousness who create profound paradigm shifts at a planetary and collective level to move from fragmented energies of duality, to oneness. Part of their mission is to help human beings reestablish their true heart-centered power, thus integrating soul fragments and accessing higher ment

  • Tanis Helliwell Good Morning Henry

    24/03/2022 Duration: 01h09min

    See More https://wp.me/p58EtD-4z8 Tanis Helliwell has seen and heard elementals, angels, and master teachers in higher dimensions since she was a child. She is the author of many books, a Inspirational Speaker, she has presented at many conferences across the world, was a faculty member of the Banff Centre for Leadership for over 20 years, has taught and trained in the corporate world, and been a consultant to business, universities, medical organisations and government. We discuss her NEW Book GOOD MORNING HENRY : Good Morning Henry addresses how we can recognize the causes of our difficulties, implement solutions and experience healing. Fortunately, each of us has a precious helper inside us to assist us on a healing path. This consciousness sometimes is called “the inner body” or “body elemental”. Tanis calls it “the body intelligence” or Henry, and demonstrates with humour, spiritual wisdom and mystical ability how to co-create with your own body intelligence for deep healing and self-transformation. Fo

  • Neil Guar Portal To Ascension

    23/03/2022 Duration: 01h18min

    See more here https://wp.me/p58EtD-5ur Portal to Ascension Neil Gaur on ATP Media with Karen Swain NEIL GAUR is a philosopher, historian, researcher, spoken word artist, and the founder of Portal to Ascension, a conscious event production company which hosts a wide range of presenters on a variety of topics, such as the origins of humanity, the existence of extraterrestrial life, exposing hidden truths, and exploring spirituality and the nature of reality. Neil has created over 1100 fully produced events, tours, webinars and retreats. Portal to Ascension has worked with over 1500 researchers, spiritualists, scientists, consciousness explorers, teachers and experiencers. https://www.youtube.com/user/PortalTo... Neil facilitates gatherings and documentaries to empower the individual to reclaim their sovereignty and awaken to their full potential. https://portaltoascension.org/ See More Here https://karenswain.com/ Follow us on other platforms https://unifyd.com/profile/kswain/ https://mewe.com/i/karenswain1

  • Sage Oneness Humans Are You Ready?

    16/03/2022 Duration: 01h38min

    See More https://karenswain.com/zoe-pennant-the-sage/ Sage Oneness and the BEINGS. Humans Are You Ready? Ready for what??? In 2017 three dimensional beings appeared in Sage’s living room with a message for humanity. Her friend, Annette Williamson, also encountered them, and this experience took them on a journey of a lifetime sharing deep meaningful knowledge about the meaning of this world and beyond. A relationship that changed their lives forever. Sage Oneness has been on a spiritual journey most of her life. In her 20’s she became aware of her existence, wanting to understand who she is and why she is here. Today, she has come to know this journey called life is for spiritual growth, a journey we chose to experience, which holds many gifts and evolutional pearls. In April 2022 Sage’s documentary: 'HUMANS ARE YOU READY?' is coming out featuring other experiencers and spiritual teachers. Today we are here to chat about this and what we can expect to see and learn. Follow us here on other platforms https

  • Waxela Sananda

    05/03/2022 Duration: 55min

    Sign up for Alchemy of Ascension here.. https://waxelasananda.com/aoa5/?utm_source=Karen-Swain Starts 4 March to 18 March 2022 Waxéla (wa-shay-la) Sananda has been a lifelong extra-dimensional contactee and holds memories from multiple Earth and star race incarnations. Today she is a Galactic Shaman, Embodied Ascension Trainer, Conscious Life Mentor, Activator of Spiritual Gifts, author, a conscious light channel assisting in the activation of spiritual abilities and soul codes and host of The Alchemy of Ascension Summit and Podcast. Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU See More https://karenswain.com/ Follow us here for other info https://mewe.com/i/karenswain1 Join us here https://odysee.com/@KAren-Swain:c THANK YOU for SHARING these conversations, we present them to you completely FREE with NO Ads! Please spread the LOVE and Wisdom. Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Medium

  • Valerie O’Hogan Memories of Elizabeth Klarer

    02/03/2022 Duration: 01h32min

    People from Venus who built the Pyramids and Seeded Life on Planet earth. See more... https://wp.me/p58EtD-5me Valerie O’Hogan knew Elizabeth Klarer, a South African woman who became well known at the end of the 20th century for her book, Beyond the Light Barrier,’ which chronicles Elizabeth’s life and experiences with an off world being called, ‘Akon, from a civilisation originally from Venus, who now inhabits a planet called Meton, in the Alpha Centauri star system. An amateur astronomer since childhood, Valerie has written a book about her time with Elizabeth called: My Memories of Elizabeth Klarer: Released in Sept 2021. Documentary of Elizabeth Klarer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6-iLARJu9E See More https://karenswain.com/ Follow us here for other info https://mewe.com/i/karenswain1 Join us here https://odysee.com/@KAren-Swain:c THANK YOU for SHARING these conversations, we present them to you completely FREE with NO Ads! Please spread the LOVE and Wisdom. BIG LOVE Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Me

