HEALTHY FAMILY CONNECTIONS addresses the many dilemmas facing parents, couples and kids, offering out of the box solutions that empower listeners to confidently meet their parenting challenges.Being a family in our era is challenging under the best of circumstances. Parents contend with a culture in transition and competing ideas for parenting. Neil Brown, author of parenting hit Ending the Parent-Teen Control Battle, is a master family therapist with a talent for providing clarity amidst the confusion, addressing common concerns as well as serious problems.
Sisters Who Won’t Get Along
15/11/2016 Duration: 11minFamily gatherings are the hallmark of the holidays. If there are sibling issues in our families, the holidays can be a time when they surface and we may feel anxiety about this. In this episode Neil gives insight and instruction to the mother of two teenage+ daughters who won’t get along.
What To Expect From the Healthy Family Connections Podcast
08/11/2016 Duration: 05minIn this first podcast, Neil gives context for this podcast series. We all want our families to be healthy and happy. We aren’t always prepared for the inevitable challenges to creating this health and happiness. This podcast provides practical guidance for creating, and sustaining, healthy dynamics in your family, dealing with the way the world is changing around us and the uniqueness each of us brings to our family.
How Much Screen Time is Healthy?
08/11/2016 Duration: 05minOur question in this podcast comes from Jess, from Oakland, California. Jess asks, “How can we set aside screen time, without constantly arguing about it?” Neil provides a way to think about screen time and how to deal effectively with the behaviors that surround it.