Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, the staff of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations gather for a time of worship, prayer and a challenging message. The following are messages of encouragement from our staff and guest speakers. The opinions expressed by guests in Chapel are not necessarily endorsed by the Christian Medical & Dental Associations. CMDA is a non-partisan organization that does not endorse political parties or candidates for public office.
Darkness: Not What You Think!
17/11/2015 Duration: 10minKayla Freeman shares about darkness and learning to rest in God's comforting control even in dark times.
Are You Well?
12/11/2015 Duration: 14minJeff Anderson shares about the story behind the hymn "It Is Well With My Soul" and how we can draw strength from it.
05/11/2015 Duration: 23minDick Morris shares from God's Word His promises that can help us overcome discouragement.
Letters From God
27/10/2015 Duration: 15minGene Rudd, MD shares about the importance of letters and how God wrote one to us.
The Prayer Closet
22/10/2015 Duration: 16minScott Price shares from Daniel 6:10-11 about planning to pray and praying thru a plan.
Jesus & the Old Testament
20/10/2015 Duration: 13minJamey Campbell shares about what Jesus told us regarding the Old Testament and what we should do with it.
The Armor of God
15/10/2015 Duration: 29minDavid Stevens, MD shares from Ephesians 6 about God's instructions for wearing His armor.
Let's Go For A Walk
13/10/2015 Duration: 21minJeff Anderson shares about trusting Jesus thru the example of Jesus and Peter walking on water.
Serving Faithfully in Obscurity
08/10/2015 Duration: 18minBill Houck shares about being faithful in service to God, whether you are recognized for it or not.
The God Who Sees, Hears, & Knows
06/10/2015 Duration: 13minBeth Barnett shares about our God who watches over each one of us and has a purpose for our lives.
Lessons I Learned From WaterSkiing
29/09/2015 Duration: 21minJeff Subra shares how waterskiing can be used as a demonstration to show our need to be connected to God.
The Mystery of Angels
24/09/2015 Duration: 11minDick Morris shares about entertaining angels and recounts a mysterious visit.
How Am I To Live By Grace?
22/09/2015 Duration: 16minDon Thompson, MD shares about how to live by grace while we continually fail to overcome our sins.
Hiding Stuff From God
17/09/2015 Duration: 17minScott Boyles shares from Acts 4 & 5 about being truthful to God and the consequences of being dishonest.
Jesus Is In The House
10/09/2015 Duration: 16minMike Pope shares from Mark 2:1-12 about the faith friends of the paralytic's demonstrated in bringing him to Jesus.
Notes from Romans
03/09/2015 Duration: 11minGene Rudd, MD shares what he is learning studying the book of Romans.
What Is Your Jericho?
01/09/2015 Duration: 15minKayla Freeman draws parallels between the Battle of Jericho in the Old Testament and the seemingly insurmountable obstacles we face today.
I Can't & I Don't
25/08/2015 Duration: 18minGene Rudd, MD shares about our struggles as followers of Christ to do the right things but also our failures to succeed in that.
Perfect Peace
20/08/2015 Duration: 17minAlan Davis shares from Psalm 37 about the five things we should do to receive Perfect Peace from God.