Dude Solutions is proud to bring you the Operate Intelligently Podcast. Join Host Brian McDonald and various guests every other week to get educated and inspired about operations management.
040 - Winter is coming...
06/10/2015 Duration: 17minBetween day-to-day operations and unexpected emergencies, on-the-ground building managers have their plates full. But savvy facility managers understand that having a checklist in place can be crucial to avoiding more serious issues when the hard months of winter hit.Bob and Ray go through the top things to remember when getting ready for the colder weather! Do you have PMs in place for season change prep? Is your inventory stocked? Do you have your reliable snow shovel ready to go?Listen in for a few tips and tricks to stay ahead of the chill! See for privacy and opt-out information.
039 - Managing Change Part 2
29/09/2015 Duration: 18minBob and Ray are continuing their conversation on change but this week they have brought in a special guest! Change Management expert Jack Spain joins us in the studio to share his knowledge on the subject and how facility managers can better prepare and deal with change as it happens. How does diversity in your team help the outcome? How do you deal with the “contrarians”? What part does the data play?Join us as we wrap up this discussion and really nail down the best ways to deal with the ever changing world of facility management. See for privacy and opt-out information.
038 - Managing Change
22/09/2015 Duration: 15minAs the old saying goes, the only constant in the world is change. This is especially true in the maintenance and operations world. Technology, frequent regulatory changes, and a host of other changing factors ensure that nothing stays the same for too long. Bob and Ray talk change management in the studio this week. Is change really a four-letter word? What are the best practices when communicating to your team? How do you prepare for resistance? How do you get buy-in from every department?So, whether you are introducing a new technology or a new member to your team, take a few minutes to listen in and learn how to tackle change head on! See for privacy and opt-out information.
037 - Are you and the C-Suite speaking the same language?
01/09/2015 Duration: 15minEffectively communicating with your organizational leadership is crucial to your job! By making sure you and your C-Suite are on the same page, you will be setting your and your team up for success. So, what does that entail? How do you start the conversation? What do they need to know about you and your staff that will help them make the best decisions? What is the most important aspect of the organization to them?Bob and Ray spend this episode answering these questions and helping bridge the gap that can exist between you and your decision makers. Take a few minutes to listen and learn how to start speaking the same language! See for privacy and opt-out information.
036 - Money Talks
11/08/2015 Duration: 18minTim Gasper is back with us this week to continue talking about performance contracts, but this time he will be focusing on the money and return aspect. What is the average savings a facility can expect with this? How are the dollar amounts actually calculated? What kind of money are we really talking about and how quickly can we use that capital to pay off these contracts? These are just a few of the questions that Bob, Ray, and Tim tackle in this week’s episode. Take a few minutes to get to the bottom dollar of performance contracting! See for privacy and opt-out information.
035- Is your Saving Solution in the Energy Dumpster?
04/08/2015 Duration: 17minThis week, Bob and Ray invited Tim Gasper from Brady Trane into the studio to talk about performance contracting and energy savings. What exactly is performance contracting? What are your low hanging energy fruits that can produce the savings you need to take on a project like this? How do you get started and how long will it last? Tim shares his years of experience and walks us through every step of this process and what to expect along the way. If you and your organization have been thinking about this, you don’t want to miss this episode! See for privacy and opt-out information.
034 - It's Cool to Meet You, Ray!
28/07/2015 Duration: 13minThis week, we welcome the newest member to the FacilityDude podcast team. Ray Karawhala joins Bob as our new co-host and this dynamic duo kicks off by talking about the evolution of air conditioning. Did you know that this past week was the birthday of Carrier’s invention? Do you know how it came about? Where did the idea come from? Join us this week to learn a few fun facts about how we beat the heat in the summertime! See for privacy and opt-out information.
033 – Are you prepared for crisis?
21/07/2015 Duration: 19minThis week Bob takes a look into crisis planning and preparation. Do you know what to do in an emergency situation in your facility? When was the last time you updated your plans? Are they easily accessible to you and your staff? Joining Bob in the studio this week is Anne Kloefkorn, our resident expert on crisis and emergency preparedness. She shares her stories, best practices, and tips for how to approach this important and sometimes scary subject. Don’t let lack of preparation and communication become an issue in your organization, so take a few minutes and listen in this week. See for privacy and opt-out information.
032-Get in touch with your inner salesman!
07/07/2015 Duration: 25minI think we can all agree that facility managers wear so many different hats on a daily basis…all the way from electrician, to accountant, to counselor! You may not think of yourself as a salesman, but on any given day, you have to “sell” your idea, budget proposal, or employee justification to someone! Knowing how to approach upper management and what tactics to utilize when trying to explain your side of the story and get what you need for your team is key in being successful. Join Bob and Dude salesman, Jon Mills, as they discuss what it takes to be the most effective salesman for your organization. Take a listen before you start wheelin’ and dealin’ this week! See for privacy and opt-out information.
