Kensington Unitarians



Kensington Unitarians meet to share experiences, to learn from each other, to explore our diverse faiths, to welcome spiritual seekers and offer companionship on life's journey.


  • Carpe Diem

    05/02/2012 Duration: 28min

    Sermon by Harold Lorenzelli: "Our very own Harold, church trustee and long-standing stalwart of the choir, will be leading the first service in February. Harold promises a look at why it's important to make the most of today." From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 5th February 2012.

  • Charles Dickens - His Social Message

    29/01/2012 Duration: 27min

    Sermon by Rev. Sarah Tinker: "2012 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Dickens, one time member of Essex Street Chapel. This service will celebrate his writings with their oft times contemporary message of the need for social justice." Featuring readings by Antony Bunsee. From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 29th January 2012.

  • Home

    22/01/2012 Duration: 30min

    Sermon by Rev. Sarah Tinker: "Home can be a powerful image for us humans. What does it mean to feel 'at home' in the world and how can a church community assist us in building a sense of belonging wherever life may lead us?" Featuring short reflections from Michaela von Britzke, Tristan Jovanović, Carole Grace, and a reading given by Harold Lorenzelli. From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 22nd January 2012.

  • Can You Know That is True?

    15/01/2012 Duration: 26min

    Sermon by Rev. Sarah Tinker: "Based partly on the work of Byron Katie we will use this question - 'Can You Know That is True?' - to explore what truth means and why we value it." From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 15th January 2012.

  • William Tyndale - Lost in Translation

    08/01/2012 Duration: 22min

    Sermon by Tristan Jovanović: "A multilingual service about the birth of the English Bible, the strife it caused and the peace we long for in the New Year." From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 8th January 2012.

  • Farewell and Welcome

    01/01/2012 Duration: 17min

    This interactive small-group worship for New Year's Day included a simple ritual to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new. It features readings given by Jo Ridgers. From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 1st January 2012.

  • Christmas Carol Service

    18/12/2011 Duration: 32min

    A selection of readings and carols from our Christmas carol service. Featuring readings by Sarah Tinker, Tristan Jovanović, Harold Lorenzelli, and John Hands. From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 18th December 2011.

  • Let There Be Light

    11/12/2011 Duration: 05min

    Celebrating precious warmth and light at this dark time of year. From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 11th December 2011.

  • Comforting the Afficted

    04/12/2011 Duration: 19min

    Excerpts from a service of readings led by members of the congregation: "The festive season can be a difficult time for many who, for whatever reason, feel unable to join in with the jollity that society seems to require of us at this time of year. In this service, we hope to offer words of comfort to those who are feeling low, and also offer a reminder that each of us has something worthwhile to offer to others who are in need." Featuring readings from David Francis Darling, Michaela von Britzke, Juliet Edwards, Tristan Jovanović and John Hands. From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 4th December 2011.

  • Advent

    27/11/2011 Duration: 15min

    Sermon by Rev. Sarah Tinker: "Advent is traditionally described as a time of waiting. Today we will be considering the value of pausing in life, of taking stock of what has been and what is now and that which is to come." From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 27th November 2011.

  • Defenders of Faith?

    20/11/2011 Duration: 20min

    Sermon by Rev. Sarah Tinker: "At the start of Inter-faith Week here in Britain this service will celebrate the part Unitarians play in encouraging inter-faith dialogue and explore what we can learn from such connections with other people of faith." From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 20th November 2011.

  • Remembrance Sunday

    13/11/2011 Duration: 24min

    Sermon by Rev. Sarah Tinker: "In our traditional Remembrance Sunday service we will pay tribute to all those who have lost their lives in warfare and to the efforts people have made throughout history both to avert war and to help heal the wounded and broken." Featuring readings by John Hands and Jim Corrigall. From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 13th November 2011.

  • Seeking the Spiritual in Western Painting

    06/11/2011 Duration: 27min

    Service by Sarah Tinker and Heidi Ferid: "The history of western art has been profoundly shaped by the search to express the spiritual. In this service we will explore this history and the links between art and spirituality." From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 6th November 2011.

  • All Souls

    30/10/2011 Duration: 20min

    Sermon by Rev. Sarah Tinker: "On this Sunday closest to All Souls' Day and the Day of the Dead, we will be remembering loved ones who have died, and reflecting on the ways in which we may continue to feel their presence in our lives." Featuring a reading given by Gina Bayley. From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 30th October 2011.

  • Patriotism, Prejudice and Love

    23/10/2011 Duration: 15min

    Sermon by Caroline Blair: "This service was led by the chair of our congregation, Caroline Blair, who says: 'We need to find a liberal, inclusive way of being proud of our roots.'" From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 23rd October 2011.

  • Our Harvest Festival

    16/10/2011 Duration: 21min

    Sermon by Rev. Sarah Tinker: "There'll be chance to give thanks for the earth's bounty in this ancient autumn festival, which will also link in with One World Week, a charity long supported by Unitarians. This service also features a celebrity marrow." From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 16th October 2011.

  • It's All About Trust

    09/10/2011 Duration: 23min

    Sermon by Rev. Sarah Tinker: "Wise beings throughout the ages have reminded us of the importance of trusting in the face of life's uncertainties. Through stories, meditations and other spiritual exercises this service will help us to consider the value of trust in our lives." From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 9th October 2011.

  • Songs of the Spirit

    02/10/2011 Duration: 20min

    Sermon by Rev. Sarah Tinker: "Music has often played a central part in religious life. Join us today for a musical feast as well as time for peaceful reflection." Featuring a reading by Veronica Needa. From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 2nd October 2011.

  • Love and Krishna Consciousness

    25/09/2011 Duration: 21min

    Service led by Sarah Tinker with Prashant Joshi: "For this service we welcomed Prashant who told us more about his faith and led us in a meditation on universal love where all beings are connected in the oneness of the Supreme." Featuring a reading from Harold Lorenzelli. From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 25th September 2011.

  • Loving Our Enemies

    18/09/2011 Duration: 23min

    Sermon by Rev. Sarah Tinker: "Those of us who attended our recent course on compassion struggled with the final exercise to 'love our enemies'. How might we bring this demanding practice into our daily lives?" From a service at Essex Church, Home of Kensington Unitarians, on 18th September 2011.

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