Podcast by Dinner and a Podcast
Comic Book Corner Episode 33- Justice League Annual #1 & Batman/Flash The Price #64
06/03/2019 Duration: 01h10minThis week we really enjoyed Justice League Annual #1 despite Joe never understanding this book! Books that we cover on this show: Heroes in Crisis #5 Justice League Annual #1 Batman #64 Flash #64 Death of Conan #3 Titans Annual #1 Uncanny X-Men #11 Action Comics #1007 Hawkman #8 Cemetery Beach #1 God of War #2-3
Episode 118 - And the Dinnie goes to?...... I Go Blind!
03/03/2019 Duration: 02h17sEpisode 118- And the Dinnie Goes To…...I Go Blind!! This week on the show, Steve goes full George Costanza at the gym and tries to rip off the Government. A real Smh moment!! Make sure to listen to all the shows in the IHOPnetwork!! Which include Aussie and the Pom, Not Another Nerdy Podcast, The Gooners Podcast, Dudes in ToyLand and Legend in my Spare Time. Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @tonywolfness Al Rosado
Episode 117- Backseat Driver.....Rocketman & The Dirt Trailer
25/02/2019 Duration: 02h01minThis week on the show, Steve gets Trumped real good, how Joe stays regular, and Sebby…….well, you’ll find out. Plus, the epic conclusion of “Did Marie murder Mike!” Make sure to listen to all the shows in the IHOPnetwork!! Which include Aussie and the Pom, Not Another Nerdy Podcast, The Gooners Podcast, Dudes in ToyLand and Legend in my Spare Time. Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @tonywolfness Al Rosado on instagr
Comic Book Corner 32- Man Without Fear #1-5
22/02/2019 Duration: 01h03minThis week is a Daredevil week! We take a look at the 5 issue Man Without Fear Series. Other Books discussed are: Man without fear #1-5 Umbrella Academy vol 1 Guardians of the Galaxy #1 Old Man Quill #1 Gun Hawks #1 Justice League 16 & 17 Superior Spider-Man #2 Immortal Hulk #12 Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1 Batman #63 Green Lantern #4 Marvel Knights #6 Girl in the Bay #1
Episode 116- Our Biggest Teenage TV Crushes!!
18/02/2019 Duration: 01h22minEpisode 116- Our Biggest Teenage TV Crushes!! This week on the show the boys remember the TV heartthrobs that really tickled their fancy when they were teenagers! Plus, did Marie kill Mike? Listen to find out! Make sure to listen to all the shows in the IHOPnetwork!! Which include Aussie and the Pom, Not Another Nerdy Podcast, The Gooners Podcast, Dudes in Toy Land and Legend in my Spare Time. Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wo
Comic Book Corner 31 - Bat Who Laughs #2
16/02/2019 Duration: 52minThis week on the show we spotlight The Batman Who Laughs #2 Spoilers for all of the following titles as well: Return of Wolverine #4 Superman #7 Conan #2 Turtles: Shredder in Hell #1 Detective Comics #996 John Wick #4 Amazing Spider-Man #13 Avengers #12
Episode 115- Super Bowl LIII Commercials and Trailers!!
11/02/2019 Duration: 01h57minThis week on the show the boys take a look at the commercials and movie trails that aired during the worst Super Bowl in the history of football. Hopefully they were better then the game!! Make sure to listen to all the shows in the IHOPnetwork!! Which include Aussie and the Pom, Not Another Nerdy Podcast, The Gooners Podcast, Dudes in Toy Land and Legend in my Spare Time. Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @tonywolf
Comic Book Corner 30- All Star Batman and Robin Boy Wonder
07/02/2019 Duration: 37minThis week on the show Steve and Joe take on another trade paper back! The winner of the twitter poll, All Star Batman and Robin Boy Wonder!
Episode 114- The First Annual Dinnie Awards.......Our Oscars!!
04/02/2019 Duration: 01h40minEpisode 114- The First Annual Dinnie Awards…..Our Oscars!! This week on the show the boys nominated their favorite movies,shows, actors and actresses in different catagories for the first annual Dinnie Awards. Yea thats the best name we could come up with Make sure to go vote on social media to pick the winners!!! Make sure to listen to all the shows in the IHOPnetwork!! Which include Aussie and the Pom, Not Another Nerdy Podcast, The Gooners Podcast, Dudes in Toy Land and Legend in my Spare Time. Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at an
Comic Book Corner 29- Heroes in Crisis #4
31/01/2019 Duration: 39minThis week on the show we continue to discuss Heroes in Crisis and its controversial art work. Other books that we discuss include: Batman #62 Justice League #15 Martian Man Hunter #2 Green Lantern #3 Stranger Things #4
Episode 113- Our Favorite T.V. Bad-Asses!!
28/01/2019 Duration: 01h38minThis week on the show the boys were inspired by Marvel Netflix The Punisher Season 2 to discuss their all time favorite TV bad-ass characters! What are you favorites? Make sure to listen to all the shows in the IHOPnetwork!! Which include Aussie and the Pom, Not Another Nerdy Podcast, The Gooners Podcast, Dudes in Toy Land and Legend in my Spare Time. Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @tonywolfness Al Rosado on in
Comic Book Corner Episode 28- Conan The Barbarian #1
25/01/2019 Duration: 37minThis week Steve and Joediscuss the new Jason Aaron book, Conan the Barbarian as well as these other fine titles: Injustice vs the Masters of the Universe #6 Conan the Barbarian #1 Old Lady Harley 1-3 Detective Comics #995 Marvel Knights #5 Action Comics #1006
Episode 112 - Shitters Full Vol 3: What a Rotten Birfday!
