Podcast by Dinner and a Podcast
Episode 97- Most Expensivist Predator
24/09/2018 Duration: 02h01minEpisodes 97- The Most Expensivist Predator! This week on the show Steve hates a movie, Mike watches people maim themselves with hot oil, Sebby hosts a game show and Joe wins a prize he doesn’t want. And we talk about Solo too. Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @tonywolfness Al Rosado on instagram @aleroart Andrew Brookes at ht
Comic Book Corner Episode 15- DeathStroke Vs Batman
20/09/2018 Duration: 45minThis week Steve and Joe talk about the DC story arc, DeathStroke Vs. Batman. Some other books include: Justice league #7 Spider-Gwen 24-34 Cover #1
Episodes 96- Fall Movies And TV Lineups With Andrew Brooks!!!
17/09/2018 Duration: 02h15minEpisodes 96- Fall Movies and TV lineups with Andrew Brooks!!! This week on the show the boys Mike is back and we also have an amazing special guest! The one and only Andrew Brooks sits with us to talk about this years fall movies and fall TV lineup! Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @tonywolfness Al Rosado on instagram @aleroart Andrew Brookes at Amourabl
Comic Book Corner Episode 14-Hunt for Wolverine: Dead Ends
14/09/2018 Duration: 01h04minThis week Steve and Joe finally finish up the tie in issues of the hunt for Wolverine. They also discuss the rest of the books that they read during the week. Oblivion song 4-6 Damage 8 2 in 1 #7
Episode 95- Dear Hollywood, Leave these Movies Alone!
09/09/2018 Duration: 01h28minEpisodes 95- dear Hollywood, Leave These Movies Alone! This week on the show the boys talk about the movies that they never want to see remade! Sebby almost loses an eye and Joe watches some movies!! Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @tonywolfness Al Rosado on instagram @aleroart Andrew Brookes at Todd Nauck
Comic Book Corner Episode 13 - Scarlet #1 and Sandman Universe #1
06/09/2018 Duration: 52minThis week on the show we take a listener sugguestion and read Bedis' Scarlet #1. Steve also falls into the rabbit hole of the Sandman Universe #1 as well as the following titles: Amazing Spider-man #4 Joker vs Daffy Duck # 1 Avengers #6 Earth Vader #20 Die die #2 Action #1002 Please tell us what you want us to read and if you want to win the Avengers Blu Ray please tag yourself and three friends in a pic of you listening to the show on social media!!
Episodes 94- Things That We Collect, A Listener Request!
02/09/2018 Duration: 02h26minEpisodes 94- Things That We Collect, A Listener Request! This week on the show the boys talk about the things that they have collected since they were kids as well as things they started collecting as adults! Pumpkin Spice has invaded the show! And Steve might kill you over French Macaroons! Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @tonywolfness Al Rosado on instagram @aleroart Andrew Brookes at
Comic Book Corner Episode 12 - Marvel's: The Siege and Fantastic 4 #1
30/08/2018 Duration: 01h06minThis week we read a suggested comic by one of our biggest fans! Thanks to Phil for requesting we read Marvel's The Siege. We also discuss: Superman #2 Fantastic 4 #1 Hal Jordan #50 Injustice vs Masters of the Universe #2 Batman #53 Batman Kings of Fear #1 Red Hood and the Outlaws Batgirl
Episodes 93- Summer Fun and Our Most Memorable Vacations!
27/08/2018 Duration: 01h51minEpisodes 93- Summer Fun and our most memorable vacations! This week on the show the boys talk about their favorite summer memories and favorite spots to go on vacation! Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @tonywolfness Al Rosado on instagram @aleroart Andrew Brookes at Todd Nauck 9:49- News with Joe 29.43- Wast
Episode 92- Vacation Movies And A Box Of Legends!
19/08/2018 Duration: 01h40minSince all the guys are gong on vacation in the coming weeks we decided to talk movies about vacations! Also we got a special delivery from our friends over at Legend in my Spare Time Podcast that we opened on air! 9:09- News 21:48- Wasting Time 1:07:00 - Vacation Movies 1:31:00 Social Shit Time
Comic Book Corner Episode 11- Steve's Pull List vol. 2
16/08/2018 Duration: 50minJoe is out and about seeing the West Coast of the U.S. so you get a second solo Steve show where he talks about the comics in his pull list last week. They include the following books: Amazing Spider-Man #3 Marvel 2 in 1 The Thing and the Human Torch #7 & 8 Darth Vader #18 & 19 Justice League #5 Die Die Die! #1 Oblivion Song #3 Detective Comics #982-986
Episode 91- Name That Movie Score- Steve Vs Sebby!
