Solutions In Plain Sight Anne C. Graham

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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How is your business performing? If your answer is anything short of Fabulous! then you need Solutions in Plain Sight. When you are entrenched in the day-to-days of running the business, it is sometimes hard to steer the ship. Each week youll hear actionable and relatable inspirations learned the hard way that made the difference for high-achievers, and that will help shortcut your path to success. Moving the needle from mediocre to magnificent is a matter of shifting your perspective and really seeing new opportunities. Your Aha! moment is now tune in for the ideas to energize all aspects of your business and make the jump to prosperity.


  • Solutions in Plain Sight – [FREE Download] Are Gen X, Gen Y, Millenials (or even Boomers) more trouble than they’re worth??


    Are you a baby boomer who struggles to figure out how to lead the next generation or wonders why they don’t seem to have the same work ethic as you? Are you a Gen X or Gen Y, who’s struggling to figure how to work within an established system? There are a lot of myths […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – [FREE Download] Are Gen X, Gen Y, Millenials (or even Boomers) more trouble than they’re worth?? appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – [GREAT BOOK and MORE] What Could You Accomplish if You Had a “Stop Doing” List?


    Research suggests that less-successful companies often develop Strategic Plans containing 40-60 items, while highly successful companies limit themselves to 5-7 priorities. You won’t want to miss the provocative approach today’s guest shares that increases focus and accelerates your results. Jim Alampi is the author of Great to Excellent; It’s the Execution!, the former CEO/Chairman of […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – [GREAT BOOK and MORE] What Could You Accomplish if You Had a “Stop Doing” List? appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – [FREE eBook] Do You Want to Be Right, or do You Want to Get Results?


    Do you love being right? Do you think you have to have all the answers because you’re the boss? Do other people tend to think of you as a know-it-all – even if you’re well-intentioned and trying to be collaborative? Are you finding that your conversations don’t always go in direction you hoped they would, […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – [FREE eBook] Do You Want to Be Right, or do You Want to Get Results? appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – [FREE eBook] The 10-Step L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P Approach To Helping Talented People Work Towards a Common Goal.


    One of the greatest challenges in being an effective leader is learning how to get your diverse group of talented people to work together towards a common goal. Instead, we often find silos of competing interests, tensions within teams, well-intentioned people who may think they’re doing the right thing but may not fully understand the […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – [FREE eBook] The 10-Step L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P Approach To Helping Talented People Work Towards a Common Goal. appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – Is Your ‘Hello’ Holding You Hostage?


    In today’s world of fast-paced communications, whether quick emails, short texts, or greetings in passing as we race to our next commitment, it’s easy to have communication go awry and be misinterpreted. Yet all of our relationships are based on effective communication, so it’s essential to bridge the gap. In her 34-year military career Colonel […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – Is Your ‘Hello’ Holding You Hostage? appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – Are You Overlooking This Powerful Way to Develop Yourself as a Leader?


    A timeless Harvard Business Review article postulated that “Leaders are Made, not Born”, and many of us invest in courses, books, and programs to enhance our skills. This show uncovers an overlooked approach that I wish I’d discovered much earlier in my career. Catherine Osler was a young entrepreneur who in a period of 15 […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – Are You Overlooking This Powerful Way to Develop Yourself as a Leader? appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – How One Small Business Keeps Customers for Life


    We all know that customer loyalty and retention is critical to the success of our business, yet amongst the thousands of business owners I’ve polled, many struggle to keep their customers in tough competitive markets. Our guest today has really got that dialed in, and if you want to keep your customers for longer, you’ll […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – How One Small Business Keeps Customers for Life appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – Selling in a Skirt: How to Leverage Your Feminine Power Whether You’re Male or Female


    What differentiates a great salesperson from a good one? Well, hard work and the ability to close the sale are often cited, but the third driver of sales success is how well you develop a rapport and relationship that makes the buyer want to buy. Men and women approach that differently, but both can learn […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – Selling in a Skirt: How to Leverage Your Feminine Power Whether You’re Male or Female appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – 3 Straightforward Steps to Dealing with Conflict at Work


    How often do you find yourself in a meeting filled with tense co-workers, each with their own priorities or position on an issue or opportunity, unable to reach an agreement, or worse still, unable to have even a courteous and well-reasoned discussion? Conflict may be inevitable, but it can be constructive instead. Carol Sutton is […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – 3 Straightforward Steps to Dealing with Conflict at Work appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – The One Thing You Need to Do to Get a Better Job or a Bigger Paycheck (great for executives, especially)


