Illustra Consulting is an Atlanta-based firm serving Fortune 500 companies and individual clients throughout the corporate and entrepreneurial world. The primary focus of Illustra Consulting is to coach and train the proprietary Predictable Promotion System™, a proven 10-step process for accelerating careers and earning promotions and salary increases within record time – despite fierce competition or challenging economic conditions.
Secrets to Stop Self-Sabotage: The Mindset Key to Higher Earnings and Career Success
27/09/2011 Duration: 09minUnfortunately many people remain stuck because they don’t DO anything to change how they think about themselves.
Finding the Courage Within to Advance Your Life
13/09/2011 Duration: 04minIn these uncertain times many otherwise powerful professionals are becoming paralyzed by fears and insecurities.
6 Leadership Development Steps to Get You to the Next Level
19/07/2011 Duration: 04minHere are six highly valuable steps to help you snag that next promotion, attain the next level of success, and be a more effective high performance leader.
Law of Attraction: Create a Brand Image that Communicates Success
13/07/2011 Duration: 13minThe law of attraction says that you attract into your life what you think about, dwell upon, get into action behind, or show to the world as you attempt to externally manifest your professional goals and passionate dreams to make them a reality. As the quote cited above says, 'we attract what we are'
12 Leadership Lessons from Dad to Help Me Play a Bigger Game
21/06/2011 Duration: 03minMy father showed such wonderful passion and commitment throughout his entire life, and Father’s Day is a great opportunity to remember beloved dads.
Define and Design Your Own Promotion
07/06/2011 Duration: 04minIn times like these I often have to gently nudge my clients who become too fatalistic, reminding them that they still hold the cards in terms of their ability to change their internal perspective.
Magnitude of Success: Get a running start on your career leap NOW!
24/05/2011 Duration: 05minIf you want to be the architect of your own destiny then you need to create your own blueprint.
Decoding 5 Unwritten Dress Code Rules That Can Make or Break Your Career
26/04/2011 Duration: 08minSenior decision makers and HR executives constantly confide in me that high potential candidates for promotions and leadership positions just do not exude the kind of image that will let them keep moving onward and upward.
Success Coaching: Stop Constructing Your Own Glass Ceiling!
12/04/2011 Duration: 06minAccording to the 2010 Catalyst Report, for example, only 37 percent of lower-level and middle managers are female, while women comprise only a scant 26 percent of vice-presidents and other senior managers at Fortune 500 companies.
Leading High Potentials into the Brilliant Zone to Play Their Biggest Game
15/03/2011 Duration: 03minThose who procrastinate in terms of human resource and leadership development will lose ground as more proactive competitors move to the forefront and seize the day to take the lead and score a win. But each of us has a unique potential to shine brighter. Here are three things every leader must do to help people enter that rarified “brilliance zone” of high performance and dynamic professional presence.
Game Changers: Women Empowering Women for Synergistic Success
01/03/2011 Duration: 08minIn response to the growing number of recent corporate downsizings many large companies have adopted an organizational structure that involves fewer layers and levels of corporate hierarchy than we saw during earlier decades.
Zigzag Your Way to the Top in 2011
14/02/2011 Duration: 08minIn response to the growing number of recent corporate downsizings many large companies have adopted an organizational structure that involves fewer layers and levels of corporate hierarchy than we saw during earlier decades.
Unleash Your Leadership Presence for a Value-Added Career
11/10/2010 Duration: 09minWith such hectic schedules we may not be taking the time each morning to really dress with intent, for instance, to adequately represent our personal brands.
Leadership Mindset: Getting Out of Your Own Way
27/09/2010 Duration: 10minMany leaders constantly sabotage their own professional and personal growth by simply getting in their own way.
Do Your Communication Smoke Signals Send A Strong (or the wrong) Brand Message?
10/09/2010 Duration: 08minCommunication today happens in a flash through the touch of a button with the capability of sending a message around the world – and throughout your office or industry – in the blink of an eye. Gone are the good ole days where you used to actually read or write a formal letter.
2010 Fall Fashion Fever: Best Trends for Women Leaders
01/09/2010 Duration: 14minProfessional businesswomen aspiring to step up their images and make their personal brands shine under the leadership spotlight need to understand which fashion trends are appropriate for the business environment – and how to incorporate them into ensembles that convey professional expertise. Do that and your image will help you become a recognized celebrity within your particular profession or industry.
Fall 2010 Trends for the Professional Businessman
24/08/2010 Duration: 10minIn the past most men didn’t view their visual image as important for portraying a positive personal and corporate image. But things have changed and this is an entirely new business era.
Brand Essentials: Every Leader’s Image-Critical Messaging Tools
03/08/2010 Duration: 08minThese “little essentials” are powerful and persuasive tools that constantly communicate your personal brand to everyone you meet – for better or for worse.
Five Expert Tips for Getting the Perfect Branded Headshot
20/07/2010 Duration: 08minEvery professional needs to have several great headshot photos in their personal branding toolkit.
Wedding Guest Etiquette: 5 Essential Tips
06/07/2010 Duration: 08minMany people seem to have forgotten basic manners and protocol when attending social functions.