13/08/2018 Duration: 01h49minEpisode 91- Name that Movie Score: Steve vs Sebby! This week on the show the boys have a showdown of sorts! Steve and Sebby go head to head in a game we call, What’s the Score. We also talk about bad Netflix movies, Stupid Drivers, and Steve almost makes Sebby pass out talking about medical procedures gone wrong in the Netflix documentary, The Bleeding Edge. Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @tonywolfness Al Rosado
Comic Book Corner Episode 10- DC Animated: Death Of Superman
08/08/2018 Duration: 50minThis week Steve and Joe talk about the newest DC Animated movie, Death of Superman and see how it compares to the famous comicbook run all those years ago. Other books discussed in this episode are: Avengers #5 Amazing Spider-Man 1 & 2 Action Comics 1001 Damage #6 Batman #52 Justice League #4 Wonder Woman #51 Astonishing X-Men 13 &14 Captain America #2 Cosmic Ghost Rider #2
Episode 90- Our Ultimate 90's Concert Lineups
06/08/2018 Duration: 01h56minEpisode 90- Our Ultimate 90's Concert Lineups This week on the show the boys discuss what their ultimate 90’s music lineup would be for their ultimate concert experience. Don’t worry, it's not all grunge!! We also talk about Teen Titans Go to the movies, Mission Impossible: Fallout, and Death of Superman! Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @tonywolfness Al Rosado on instagram @aleroart Andrew Brookes at andrewbrooks
Comic Book Corner Episode 9- Old Man Hawkeye: Eye for an Eye & Injustice vs Masters of the Universe
02/08/2018 Duration: 56minThis week Steve and Joe talk one of our newest favorites from Marvel Comics, Old Man Hawkeye. We briefly go through the first 7 issues of this beautiful drawn story and give it a quick review. We also talk about the James Gunn controversy for a second and discuss the books listed below as well! Enjoy and send us your feedback and requests!! Batman and Wonder Woman: The Brave and the Bold Batman #51 Damage #7 Immortal Hulk #3 Sideways #6 Weapon Lost #2 and #3 Cosmic Ghost Rider #1
Episode 89-San Diego Comic Con 2018 TV & Movie Trailers
30/07/2018 Duration: 01h36minThis week on the show the boys discuss many of the TV and Movie trailers that were released at the 2018 San diego Comic Con! Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @tonywolfness Al Rosado on instagram @aleroart Andrew Brookes at Todd Nauck 4:52- Wasting Time 46.30- News with Joe 54:21- San Diego Comic Con TV and Mo
Comic Book Corner Episode 8- Flash War And Luke Cage Season 2
25/07/2018 Duration: 55minThis week Joe and Steve talk about the DC event, Flash War and review the Netflix Marvel Series Luke Cage Season 2. Spoilers ahead but its been out a while so be careful. Other Books discussed: Superman #1 Amazing Spider-man #1 Oblivion Song #2 Hal Jordan #48 Hawkman #2 Justice League #3
Episode 88- Who Played It Better
23/07/2018 Duration: 01h37minThis week on the show the boys play a little game called “Who Played it Better?”, where we look at movie and TV characters that have been played by multiple actors/actresses and pick who played it better. Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @tonywolfness Al Rosado on instagram @aleroart Andrew Brookes at Todd Nauck
Comic Book Corner Episode 7- God Loves Man Kills & Batman #50
18/07/2018 Duration: 59minThis week Steve and Joe tackle their first ever fan request by reading and giving their thoughts on X-Men: God loves, Man Kills!! We also argue about Batman #50 and discuss the following books: Captain America #1 Catwoman #1 Immortal Hulk #2 Man Of Steel #6 Pestilence #2 Spider-Man #801
Episode 87- Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning: The Steven Pan Story
16/07/2018 Duration: 01h23minThis week on the show the Mike erupts and Steve doesn’t want to grow up! Sebby says inappropriate things about Japanese culture and Joe cultivates a horde of crickets! Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @tonywolfness Al Rosado on instagram @aleroart Andrew Brookes at Todd Nauck 3:52- News with Joe 28:48-Wasti