Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, the staff of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations gather for a time of worship, prayer and a challenging message. The following are messages of encouragement from our staff and guest speakers. The opinions expressed by guests in Chapel are not necessarily endorsed by the Christian Medical & Dental Associations. CMDA is a non-partisan organization that does not endorse political parties or candidates for public office.
Loosing Focus Off of Jesus
14/02/2019 Duration: 20minBill Reichart shares from Luke 10 about keeping the focus on Jesus and being able to find peace in the middle of our chaotic world.
Can't We All Just Get Along?
05/02/2019 Duration: 17minBill Griffin, DDS, shares from Phillipians about how Jesus should be our source of peace during conflict.
Looking Good By Looking Up
31/01/2019 Duration: 20minMike Chupp, MD shares about looking up with honesty and a humble heart to the Lord.
A Word of Hope in Times of Warfare & Suffering
29/01/2019 Duration: 30minAllen Roberts shares from 1Peter 5:5-11 about doing the right thing at the right time for the right reasons.
Molecular Biology
24/01/2019 Duration: 15minTrish Burgess, MD shares about our awesome God and how He is involved in our world to the smallest detail.
On Top of Your Trials
17/01/2019 Duration: 24minDave Stevens, MD shares from James about our outlook determines our outcome as we go through trials in life.
Ancient Boundries
10/01/2019 Duration: 26minBill Houck shares about respecting the sacrifice and wisdom of those who have gone before us that helped build the Faith.
Blessed 2 B Stressed
08/01/2019 Duration: 23minBryan Hall shares about facing the stressful situations in our lives and viewing them as opportunities to wait on the Lord.
in a little while
03/01/2019 Duration: 20minDick Morris shares about how anxious we get when we have to wait and what the Lord has to say about that.
Christmas is for Children
13/12/2018 Duration: 18minMike Chupp, MD shares about how the Kingdom of God is really designed for those with child-like faith.
Everyone Builds A Life
04/12/2018 Duration: 32minJohn Rinehimer shares about making sure we have a strong foundation for our lives because the storms are coming.
Radical Hospitality
13/11/2018 Duration: 22minDavid Stevens, MD shares from the book "The Gospel Comes with a House Key" about the vanishing of Christian Hospitality.
What's Your Goliath?
08/11/2018 Duration: 19minRay Amos shares from I Samuel about facing the giants in our lives and the All Powerful God who fights our battles for us.
Salt & Light
06/11/2018 Duration: 17minMike Pope shares about the power of Christian Influence in our world & that we must be seen & felt to have an effect on the lost.
Rest & Receive: Fall in Love w/Jesus
01/11/2018 Duration: 23minDerek Harden shares what the Lord has taught him about resting & receiving from God so you can serve without fear.
Worshipping Idols Unaware
30/10/2018 Duration: 20minGene Rudd, MD shares about the things in our lives that we sometimes can put before our relationship with God.
Restoring the Joy
25/10/2018 Duration: 15minBill Reichart shares from Luke 10:17-24 about How the Deep Satisfaction of the Gospel Brings Joy.