Ninja Jill Knows

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 88:56:07
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Listen in as Jill, your Personal Strategist and Energetic Ninja shares tools and techniques to create the life that you desire and the business that you truly want. Each episode will provide you with strategic and energetic tips and tricks to live the life you truly want by shifting your mindset, exploiting your skillsets and focusing on your Soulset©. You will discover how to save more time, energy and effort while focusing on your purpose and the call of your soul.


  • Episode 384: What is Your Energy Like?

    10/07/2021 Duration: 12min

    What is your energy like?  How are you feeling mentally, physically and spiritually? Listen in to find out why it is so important to take care of your mental, physical and spiritual energy every day so that you can create more of what you want in your life.  I share my story of how this practice changed my life and how it can impact yours too! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill:  To sign up for the weekly email, visit Learn more about the powerful spiritual mindset tool Ho'oponopono here. When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning again and to feel seen and supported, check it out! I'd love to connect on Instagram with you! Follow along in my stories

  • Episode 383: The Second Half

    06/07/2021 Duration: 13min

    The second half gives you the opportunity to shift what you are doing, what you are thinking and what matters most to you. You get to assess where you are at and what you want next based on where you have been. The second half is a real gift. Right now, it is the second half of 2021 but the second half could be of the month you are currently in, the week or even the day. At any point, you can choose to create a shift in the second half. Listen in! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill:  To sign up for the weekly email, visit Learn more about the powerful spiritual mindset tool Ho'oponopono here. When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning again and to fe

  • Episode 382: Just because it is the Right Thing, Does Not Mean it is Easy

    06/06/2021 Duration: 13min

    I am sure you know the feeling. That knowing that you have to do something but you do not really want too. Maybe it is fear holding you back, maybe it will shift you out of your comfort zone and you don't want that or maybe it is not something you ever thought you would have to do.  Just because it is the right thing to do, it doesn't mean that it will easy or that you will like it. It is important though to follow that knowing and take the next step. Listen in! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill:  To sign up for the weekly email, visit Learn more about the powerful spiritual mindset tool Ho'oponopono here. When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meanin

  • Episode 381: Why it is Important to Reflect on Your Day

    04/06/2021 Duration: 13min

    How do you end your day? Most days, are you relieved that it is over? Do you have a nighttime routine? Do you reflect on your day? In this episode, I share how my approach to life changed when I began reflecting on my day. I focus on what went well, what didn't go as well and what needs to change in the days to come. I know that this routine has not only improved my mindset but it also has helped me achieved my goals faster. Listen in! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill:  To sign up for the weekly email, visit When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning again and to feel seen and supported, check it out! I'd love to connect on Instagram with you! F

  • Episode 380: Things Have a Way of Working Out

    31/05/2021 Duration: 12min

    Focus on the good. Look for the gift. Remember that the universe has your back. Things have a way of working out.  They really do. Sometimes though it is very hard to see it in the moment and sometimes it takes years to figure out why that happened and how it served you. Remember though, things do have a way of working out no matter how hard they are. I am sure that if you think about, you have examples in your life where this has happened. You thought things were falling apart when in actuality, they were falling together. Listen in for more.  Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill:  To sign up for the weekly email, visit When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way t

  • Episode 379: A Quick Boost in the Energy of Abundance

    28/05/2021 Duration: 13min

    Whether you are new to Feng Shui or you have got all of the cures in place, you can most definitely use these tips to boost the abundance energy in your home (and your life).  These are quick and easy Feng Shui cures to get the energy flowing in the 3 abundance areas in your home based on the Bagua Map.  Listen in to find out how you can shift the energy of abundance in your space and your life. Let's get that energy flowing! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill:  To sign up for the weekly email, visit When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning again and to feel seen and supported, check it out! I'd love to connect on Instagram with you! Follow alon

  • Episode 378: Getting the Most Out of Your Day

    25/05/2021 Duration: 18min

    Are you wanting to use your time more effectively each day?  Do you desire to get more of what you truly want done so you can achieve those dreams, desires and goals?  Would you love to be more energized than drained at the end of the day?  In this episode, I share the tools that I use to achieve more of my dreams, desires and goals, how to move my life forward each day in a meaningful way and how to ensure that I am always filling my mental, physical and spiritual energy tank. Listen in! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill:  To sign up for the weekly email, visit When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning again and to feel seen and supported, che