    We’ve all seen the economic uncertainty play out over the past several years regarding job security. The best insurance policy you can have is a strong personal brand that makes you the “keeper” in times of downsizings, the “go to” person that head hunters in your industry will seek out, the expert who can shift […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – The One Thing You Need to Do to Get a Better Job or a Bigger Paycheck (great for executives, especially) appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – How to Reframe the Context for Successful Change Management


    If you’ve ever had a big change initiative dumped on you with no opportunity for input, or if you’ve ever led a change initiative where you enthusiastically announced a great new future and then found tremendous resistance rather than employees eager to embrace your plan, then you know from the school of hard knocks how […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – How to Reframe the Context for Successful Change Management appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – [FREE EBOOK] Time Starved? Here’s How To Put an Extra Hour Back In Your Day


    Do you love what you do but find you’re so buried at work that you don’t often have the time to really do it? Do you hate your job, but you’re stuck on the hamster wheel, unable to make a change because you’ve got bills to pay? If you’re a busy business person, working long […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – [FREE EBOOK] Time Starved? Here’s How To Put an Extra Hour Back In Your Day appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – The Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions Leaders at All Levels Should Make


    In this quiet and reflective time of the busy holiday season, I wanted to spend just 20 minutes with you to share the New Year’s Resolutions that will take your business to new levels in 2014. You can download the blog post with these Resolutions here if that helps you to ponder and reflect on […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – The Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions Leaders at All Levels Should Make appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – How to Take Your Business into the 21st Century


    Early in the 20th Century, businesses had to rely on expensive, prone-to-failure generators for power before the grid changed that forever. Jarrod Levitan believes we’re now in the same place with what “powers” business in the 21st Century – information, and our ability to access it anytime, anywhere. Cloud-based computing offers the same type of […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – How to Take Your Business into the 21st Century appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – [GREAT READ!] If You Dither When You Know You Should Decide…


    Then you’re in good company but as a leader or individual contributor at any level in the organization, it’s time to act more decisively so that you can have more impact with lower stress and less aggravation. Nick Tasler draws on his background in organizational psychology to identify the biases that we all carry with […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – [GREAT READ!] If You Dither When You Know You Should Decide… appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – Five Steps to Achieve The “Aspirational Value” of Your Business


    Business owners work hard to build value into their business so that they can achieve what a colleague of mine calls a “massive liquidity event” – either selling their business or going public or, if they’re already public, realizing the rewards of a healthy, growing stock price. Jon Rothbart’s experience as the COO of a […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – Five Steps to Achieve The “Aspirational Value” of Your Business appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – Learn The Most Powerful Predictor of Success


    Every one of us wants success… or do we? Well, it all depends upon how we define success and whether we’re “punching in/punching out” on our journey towards it, or fully engaged in making it happen. Kevin Frigon is a certified Coach with Brian Tracy’s FocalPoint Coaching program, and an experienced business leader with over […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – Learn The Most Powerful Predictor of Success appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – How One Manufacturing Company Got In the Groove and Drove Outstanding Growth


    When you’re “in the groove” in your business, all things are possible. Every area of the company is running relatively smoothly, delivering the required objectives and milestones, and generating the kinds of growth and profit that you’ve been looking for. It can happen… but If you’re not there yet, there’s an AHA! Moment waiting for […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – How One Manufacturing Company Got In the Groove and Drove Outstanding Growth appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – The One Tool You Need to Find New Business and New Employees More Easily


    The days of the rubber-chicken networking lunch where you waste time sitting next to someone with whom you have absolutely nothing in common are over, along with the days of desperately going through old business cards trying to find that contact you remember meeting at the tradeshow six months ago! Linked In guru Wayne Breitbarth’s […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – The One Tool You Need to Find New Business and New Employees More Easily appeared first on

  • Solutions in Plain Sight – [FREE CHECKLISTS] Overlooked Solutions to Never Feeling Ripped Off By a “Bad Consultant” Again


    We’ve all brought consultants on board and found ourselves paying a bundle of billable time without ever seeing the kinds of results we were hoping for. David A Fields debunks the “we’ve always done it that way” approach to hiring consultants, and lays out a path to getting a great return on our investment. David […] The post Solutions in Plain Sight – [FREE CHECKLISTS] Overlooked Solutions to Never Feeling Ripped Off By a “Bad Consultant” Again appeared first on

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