  • Sheila Seppi The Inner Sanctum Group Session FEB 2022

    27/02/2022 Duration: 02h07min

    SEE MORE HERE... https://karenswain.com/inner-sanctum-videos/ https://karenswain.com/sheila-seppi/ Sheila Seppi is a soul exchange walk-in. A soul who agreed to switch places with a soul that already inhabits a body (the natal soul). Sheila’s essence entered the body of a 38-year old mother of three children. She is the founder of the WISH Alliance, Conscious Awakening Series & SpiritWay Ministries. She facilitates healings, groups, events and is gathering the StarSeed Light Worker family across the planet. Initially, as Sheila begun to live a physical life in this body, she thought she was losing her mind, as everything around her seemed to change. She came in with spiritual gifts and knowledge, the other Sheila did not believe in. She brought a new higher frequency into this world that would immediately changed the old life. Sheila’s DNA was instantaneously infused with light, changing the experience of the body from her being very sick with brain tumors, bone cancer, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migr

  • Neale Donald Walsch

    23/02/2022 Duration: 01h33min

    Get Neale’s books and see more here https://wp.me/p58EtD-5lp Neale Donald Walsch has written 39 books on contemporary spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. The series titled Conversations with God, emerged from moments of personal spiritual encounters, which he experienced as direct exchanges with the Divine in the early 90's and have inspired millions across the world.

  • What Do You Want To Know?

    19/02/2022 Duration: 04min

    See More here https://karenswain.com/online-courses-with-karen-swain/ Deliberate creation 101 Online Course with KAren Swain My spiritual team/mob have been communicating with me all my life. They have taught me and. guides me to examine many aspect of what it is to be a spiritual being having a physical journey. they have guided me to courses, teachers, book and many spiritual teaching. But they have always said the most IMPORTANT teaching, we as an evolving human society, is to be aware and know HOW WE CREATE OUR REALITY!

  • Rachael Burns Dragon Light Code Transmissions

    19/02/2022 Duration: 01h19min

    See more here.. https://wp.me/p58EtD-5ko As a young child Rachael channelled the Language of Light. For much of her young life she felt she didn’t fit in. After encountering a great deal of childhood trauma, Rachael blocked out many of her memories until she was 34, when she encountered a deep spontaneous remembering. Rachael is the Principal of D.A.A.M.A; Divine Awakenings Academy of the Mystic Arts, and is the creator of Mini Meditation Australia. A StarSeed Psychic/ Medium, Trance Channeler, Intuitive Artist, Rachael is also a Dragon Master and Keeper of the Codes – sharing Light Codes and Dragon Light Language Transmissions. Sign up for KAren's Online Courses https://karenswain.com/online-courses-with-karen-swain/ Join our monthly online group on zoom with guest speaker, someone who KAren has spoken with on ATP media show. https://karenswain.com/inner-sanctum/ Follow us here for other info https://mewe.com/i/karenswain1 Join us here https://odysee.com/@KAren-Swain:c THANK YOU for SHARING these convers

  • Frequency Light Upgrade WISH Alliance Presents KAren Swain

    12/02/2022 Duration: 01h47min

    WISH Alliance Presents KAren Swain; Frequency Light Upgrade. As bringers of the light here to create, enlighten, teach and remind humanity of their powers of manifestation, creation, focus and thought, we are being asked to align our own energy field with more love, more grace, more freedom and light, so we can empower and support the awakening masses. Over the past couple of months, we have been asked to rest, rejuvenate, realign and allow our energy and physical systems to recalibrate to a new way of living in this world. KAren will speak about how to deal with this, manifestations of beliefs, thoughts and focus, and how to stay in your light lane, and not get swept away with the mainstream narratives of fear and disempowerment. BIO: KAren Swain is a Teacher of Deliberate Creation, Spiritual Mentor, Inspirational Educator/Speaker, Host of Accentuate The Positive Media, Author of Return to Love & Awakened by Death, and Creator of The Awakening Soul Series, who Activates, Accelerates, Acclimates and Accentu

  • Claudia Edge NDE Spirit School

    10/02/2022 Duration: 01h58min

    See more and get books here.. https://wp.me/p58EtD-5io Claudia Watts Edge had a profound NDE in 1984, when she and her baby daughter died together, in a sea of blood and pain. She has been researching NDEs and Spiritual Phenomenon ever since, and has been receiving spiritual lessons for the past 12 yrs in her dreams in Spirit School.  Claudia has been called a modern-day mystic with an ability to pull back the curtain between this world and the beyond. Follow us here for other info https://mewe.com/i/karenswain1 Join us here https://odysee.com/@KAren-Swain:c THANK YOU for SHARING these conversations, we present them to you completely FREE with NO Ads! Please spread the LOVE and Wisdom. Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Medium and Channel, KAren helps you align with your Soul's calling. Connect with KAren Swain here http://karenswain.com/ and download her free report '10 Top Ways to Lasting Happiness'. KAren Swain is a Channel, Mentor, Spiritual Teacher and Way-shower for the expansion of our Powers of Deliberat

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