Nerd Nuptial



Checkout two married nerds and their slant on all things geek.Join The Girl and her husband, Tristan Riddell, as they delve deep into TV, Film, Nerd Culture, and everything in-between.


  • Episode 037 - Jungle Gym of Horror

    17/10/2016 Duration: 51min

    Store-bought Costumes vs Homemade and Favorite Halloween EpisodesIt's our third Halloween episode here on Nerd Nuptial and we couldn't be more excited. We open the show with a listener's question about the differences between a UK and US Halloween. This leads into our most embarrassing Halloween moments as well as having store-bought vs homemade costumes.We end the show with a conversation about our favorite Halloween specific sitcom episodes.What are some of your favorite sitcom episodes centered on Halloween?

  • Episode 036 - Somebody's Lil' Monster

    10/10/2016 Duration: 41min

    Halloween Costumes Then and NowOne of the best things about Halloween growing up was definately dressing up. From Princess Leia to Batman, Tristan and The Girl have done a lot of geek outfits. Tune in and hear stories of them discussing what it was like to be the only one as a mishapen Tin Man or Batman with a jacket. They also talk albout the grand plans they have for their future little girl and what that will intail for upcoming Halloweens.What has been your favorite costume? 

  • Episode 035 - Our Level of Scary

    03/10/2016 Duration: 48min

    Why We're Excited for HalloweenOctober is here and you know what that means! Fall colors, warm sweaters, and lots and lots of scary movie marathons. Your Nerd Nuptial duo loves the season and can't wait to discuss why the love the Halloween holiday with you. This is not a discussion of their favorite scary movies or what they are going to marathon, but rather what excites them about the season. They also discuss why they loved Halloween as children (outside of the candy) and why they might have stayed away from scary movies in general.What excites you most for this Halloween?Tell us at email us at

  • Episode 034 - Not Dolls. Action Figures.

    27/09/2016 Duration: 45min

    Representation Matters Onscreen and in LifeEven though we're a day late, the Nerd Nuptial pairing is back and ready to deliver this week's show. Whether it's onscreen, on TV, or especially in life, representation matters. They start the show talking about Rey's action figures and then move onto representation for young girls, specifically one they have in mind. They finish the episode with the trend #DescribeYourselfWith3Fictional characters.What are your 3 fictional characters?

  • Episode 033 - Dating Normies

    19/09/2016 Duration: 56min

    Dating Life for NerdsThe Girl and Tristan were asked a question by the hosts of Words with Nerds about nerd dating life. Did The Girl always date nerds? Did Tristan fool other girls into thinking that he was "normal"? Listen and you'll hear them answer these questions and a whole lot more. As well as talk about the benefits of dating someone like you.They start the show with a story about Tristan trying to reason with an unruly child.In your nerd dating life, do you hide who you are?

  • Episode 032 - And I'm Listening

    12/09/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    Review of One Mississippi and Our Favorite SitcomsLast week on Nerd Nuptial, we talked about what makes a great sitcom. The response from you guys was so great that we decided to continue our conversation but focus on our favorite sitcom shows of all time. Munsters, Addams Family, Frasier, That 70s Show, Titus, and Parks and Recreation. These are just a few of the shows we discuss this week. ?They start the show with a review of of Tig Notaro's new show, "One Mississippi."What are some of your favorite sitcoms?

  • Episode 031 - Cue the Laughter

    06/09/2016 Duration: 52min

    Being Raised on Sitcoms Then and NowIf you're a fan of this show, you most likely were raised on sitcoms in one form or another. Tristan and The Girl are no different. They reminisce about the glory that was TGIF, the choices we have today versus multicam and single cam, and how certain tropes keep getting recycled over and over. Some people seem to snub their nose at multicam sitcoms but The Girl and Tristan believe they have their place in history as well as in the present. That 70s Show, How I Met Your Mother, to Family Matters, Boy Meets World, and all the way back to Sanford and Son. Listen in and cue the laughtrack.They start the show discussing Captain America: Civil War home release.What are some of your favorite sitcom tropes?

  • Episode 030 - BWAAAAM

    29/08/2016 Duration: 01h06min

    Christopher Nolan RetrospectiveThe Girl once took Tristan aside when they were dating and said "My two favorite directors are David Fincher and Christopher Nolan". He kissed her on the spot and vowed to marry her one day. Flash forward ten years later and they are still together and talking about those two directors.They start the episode talking about how they celebrate David Fincher's birthday every year then move into an analysis of all of Nolan's movies. Christopher Nolan is a prolific director with a distinct style all his own. Drawing influences heavily from Kubrick and Malick, Nolan develops his movies into event films that draw you into the world he creates. Come with us as we go from the first to the latest of Christopher Nolan’s filmography. What’s your favorite Nolan movie?

  • Episode 029 - The Girl 2.0

    22/08/2016 Duration: 53min

    Favorite Badass Female Characters and a Special AnnouncementWe've been lucky in our lifetime to have some amazing and complex female characters in cinema and television.  Hollywood still has a long way to go when it comes to female representation but this week we discuss our favorite characters. You don't have to be a fighter or have a gun in your hand to be considered "badass" on our list.  Political thrillers, science fiction, fantasy, are genres that all have room for amazing and complex women characters. On top of all of these amazing female characters, The Girl and Tristan have a special announcement. Listen to find out. Also, give us your list of favorite strong female characters.