031- Covering your Assets
29/06/2015 Duration: 13minManaging your facility’s assets involves being able to answer the tough questions. When is the last time a piece of equipment was inspected? Are you sure? Do you know what information you should be tracking for each asset? When was the last time that same piece of equipment failed? Bob spends this week’s episode going over the basics to asset management and what you should be documenting. Take a few minutes and listen in to make sure you are covering your assets! See for privacy and opt-out information.
030 – Stop! In the name of Mold
16/06/2015 Duration: 20minThis week we are continuing our discussion on indoor air quality and focusing on the sticky subject of mold! Whether we like the idea or not, mold is all around us and learning best practices to deal with this gross visitor needs to be on our checklist. Bob chats about what environments are ideal for mold spores to grow, how to battle it once you have found evidence, and best ways to avoid growth in your facility. Take a few minutes and listen in… See for privacy and opt-out information.
029- Something's moving in the air tonight...
09/06/2015 Duration: 19minThis week, Bob takes on Indoor Air Quality…What does that mean in your organization? What are the ways you can regulate what is happening in the air? Do you know how many parts per million of harmful things are in the air? In this episode Bob helps us discern what we can and can’t control and what things we should be on the lookout for when regulating the indoor air quality of our buildings. Take a few minutes and listen in… See for privacy and opt-out information.
028- Water, Water Everywhere!
02/06/2015 Duration: 14minThis week, Bob Bittner dives into the deep end and discusses the ins and outs of water. In the wake of all the flooding in Texas, we wanted to spend a few minutes talking about how this affects your facility. Exactly how heavy is water? Can your roof withstand the weight of it all? What other things do you need to be on the lookout for? Are you prepared for the next storm? Don’t get caught out in the rain…take a few minutes to listen in! See for privacy and opt-out information.
027- How in the World Does GIS Work?
19/05/2015 Duration: 18minChuck Wright is back in the studio this week to talk more about the mapping system, GIS, and how it applies to todays facility and public works professionals. How are you using GIS? What are the unique ways that others are using this system? Where can this technology take us in the future? Join us this week and dive a little deeper into the world of GIS! See for privacy and opt-out information.
026 - GIS vs. GPS
12/05/2015 Duration: 19minThis week Bob enlists the help of the newest member of the Dude family, Chuck Wright, to understand the difference between mapping systems GIS and GPS. Chuck shares this knowledge from his background as a software developer. How are facility maintenance and public works professionals using this technology? What is the big deal and why is this important? You definitely don't want to miss this episode! See for privacy and opt-out information.
025 – The Myth, The Legend, The Building Automation!
08/05/2015 Duration: 20minThis week, Bob takes us further into the world of Building Automation Systems and we spend this episode understanding the functionality of these complex systems. How are your peers utilizing them? What are the functions that are not being used or are misunderstood? How do I start using it effectively? Will the BAS really make me breakfast in the morning? All of these questions and more will be answered! See for privacy and opt-out information.
024 - BAS, and BMS, and EMS…Oh My!
28/04/2015 Duration: 17minThanks for joining us for another Dudecast Tuesdy!Building Automation System, or BAS, is a term that we hear a lot in the Facility Maintenance Operations world, but what do we really know about them? What is the history behind these “little black boxes” of buildings? What systems do they really control?Today, Bob follows the evolution of these complex systems and how to navigate the ever changing world of automation. What are the ways that you could be using your system more efficiently? How do you make decisions based on the data you get back? Don’t miss this week’s episode where we will cover all of this and more! See for privacy and opt-out information.
023- How to Talk Trash
21/04/2015 Duration: 15minThanks for joining us for another DudeCast Tuesday!Here at the Dude, we are all too familiar with trash talking around the office, especially during March Madness this past month! Bob was inspired by Duke’s big win this year to spend some time on a different kind of trash talk… actual trash. Join us this week as we get a little dirty and navigate the somewhat unpleasant world of garbage. How can you see savings when it comes to disposal? What are some of the good outcomes of trash? How can you “go green” and step up your recycle game? Won’t you take a few minutes and talk some trash with us? See for privacy and opt-out information.
022- What to Expect When you are Inspecting
07/04/2015 Duration: 17minAfter a long weekend, welcome back for your weekly dose of Dudecast!Inspections can be one of the most daunting and nerve-racking things that a facility manager deals with. From the unexpected “drop-ins” to the planned evaluations, these examinations are never fun! Today, Bob goes through the best ways to deal with these necessary aspects of the job…what to expect, what to look for, and how to use the results in your favor are just a few of the things that he covers. Don’t let inspections get you down… tune in to hear how to handle the next one that comes your way! See for privacy and opt-out information.
021 - Talk Filters to Me
07/04/2015 Duration: 18minAfter two weeks away, Dudecast Tuesday is back!! As it starts to get warmer outside, it won’t be long before it’s time to turn the AC back on! Bob takes on filters this weekon the podcast and talks about his pet peeves and best practices when dealing with the maintenance of HVAC units. Do you know the right sizes? What type of filter should you be using? When was the last time they were changed? Are you saving money while improving dependability and efficiency? Take a few minutes to listen in and make sure you and your HVAC units are ready for spring! See for privacy and opt-out information.