This show is about the amazing stories of world-class multi-millionaire and billionaire founders , how they started and how they succeeded. Founder Stories include the founders of Facebook(Mark), Linked-in(Reid), WhatsApp(Jan), Ben and Jerry Ice creams(the name says it), Instagram(Kevin), Amazon(Jeff), Pandora(Tim), Hershey Chocolates(Milton) and more.You will hear their struggles and seemingly insurmountable problems and how they emerged victoriously, so you too can succeed as a founder.
071: TiVo - From a tiny scrappy startup to a billion dollar startup
28/03/2019 Duration: 31minMike Ramsay and Jim Barton had a Home automation idea, which didn't work out. They switched to another idea and TiVo was born. Giant media companies tried to stop them, yet they came out successful and sold it for $1+ billion. Let's see how they did it.
070: In-N-Out Burger -From a poor food delivery boy to a multi-billion-dollar restaurant icon
07/03/2019 Duration: 28minHarry and Esther, who grew up poor started a small burger stand. It grew to 300 stores and developed a cult following. Now it is valued at more that a billion dollars. Holy Yummy, How did they do it. Let's check it out.
069: OpenTable - A business which almost failed to an astonishing billion dollar business
20/12/2018 Duration: 24minWhile Chuck saw his wife struggling for hours to get a reservation at a restaurant, He hit upon a business idea. OpenTable was born. He struggled but finally he sold it for $2+ billion. Bingo Bango , how did he do it, Let us check it out.
068: Gordon Ramsay - A poor boy with abusive childhood to a world-famous multi-million dollar restaurant icon
25/10/2018 Duration: 30minGordon Ramsay was born poor and grew up in abusive situations. But this didn't deter him. He rose to become a world-famous chef and media personality. Holy mango Pudding!, Let us see who he did it.
067: -Rising from multiple failures to becoming a multi-millionaire at a very young age
20/09/2018 Duration: 33minAaron Levie dropped out of college and started box. He was getting crushed by big players like Google and Microsoft. Yet, he overcame all this, took Box public and became a multi-millionaire at a very young age. Holly Fruit Cake,Let us see how he did it.
066: Wrigley's Gum - A school dropout to one of the world's richest man
16/08/2018 Duration: 30minWilliam Wrigley, Jr.was a school dropout but after many failures, he started Wrigley’s Chewing Gum and grew it to one of the world's largest chewing gum producer and became one of the world's richest man. Holy Lemon Pie. Let's check out how he did it.
065: Craigslist - From a poverty stricken poor boy to a multi-millionaire internet icon
26/07/2018 Duration: 32minCraig Newmark started Craigslist as a part-time hustle while working full-time. It grew and soon became one of the iconic brands in the world and made this poor kid a multi-millionaire. Holy Banana Pudding, Let's check out how he did it.
064: Noah's Bagels: From Selling on the streets to a Multi-million dollar Bagel chain founder.
21/06/2018 Duration: 23minNoah Alper started selling stuff on the streets and later on started Noah's Bagels with a single store in California and built it into a chain of multiple stores, ultimately selling it for $90+ million. Holy Yummy Pie , Let us check out how he did it.
063: Huffington Post - The rise of a poor girl who could barely speak English to a Media Mogul
07/06/2018 Duration: 39minArianna Huffington grew up in a poor family where money was scarce. She faced many failures, rejections, and heartbreaks. Yet, how did she start and sold Huffington Post for 300+ million? Let us check it out.
062: Kate Spade Fashions - From a scared salesgirl to a multi-million dollar Fashion empire
24/05/2018 Duration: 33minKate and Andy Spade put in all their savings and borrowed from credit cards to create a different kind of handbags. They almost failed, but eventually grew into a multi-million dollar Fashion empire. Holy Lemon Pie, Let us check it out!.
061: Hotmail - An immigrant with less than $300 in his pocket to becoming a multi-millionaire.
10/05/2018 Duration: 27minSabeer was working as a programmer and had a personal problem with accessing his email. He started Hotmail and it grew fast. Microsoft came calling and he sold it for $300+ million.
060: Patagonia - A poor boy living on 50 cents a day to a Billionaire
26/04/2018 Duration: 40minYvon Chouinard grew up poor, dropped out of high school and was a failure in life. Accidentally,he started a business and it grew wildly and he became a billionaire. Holy Mango Pie. Let us check out how he did it
059: TripAdvisor - Building a business from personal problem to selling it for $100+ million
12/04/2018 Duration: 40minTripAdvisor is a great site to plan and book a perfect trip. Steve, the founder did not get the idea in a bath tub, He had his own problem, couldn't find a solution. He built it and sold it for $100+ million. Bingo Bango,Let us check out, how he did it.
058: Baby Einstein - How a stay-at-home mom started a business by accident and became a multi-millionaire
21/12/2017 Duration: 41minJulie was a mother of two. She created a product for her kids called Baby Einstein. but then others liked it and she was accidentally pulled into creating a multi-million dollar business. Let us see how she did it.
057: iContact - How Ryan became a multi-millionaire at a young age
16/11/2017 Duration: 39minRyan had a dream of starting a company and becoming a multi-millionaire while he was young. He ran out of money and faced many personal tragedies. Did he succeed? I am sure you know the answer by reading the headline. Let us check out how he did it.
056: Chick-fil-a Restaurants - A poor boy with just a high school education to a billionaire
09/11/2017 Duration: 52minTruett Cathy , the founder of Chick-fill-a grew up dirt-poor and in utter poverty. He focused his life on truly serving people and he rose from a poor boy living in poverty to a billionaire. How did he do it. Let us find out.
055: Cranium - Quitting a stressful software job to starting a $70+ million dollar gaming company
31/08/2017 Duration: 41minRichard quit his stressful software job and tried to become a DJ. He failed miserably. He got an idea for a board game. None of the stores wanted to carry it. He figured out solutions and finally sold Cranium for $70+ million. Let's check how he did it.
054: - A web developer with no connections to selling it to Google for multiple millions.
24/08/2017 Duration: 37minWe all know Evan Williams who was one of the founders of Twitter. Way way back before Twitter, he had started Pyra, but created by accident and in 2003, sold it to Google for multiple millions. Let us check out this fascinating story.
053: Zumba - An immigrant who didn't know English to a multi-million dollar eclectic fitness empire
17/08/2017 Duration: 40minBeto had a passion for dance and later immigrated to America to bring Zumba, his dance fitness to America . He did not have a place to sleep and faced many hardships and rejections . Yet ,How did he build this multi-million dollar company ?. Let us check it out.
052: - Two college dropouts selling their company for $90+ million
10/08/2017 Duration: 35minBrian and Matt had a simple idea of enabling anyone to search for family history across centuries. Initially they did not have this idea, but found it from their users. They sold this company for $90+ million. Holy Waffle, Let us check out how they did it.