America's best podcast for learning how today's top business owners Think, Act, & Achieve. Onward Nation is a five-day-a-week podcast hosted by Stephen Woessner, CEO of Predictive ROI. Business owners share the most influential lessons learned throughout their careers, including insights into their daily habits, their most vital priorities that have contributed to their business and personal success, and the most challenging time or situation that could have devastated or even ruined their businesses or careers. Business owners share their "recipes for success" including those systems they wish they had put into practice inside their business when first starting out. Each episode concludes with guests sharing two or three practical and tactical strategies they would recommend to brand new business owners in order to best ensure success in their new business and careers. Onward Nation provides business owners with the strategies and tactical step-by-step "recipe" that will help anyone make their business more systematic, predictable, measurable, and repeatable.
Episode 7: How to turn a hard knocks failure into valuable education and success, with Marty Wolff
19/06/2015 Duration: 38minEntrepreneur, business coach and business journalist. President of Marty Wolff Business Solutions. Secret -- timesaving technique It’s all about the fundamentals. Observe the practice, write down your goals, and try to review them on a regular basis. Get your heart and mind behind your goals. ONWARD! Daily habit that contributes to success A morning routine initiated by a brief prayer. Immediately after prayer, Marty reviews his goals, creates a concise to-do list, and continually checks his progress throughout the day. Could have ruined your business -- but now -- an invaluable learning experience Success at a young age gave Marty a sense of invincibility. He decided to go into a struggling retail business with the idea of reinventing the organization. He ultimately failed by hanging on too long. Most critical skill you think business owners need to master to be successful “To thrive in the current business environment you have to read, keep learning, and continually absorb information to feed the mind.” Mo
Episode 6: How to prepare for growth and keep your team ahead of the curve, with Stacy Tuschl
18/06/2015 Duration: 23minStacy Tuschl is a speaker, business coach, and the owner of The Academy of Performing Arts in Wisconsin. She is the author of the forthcoming book, Is Your Business Worth Saving?, where she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success. Secret -- timesaving technique Do everything you can to prepare for tomorrow before you go to bed tonight! Daily habit that contributes to success Delegate -- but -- follow-up to check in on progress without micro-managing -- by scheduling a series of specific, regularly occurring checkpoint meetings each week. Could have ruined your business -- but now -- an invaluable learning experience Stacy tells her story of trying to keep her head above water at the time her business began to grow quickly -- so she hired several people without having a plan or management team in place -- all of which compounded in more problems. She was forced to learn how to onboard, train, and delegate...quickly! Most critical skill you th
Episode 5: How continuous, life-long learning adds ROI to your business, with David Long
17/06/2015 Duration: 43minSpeaker, Author, Successful CEO and Student of the Game of Business. Founder/CEO of MyEmployees, a 26 year-old firm in the Top 1% Worldwide in the Employee Engagement and Recognition industry. Subscribe to Onward Nation! Secret -- timesaving technique Take your skill set, and the skill sets of your team, to the next level by reading every day. What started as 30-minutes a day has morphed into three to four hours. This recipe has resulted in David being able to build an incredible team and he now takes 25 weeks of vacation a year. ONWARD! Daily habit that contributes to success Get up early and then jump start your day with prayer and thoughtful learning while everything is quiet and the distractions are minimal. Could have ruined your business -- but now -- an invaluable learning experience David, with full transparency, shares the story of when two people (a family member and close friend) copied David’s business. David battled through the betrayal, the lost sales, and the competitive struggles. I
Episode 4: Success vitals for launching your podcast, with Joel Boggess and Dr. Pei Kang
16/06/2015 Duration: 40minReLaunch – Become Known in Your Niche – podcasts and resources to inspire entrepreneurial confidence, maximize visibility and promote business growth. Founders Joel and Dr. Pei. Secret -- timesaving technique Technique learned from Darren Hardy, publisher of SUCCESS Magazine -- schedule a “90-minute Jam Sessions” to work on your most vital priorities. Daily habit that contributes to success Consistently working out / fitness has been a game-changer because it provides the energy to carry out what needs to be done. Could have ruined your business -- but now -- an invaluable learning experience Joel produced eight podcasts before The Relaunch Show took off. All of those lessons of what not to do contributed to Relaunch becoming the massive success it is today. But it took determination to work through those painful lessons learned in online marketing, business systems, and how to build a strategy to reach the right audience. Most critical skill you think business owners need to master to be successful Business
Episode 3: How to interview the uber successful, build an empire, and dominate your market, with Stacey Alcorn
11/06/2015 Duration: 44minStacey is an entrepreneur, author, business owner, attorney, blogger, and mom. Stacey’s keynotes, blogs, and radio show continue to offer a compelling message about defining and achieving your dreams. Secret -- timesaving technique Wake up early (4:00 to 4:30 a.m.) because by the time 8:00 a.m. hits -- the day is no longer your own. It belongs to your clients, employees, meetings, etc. During those early hours -- focus on several key priorities that are necessary for you to “win the day”. Daily habit that contributes to success Never focus on the immediate results. Could have ruined your business -- but now -- an invaluable learning experience In 2005 - 2006 the real estate market changed. Stacey went from having it all -- to having to sell it all in order to keep her business afloat. She sold her house, sold her cars, and moved into one of her investment properties. She then dug in, used the right affirmations, and has since battled back to success! “The stories in our head become the stories of our life
Episode 2: Greatness comes from doing the common things uncommonly well, with Don Yaeger
11/06/2015 Duration: 38minDon Yaeger is a nationally acclaimed inspirational speaker, longtime Associate Editor of Sports Illustrated and author of 24 books, eight of which have become New York Times Best-sellers. Secret -- timesaving technique We simply need to do the common things uncommonly well. Don’s success comes from his ability to delegate to his team of 18 employees around him. Daily habit that contributes to success Read something positive in the early morning “before the world gets into my head.” And that led to the creation of Don’s “Daily Dose of Greatness”. Could have ruined your business -- but now -- an invaluable learning experience Don tells the painful story of when a close family friend, who also served as the office manager of his company, stole over $300,000 from his business. Don and his family had to deal with the betrayal, unpaid expenses, taxes, etc. that she had not paid. A near crippling situation -- but Don and his team persisted and made it through. Most critical skill you think business owners need t
Episode 1: How to create distinction and attract customers, with Scott McKain
03/06/2015 Duration: 44minMcKain’s keynote presentations benefit from three decades of experience, combined with his innate talent for articulating successful ideas. McKain has spoken before and consulted for the world’s best companies. Secret -- timesaving technique “There are no secrets to success -- but there are systems.” Scott shares his insights including how to understand your best way to learn and create the right system for you. Daily habit that contributes to success Scott shared a daily habit he learned during dinner with Zig Zigler. Could have ruined your business -- but now -- an invaluable learning experience Scott shares the excruciatingly painful story of losing his wife to a battle with ovarian cancer -- and how it would have been easy to quit the business -- but Scott made the decisions and fought through the financial devastation -- and moved his business onward. Most critical skill you think business owners need to master to be successful Learn how to create distinction in the marketplace and attract loyal, mor