  • Episode 028 - Lack of Cartoons

    15/08/2016 Duration: 36min

    How Technology Affects a Nerd NuptialWhile on vacation, Tristan and The Girl record live from their hotel room on the lake. They sat down and hit record without knowing where the conversation was going to go. What ended up happening was an exploration of how technology can affect a marriage and also the importance of taking time for each other. Is it easy for you to spend too much time on the phone? When you pick something to watch do you think of your significant other while you do?How do you carve out time for your own nerd nuptial?

  • Episode 027 - Chilled Grape Soda

    08/08/2016 Duration: 58min

    ?Suicide Squad ReviewThis is the moment we've all been waiting for: Suicide Squad has been released. It is no secret that The Girl and Tristan are hardcore DC fans. When it comes to DC vs. Marvel they always throw down their loyalty and stand firm but did this push the limits? It's no secret that this movie has gotten horrible reviews and a vicious critical response. Did the critics go overboard? Did David Ayer have too much pressure to go big or go home? Regardless of all of that was it still entertaining? Listen and find out.?What did you think of Suicide Squad? 

  • Episode 026 - Stevie Wants Your V-Card

    01/08/2016 Duration: 52min

    Review of Netflix's Stranger ThingsNetflix has been known to produce fantastic material in the past. In fact, Tristan and The Girl's favorite show is a Netflix original. But no one saw this coming when Stranger Things was released and the world was wowed by it's quality. In this SPOILER filled review, Tristan and The Girl discuss what they loved about this 1980s horror/sci-fi throwback.What did you think of Stranger Things? Should there be a season 2?

  • Episode 025 - Frontier Done Pushed Back

    25/07/2016 Duration: 51min

    Star Trek Beyond Movie ReviewIt's finally here and Nerd Nuptial gets to talk about it. In this very SPOILER filled review, The Girl and Tristan take on the challenge of balancing epectation vs reality as well as fan service vs mass appeal. Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise are left with nothing but their wits and the help of a black and white badass. Was this movie all flash and no substance? Did Justin Lin and JJ Abrams deliver where Star Trek Into Darkness fell short? Listen to find out.What did you think of Star Trek Beyond?

  • Episode 024 - But I am the Chosen One

    18/07/2016 Duration: 42min

    Favorite Male/Female Platonic PairingsWe see so much of the "Will they or won't they" trope, but how much do we see the platonic pairing? This week on Nerd Nuptial, Tristan and The Girl discuss their favorite pairings that have no romantic interest in one another. They traverse the avenues of TV as well as film and also talk about the apparent lack of the female mentor.What are some of your favorite male/female non-romantic pairings?

  • Episode 023 - I Have Done Thy Mother

    11/07/2016 Duration: 53min

    Movies based on books and the hipsters who hate them40 to 50% of all movies made are based on books. How crazy is that? So when you have half of all movies that come from the leather bound world, you need to talk about it. That is just what The Girl and Tristan do in this week's episode. Sometimes you can read a book and then get disappointed in the movie. Other times it can be the reverse. The Nerd Nuptial duo go through several examples of how books into movies can be a rife minefield of surprise and disappointment.?What's an example of a book turned movie that surprised you?

  • Episode 022 - Serial Not Cereal

    04/07/2016 Duration: 48min

    Serialized Storytelling vs Episodic TelevisionThe Girl and Tristan love their serial TV, that's no secret. But has something been lost with the serial push by HBO, AMC, and other networks? The latest Star Trek show has been revealed to be an ongoing story. Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Lost, Mad Men and so many other of our greatest shows in the past ten years have been one long story. TV has become more like film and film has become more like TV.Will episodic television ever really go away? Does it need to? These are all questions that are discussed in this week's Nerd Nuptial. Is there a side you lean towards?

  • Episode 021 - Into the Light

    27/06/2016 Duration: 56min

    What's the last movie you want to watch before you die?So often we hear about the "Last Meal" but this week on Nerd Nuptial we talk about what our "Last Film" would be before we die. Tristan and The Girl both have very different thought processes on how this would work and some of their decisions might surprise you. They both end up in different places but the journey sounds awfully familiar.What's your answer?

  • Episode 020 - That's Cold, Georgie

    20/06/2016 Duration: 53min

    Happy Belated Father's Day!Celebrate Father's with Nerd Nuptial this year. The Girl and Tristan go back to their library and pull a list of movies that feature great (and not so great) movie dads. They start off the show remembering the late Anton Yelchin.Who are some of your favorite movie dads?

  • Episode 019 - Her and Her Whales

    14/06/2016 Duration: 49min

    Recommending Movies and TV and it's Inherent DangersWe all have done it and will continue to do it. All of us have had it done to us. That is recommend movies/TV to our friends and family and paid for it. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. Who's fault is it when something isn't enjoyed? The watcher or the recommender.We start the show with The Girl's journey into the original Star Trek films.What was recommended to you that you fell in love with or hated? 

  • Episode 018 - Poor Nic Cage

    06/06/2016 Duration: 01h43s

    Guilty Pleasure MoviesWe all have them but we rarely admit that we do. Even rarer is admitting what they actually are. Tristan and The Girl go down the list of all time Guilty Pleasure movies and some of the revelations might surprise you.The episode starts with a wish list of what would be ideal to see in the next Batman solo film.What are your guilty pleasure movies?

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