Before the Abstract shares scientists stories about what else? being a scientist! Inspirational, funny, surprising or just plain entertaining, our podcasts feature Springer Storytellers telling their personal stories about working in their field and the personal experiences that have shaped their careers.
Amy Hochadel: The Making of a Smart City
26/02/2018 Duration: 15minA global cities consultant has an inspiring trip to Pune, India thanks to a charismatic local leader.
Of Gold Mines, Plants, and Women
08/01/2018 Duration: 13minRuth develops an unlikely friendship in the Peruvian Amazon studying the social and environmental effects of the Interoceanic Road.
Ethan Hollander: Can you be guilty...and innocent?
19/12/2017 Duration: 13minEthan Hollander grapples with a morally harrowing question after interviewing a Nazi war criminal.
Elisa Schaum: A Mainly True Story about Science
12/12/2017 Duration: 13minElisa Schaum describes her experience as the only scientist in a family of eclectic artists.
Michael Brudzinski: Just Keep Swimming
17/10/2017 Duration: 15minA professor and new father juggles building a syllabus for a new online class with starting a family.
Dawn Wright: A Good Old-Fashioned Sea Story
26/09/2017 Duration: 14minAs the only black woman on a two-month voyage, Dawn Wright tries to find her place aboard scientific drill vessel JOIDES Resolution.
Kathy Hughes: Threat to the story
02/05/2017 Duration: 12minA surgeon shares her struggle to keep emotional distance from her work versus the desire to express herself through creative writing.
Stan Stojkovic: How much time is enough?
28/03/2017 Duration: 18minA criminologist receives a letter from a convicted murderer.
Michael Perlin: Maybe They Brought in the Wrong Priest
15/03/2017 Duration: 18minA law professor reflects on a case he took early on as a public defender that would forever shape his career in mental disability law.
Heith Copes: Caught Being Stupid
01/03/2017 Duration: 13minWhat begins as a research project quickly becomes a life-altering lesson in the truth behind stereotypes, the importance of empathy, and the unparalleled power of human connection.
Col. Robert B. Lim: Keeping Your Eyes Open in the Storm
21/02/2017 Duration: 23minA military surgeon must perform surgery in the middle of a sandstorm in Iraq.
Marie Crandall: The Golden Hour of Trauma
31/01/2017 Duration: 14minAfter witnessing too many haunting incidents of preventable fatalities, one surgeon sets out to change the social environment that allows gun violence to jeopardize the lives of its citizens.
Dr. Mahul Amin: Then the Doorbell Rang
06/01/2017 Duration: 18minOne evening of Diwali 45 years ago in Mumbai, India inspires global cancer staging in a way one physician could never have imagined.
Moran Cerf: Well, That Escalated Quickly...
04/08/2016 Duration: 17minDr. Moran Cerf shares a humorous anecdote about the time his team's new publication picked up rapid-fire media coverage...for entirely the wrong reason.
Jerry Franklin: The Joy of Being Blindsided
04/08/2016 Duration: 16minDr. Jerry Franklin is gifted with a revelation about nature's legacies during his years of work on Mount St. Helens.
A. Leslie Morrow: What Keeps You Going?
04/08/2016 Duration: 10minDr. A. Leslie Morrow shares what keeps her going in her research on alcoholism: misguided reviewer comments, a promising new development in gene therapy, and the miraculous life of her cousin, Lance.
F. (Shadi) Shahedipour-Sandvik: Work-Life Continuum
04/08/2016 Duration: 16minBecoming a mother challenges one professor to rethink personal and professional boundaries in her classroom.
Ian Anderson: A Southern Contingency Plan
27/07/2016 Duration: 21minDr. Ian Anderson must relearn what it means to project manage when he takes a job in the U.S. and moves from the South of France to a very different Southern environment.
Janet Silbernagel: The Calling of the Cranes
29/06/2016 Duration: 14minDr. Janet Silbernagel's personal and professional worlds collide in China, where cranes begin to stretch her perception of connections across landscapes.
Etienne Hirsch: The Curious Boy in the Garden/Le garçon curieux dans le jardin
21/04/2016 Duration: 11minFrench neurobiologist Etienne Hirsch recollects his use of Claude Bernard's scientific methodology from boyhood to adulthood in his journey to alleviate Parkinson’s Disease symptoms.