  • Episode 377: Staying Focused on the Good

    21/05/2021 Duration: 14min

    This can be one of the easiest things to do when everything is going well in your life and one of the hardest things to do when things are not going well.  But, focusing on the good in both circumstances is so important. When things are going well, it is a beautiful way to express gratitude and appreciation and attract more good things into your life.  When things are not going as well and you are moving through a hard season, finding the good in a bad situation, not only shifts your perspective, it also changes how you are feeling and what you will choose to do next.  It is so important to feel it all when you are going through hard things and it is also important to look for the gifts in it all too. Listen in! Listen in to find out why our words matter so much in the lives of others and how sharing these positive messages can change our life too.  Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired we

  • Episode 376: What Do You Need to Do to Create a Shift?

    18/05/2021 Duration: 13min

    Sometimes, we have to consciously create a shift in our lives by focusing on what we need specifically for our mental, physical and spiritual energy.  When you become more aware of your energy and figure out why you might be feeling overwhelmed, tired or lacking purpose, you can then take specific actions to increase your mental, physical or spiritual energy. (I share some of my favorite ways to boost all three of these types of energy in the podcast.) By being conscious of your energy, you not only change how you are feeling and what you are doing but you are able to create more of what you truly want each day.  Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill:  To learn more about Ho'oponopono, click here.  If it is time to get the energy flowing in your house with Feng Shui, you can learn more here. To sign up for the weekly email, visit www

  • Episode 375: Lift Someone Up Today

    08/05/2021 Duration: 11min

    The power of your words is something that you will never really know. We must all use our words more to lift someone else up. I cannot count how many times I have received a message in the exact moment that I need it from someone who has read my book, listened to this podcast, taken one of my online programs or follows my posts on social media. It will show up right when I need it. When I am doubting myself, questioning what I should do next, wondering if I should continue and if all I am doing is actually creating an impact, that this unexpected message will lift me back up. It will remind me why I started, remind me why this message is important and remind me to keep going on this journey that I feel called too.  Your words matter. Your words can be used to lift someone else up. Today, I challenge you to send someone who has impacted you in a positive way a message about why they have inspired you in your life. You might just be the messenger that they need right this moment.  Listen in to find out why our

  • Episode 374: One Thing at a Time

    05/05/2021 Duration: 12min

    For most of us, we have a list of things that we want to shift in our life, change or do more of on a daily basis. We know that these things would contribute to creating more of what we truly want in our life in all areas from our abundance, to our relationships, to our work and our health and well-being. Sometimes though, the list has enough things on it that it almost feels insurmountable and instead of changing one thing at a time, we do nothing instead.  I know this has happened to me. Has it happened to you too?  Listen in to find out how to create more of what you want, check those things off your list and create the best motivation and momentum to make it happen! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill:  To sign up for the weekly email, visit When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meanin

  • Episode 373: It is NOT for Them

    29/04/2021 Duration: 11min

    This is YOUR life.  Your journey is NOT for them. Stop waiting for permission. Stop waiting for the right support. Stop waiting for someone to be as excited about a possibility as you are.  This is YOUR journey, not theirs. They will never feel as strongly about your path as you will. Their opinions are based on their life and their journey, not yours. STOP living for them and START living for YOU! Listen in to find out why you need to start doing this right now! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill:  To sign up for the weekly email, visit When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning again and to feel seen and supported, check it out! I'd love to connect

  • Episode 373: Your Journey is NOT for Them

    29/04/2021 Duration: 11min

    Have you ever been so excited about a new idea or an inspired plan and then your excitement was squashed by someone else's opinion or lack of support? I am pretty sure that this has happened to all of us at some point. All of a sudden, the excitement fades a little, the fear creeps in, and the doubt in ourselves rises. The idea and plan no longer seem as possible and we begin to question if we should continue or even begin.  If you have experienced this or are experiencing this right now, you need to remember this:  Your journey is NOT for them.  It is your life. Their opinion should not dictate how you feel about something and what you choose to do. If you feel called to take action, take that action and go after that dream, desire and goal. Listen in to find out why you can't stop. This your journey, not theirs! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email. 

