Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, the staff of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations gather for a time of worship, prayer and a challenging message. The following are messages of encouragement from our staff and guest speakers. The opinions expressed by guests in Chapel are not necessarily endorsed by the Christian Medical & Dental Associations. CMDA is a non-partisan organization that does not endorse political parties or candidates for public office.
Shakin' Off the Snakes
19/06/2018 Duration: 32minMichael Booker shares from Acts 28 about not allowing attacks on the flesh to keep us from the works of God.
Abiding in Christ
14/06/2018 Duration: 30minRobert Russell shares John 15 about being connected to Christ and dying to self to bear fruit for the Kingdom.
Final Reckoning
07/06/2018 Duration: 19minBill Reichart shares from Jeremiah 51:1-5 about God's plan to use hardship to correct His people & ultimately punish the wicked.
Be An Imitation of Christ
07/06/2018 Duration: 17minScott Thompson shares from Ephesians 5 about how we are to be a reflection of Jesus to the world around us.
Troubled Waters
29/05/2018 Duration: 24minBryan Hall shares about overcoming the troubles in our lives thru God so we become better not bitter.
Our Story of Death to Life
24/05/2018 Duration: 24minCorey Whittaker shares from Ephesians 2:1-10 about how to explain the Good News with these 10 verses.
Aftermath of Showdown @ Ahab Corral
17/05/2018 Duration: 23minAndy Moehn shares about our need to recognize the need for and to take advantage of our need for rest.
Lessons in Listening
15/05/2018 Duration: 25minMike Chupp, MD shares lessons he has learned about the importance of listening, to others & to God.
Power in Weakness
10/05/2018 Duration: 17minChris Ralston share from his story about living in this world with visible disabilities and the life lessons God has taught him.
The Promises of God
01/05/2018 Duration: 16minAllen Davis shares about the different type of promises from God and how we can depend on them.
Fruitful in Every Season
24/04/2018 Duration: 21minMichael Booker shares Mark 11:12-14 about bearing fruit for the Kingdom no matter what season you find yourself in.
Holy Bible: Living Word of God
17/04/2018 Duration: 23minTrish Burgess, MD shares from John 4 and how the Lord brought that passage to life for her.
Conflict Resolution
12/04/2018 Duration: 27minDavid Stevens, MD share about the Biblical approach to resolving conflicts.
What Does Your Face Look Like?
05/04/2018 Duration: 28minJim Powell shares from 1Samuel about our outward countenance as we face difficulties & what that says about our faith to the world.
The Path to Repentance
03/04/2018 Duration: 27minBill Reichart shares about the difference between worldly sorrow and Godly sorrow.
Christ in the Passover
29/03/2018 Duration: 33minLarry Stamm shares about Passover and the many parts of the celebration that actually point the Jesus as the Lamb of God.
When In The Valley Facing Death
27/03/2018 Duration: 17minHettie Brittz shares about The Magnificent Defeat, the death of Christ when Satan & the World thought they had won. But Easter was coming.
Blessed be the King!
22/03/2018 Duration: 18minScott Boyles shares from Luke 19.28-40 about the meaning & significance of Palm Sunday and Jesus' Jerusalem arrival.
What's Shaping Your Mind?
15/03/2018 Duration: 25minGene Rudd, MD shares about the ways our minds work & are shaped by the world with the challenge of retraining them to the thoughts of God.
It Was Never You, It Was Always Me
13/03/2018 Duration: 17minOmari Hodge, MD shares about finding the middle of the road between resting in God's abundance & doing it all yourself.