21/01/2019 Duration: 02h14minThis week on the show the boys had an all out good time. All the laughs were had on this Shitters Full episode. Joke of the week is going to be a real hard choice! Make sure to listen to all the shows in the IHOPnetwork!! Which include Aussie and the Pom, Not Another Nerdy Podcast, The Gooners Podcast, Dudes in Toy Land and Legend in my Spare Time. Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @tonywolfness Al Rosado on instag
Comic Book Corner Episode 27- Darth Vader #25 & Old Man Hawkeye Finale
18/01/2019 Duration: 01h09minIn this episode we finish up running down the Christmas break books! and we discuss Aquaman, Bumblebee, and Into the Spider Verse! Included Books: Wonder Woman #59 Detective Comics #994 Typhoid Fever Ironfist Daredevil #613 Marvel Knights #4 Spider Gwen: Ghost Spider #3 Darth Vader #25 X-Force #1 Defenders: Best Defense #1 Fantastic Four #5 Old Man Hawkeye #11-12 Deadman Logan #2 Die Die Die #6 Aquaman #43 Hawkman #7
Episode 111- A Simpsons Special With Guest Joe Zalak!!
14/01/2019 Duration: 02h11minEpisode 111 - A Simpsons Special with guest Joe Zalak This week on the show the boys are joined by a great friend, Joe Zalak, to discuss his favorite V show. The Simpsons!! We also get a phone call from Ralph and Mike tries to outwit a Walmart manager! Make sure to listen to all the shows in the IHOPnetwork!! Which include Aussie and the Pom, Not Another Nerdy Podcast, The Gooners Podcast, Dudes in Toy Land and Legend in my Spare Time. Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends:
Comic Book Corner Episode 26- Batman Damned #2, Dead Man Logan #2
10/01/2019 Duration: 54minWe took a couple of weeks off and came back strong with a split episode! Here is the first half of it and the books we covered!! Batman Damned #2 Batman Who Laughs #1 Justice League #14 Superman #6 Uncanny X-men 1-5 Amazing Spider-Man 11 & 12 Superior Spider-Man #1 Dead Man Logan #2 Die Die Die! #6 Batman Annual #3 Nightwing #53
Episode 110 - Hit or Miss Vol. 3: 2019 Movie Preview Show
07/01/2019 Duration: 01h54minThis week on the show the boys will take a look at all the big movie releases for the upcoming year and attempt to predict their Rotten Tomato Scores and if they will be a Hit or Miss next year!! We talk a little Aquaman, Birdbox and Mary Poppins Returns as well. Oh yea, Aaron Ramsey killed a lot of people! Maybe more than @Dizeobakes Make sure to listen to all the shows in the IHOPnetwork!! Which include Aussie and the Pom, Not Another Nerdy Podcast, The Gooners Podcast, Dudes in Toy Land and Legend in my Spare Time. Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at
Episode 109- 2018 A Year In Review!
24/12/2018 Duration: 01h57minEpisode 109 - 2018 A Year in Review!! First off, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of our amazing listeners! It has been such a fun year for us and it shows with the growing success of the show! We have gained so much support from new and existing fans and we are so very grateful! Keep listening, tell your friends to listen, and as always keep interacting with us! We love you guys! Happy New Year! See you in 2019! This week on the show the boys run down their favorite movies, literature, pop culture and TV shows from the past year! Steve and Joe got to see Aquaman, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse and Bumblebee and discuss those briefly with no spoilers! Please tell us what were your favorite things from 2018! Make sure to listen to all the shows in the IHOPnetwork!! Which include Aussie and the Pom, Not Another Nerdy Podcast, The Gooners Podcast, Dudes in Toy Land and Legend in my Spare Time. Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t h
Episode 108 - Our Favorite Holiday Movies!
16/12/2018 Duration: 01h40minEpisode 108 - Our Favorite Holiday Movies! This week on the show the boys run down their favorite Christmas movies, cartoons and specials….. What are your favorite holiday movies? Let us know! Make sure to listen to all the shows in the IHOPnetwork!! Which include Aussie and the Pom, Not Another Nerdy Podcast, The Gooners Podcast, Dudes in Toy Land and Legend in my Spare Time. Don’t miss our news segment, Joe’s Top 10 You Knows its!, as always We waste time so you don’t have to, talk this week's comics and see what our followers have to say during social shit time! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Instagram by searching Dinner and a Podcast Check out our website: Big thanks to all of our patrons!! If you would like to contribute to the show please check our Patron page at and see the awesome rewards you can receive. Check out our friends: Marie Dizeo on instagram @dizeobakes Tony Wolf on twitter @ton
Comic Book Corner Episode 25- Martian Man Hunter #1, Winter Soldier #1, MK20 #3 and Kickers INC
14/12/2018 Duration: 28minThis week was another big week for books! Here are the ones we discussed this week. Martian Man Humter #1 Red Hood and the Outlaws #29 Green Lantern #2 Justice League/Legion of Doom #13 Winter Soldier #1 Batman #60 Immortal Hulk #10 Marvel Knights #3 Injustice Vs Masters of the Universe #5 Kickers Inc. #9