  • Episode 372: Tips on Taking Care of Your Energy Everyday

    27/04/2021 Duration: 14min

    Are you making sure that your energy tank is full mentally, physically and spiritually every day?  I share some easy ways to take care of your energy so that you are not drained by the time the day is done and that you can move through any challenges that life may present to you.  Listen in to find out what I teach my clients about filling their energy tank up, how do an energetic check-in and an important mindset hack that will significantly shift your energy.  Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill:  To sign up for the weekly email, visit When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning again and to feel seen and supported, check it out! I'd love to connect

  • Episode 371: Knowing when to Loosen Your Grip

    25/04/2021 Duration: 14min

    Where in your life do you need to loosen your grip?  Sometimes when we hold on so tight to a situation that is changing quickly and challenging us, it actually drains us even more than when we loosen our grip, stay in the present moment and allow things to unfold knowing that we always get to make the next choice.  Listen in for more insight into knowing when to loosen your grip and to also find out about something that is changing in my business life and I hint at a big change in our personal life too.  Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill:  To sign up for the weekly email, visit When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning again and to feel seen and su

  • Episode 370: Is it Time for an Energetic Refresh?

    21/04/2021 Duration: 11min

    I highly encourage you to do this! Not only will you energize your home, you will elevate your personal energy as well and who doesn't need that! If you feel like things are stagnant, if you are wanting to do something new or if it is just time to get some energy flowing, these 3 tips are simple and easy to do and will create a big shift in your energy and the energy in your space.  Listen in to find out how to do a quick energetic refresh in your home! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill daily:  To find out how to Feng Shui your home, click here.  To sign up for the weekly email, visit When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning again and to feel seen

  • Episode 369: When Being Quiet Serves You

    17/04/2021 Duration: 12min

    I wanted to share something that I learned that changed everything for me. I used this approach when I was beginning my healing from adrenal fatigue and now use it when I need it (which was a couple weeks ago). There's not a lot more to say about it. I explain it all in the episode. Listen in to find out more! This will serve you. I know it. Don't miss listening in! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill daily:  To check out the powerful practice of Ho'oponopono, click here.  To sign up for the weekly email, visit When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning again and to feel seen and supported, check it out! I'd love to connect on Instagram with you! Foll

  • Episode 368: Gathering Your Energy

    11/04/2021 Duration: 13min

    Feeling drained? Feeling like you never have enough energy? Listen in to find out two ways that I ensure that I am not only expending energy on people and projects but that I am gathering my energy back in and filling my tank. It is simpler than you think to manage your personal energy and to ensure that your tank is full and that you have enough energy to create what it is you truly want in your life.  Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill daily:  To check out the powerful practice of Ho'oponopono, click here.  To sign up for the weekly email, visit When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning again and to feel seen and supported, check it out! I'd lo

  • Episode 367: When You have Zero Motivation

    29/03/2021 Duration: 11min

    It happens to ALL of us... There will be days, many of them, when you have zero motivation to do anything on your to-do list or to take actions that get you closer to your dreams, desires and goals.  What do you do when this happens? Let me tell you! Listen in to find out how I conquer the days where motivation is at zero and why it always works.  Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill daily:  To sign up for the weekly email, visit When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning again and to feel seen and supported, check it out! I'd love to connect on Instagram with you! Follow along in my stories to learn how you can create more of what you want in your li

  • Episode 366: Finding the Good

    26/03/2021 Duration: 13min

    There is always good...ALWAYS! Even in the worst moments, you can find some light. It might be super dim but there cannot be dark without a little bit of light.  So, if you are going through something right now, take a moment to take a breath and find something to appreciate and be grateful for. It might just be that you are still standing, that you realize how much you can take and that you are still moving through it.  Whatever you are going through there is good in it. Listen in! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill daily:  To learn more about Ho'oponopono, click here. To sign up for the weekly email, visit When the Meaning is Lost, has helped its readers to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning

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