Sunday Joseph Adenuga

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 100:05:57
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Pastor Joseph Adenuga was called by God to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. He hosts a daily broadcast that motivates and encourage people around the world.


  • Transforming Negative Realities By The Truth 5

    17/03/2017 Duration: 08min

    God made human beings with the in-built ability to change their world. You have untold powers within you to do anything that you can ever desire, you are not limited by realities. Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve. It does not matter the volume of opposition and the strength of your enemy, you will always prevail over any contrary circumstances if you can only believe in God and in your own abilities.

  • A Message On Salvation 5

    05/03/2017 Duration: 08min

    Salvation is more than forgiveness of sin, it is God's total package of blessing to mankind. It is God's expression of love to mankind. The gospel shows us all the benefits that goes with salvation, it is not just the blessing of forgiveness of sin, but a package which includes the blessings of healing, deliverance, safety, prosperity, success, guidance of the Spirit and many more. In today's episode, Pastor Joseph teaches about the need for us to forgive other people who offends us. One of the critical point in salvation is the command for us to forgive anyone who offends us. When you hold grudges and refuse to forgive your brother, you are doing yourself more harm than good. I know, it looks as if you are justified to be offended, you may have been really hurt or even injured to almost the point of death, but God says, "forgive"

  • A Message On Salvation 4

    04/03/2017 Duration: 09min

    When God forgives your sins, He also forgets them. The mystery of salvation that continued to give devil the greatest headache is the fact that God not only forgive you all your sins, He also does not remember any of them for His own sake. This makes the devil mad. We miss it in salvation when we make mistakes and asked God to forgive us, He always does but we do not forgive ourselves. I am not talking about forgiving other people, I am talking about forgiving ourselves. God forgives you of your sins and forgets them, so you must forgive yourself and forget about that sin.

  • A Message On Salvation 3

    03/03/2017 Duration: 08min

    Pastor Joseph Adenuga continued his message on salvation. He stressed that salvation is an individual's walk with God. When you talk about other people or judge them about their walk with their God, you have missed the mark. You need to focus on your own walk with God, not on other people's walk with God, you are not called to judge other people or broadcast their sins and mistakes. Stop using other people's lives as a measure of how to live your Christian life. The bible is our foundation and final authority. When you look up to any man, you will fail woefully, you will miss the mark

  • A Message On Salvation 2

    02/03/2017 Duration: 09min

    The message on salvation preached by Pastor Joseph Adenuga helps us to understand the full importance of salvation. Some believe that once you are saved, then you are saved forever and no matter how you live your heaven is guaranteed. This school of thought believe that how you behave, treat others and speak doesn't matter. Another school of thought believe in living a very high level of moral life In this audio message by Pastor Joseph, you will understand real salvation from the biblical point of view. This message is so interesting because it touches on the every aspect of the believer's life.

  • A Message On Salvation

    01/03/2017 Duration: 08min

    Salvation is a very crucial matter in the Christian life, In fact it is the only gateway to the life of God. In this episode, Pastor Joseph Adenuga begins a series titled, "A Message Of Salvation" It touches the area of sin, forgiveness, breaking bad habits and many more, enjoy...

  • Seven Abominations Before God

    01/03/2017 Duration: 08min

    There are some things which the Lord hates, these things are abomination to him. What are these seven abomination? Find out in this episode

  • The Inspirational Messages Are Here For Your Enjoyment

    28/02/2017 Duration: 02min

    This website contains motivational messages that will surely inspire you to succeed in Life.

  • Seed Of Dominion 3

    28/02/2017 Duration: 08min

    Today's message by Pastor Joseph is very powerful and it's worth hearing. This is the continuation of the topic, "Seed of Dominion", in this audio message, Pastor Adenuga stressed that your life is a seed that must be planted in God to bring forth bumper harvest to the glory of God. It is very instructive to know that God wants you to bear fruits to bless your world.

  • Seed Od Dominion 2

    28/02/2017 Duration: 09min

    Pastor Joseph advised, "don't eat your seed, plant it, and never engage in digging it out to see how it is doing, sow your seed and forget it there". You are a seed and you need to grow to be a blessing to your world. You are sent here to be a blessing to others. There is no basis of comparison among men, never allow anyone or anything to put you down and do not put yourself down also. No one is better than the other because there is no basis of comparison...

  • Seed Of Dominion 1

    28/02/2017 Duration: 09min

    Pastor Joseph spoke passionately about dominion and how you can become a domineering factor in your world. He stressed that seed is what is planted to multiply fruits in a bountiful harvest and the more seeds you plant, the more harvest you will reap. Every harvest contains both fruits and seeds, a wise man must separate the fruits from the seeds as soon as harvest is through. There is a new life in every seed, and each seed have the potential to bring about thousands of fruits of its own kind. Anyone can count the number of seeds in an orange, but no man can count the number of oranges that is potentially in an orange seed.

  • Never Take A "NO" For An Answer 3

    28/02/2017 Duration: 09min

    The truth of life is this, God is always saying yes to good intentions and dreams. If you desire what is good, if your desire has nothing in it that will hurt someone else, God cannot say "No". Any dream or desire that promote others and lift humanity is good and praiseworthy, and God always say "Yes". On the other hand, the devil is always saying "No". This is the reason why I preached today that you must never take a no from any devil, situation and circumstances of life. There is always a "yes" behind the "No" proposed by the devil. When life says "No", its only a proposal, if you accept it, so be it. If you reject it and keep going for a "Yes", surely you will get a "Yes"

  • Never Take A "NO" For Answer 2

    28/02/2017 Duration: 08min

    This is the continuation of the message which I started yesterday. Never take no for answer, one of the deception of the devil is to use the forces of situations and circumstances to make you think that God is saying "No" to your dream or proposal. Never allow that lie of the devil to stop you from trying harder to get what you dream and desire. Today, I spoke about the power of determination and persistence. In this world, history have taught us to know that nothing is really impossible. Whatever you desire, work on it and believe and you will get it eventually.

  • Never Take A "NO" For Answer

    28/02/2017 Duration: 06min

    When life's situations and circumstances says "No" to your proposal or dream, it is not an indication that God is saying "No". The "No" of life expressed in situations and circumstances are all working together for your good eventually. Difficulty is not equal to impossibility, when it is difficult, it means it is possible, no matter how many "No" you get, if you continue to try in different ways, you will get it eventually. In today's broadcast message, I dealt much on the need for you to never take a no for an answer. There is always a way out of every problem. No matter what you are going through there is a solution if you can only give it what it takes.

  • Miracle In The Midst Of Obstacle

    28/02/2017 Duration: 07min

    Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your God. He sent you here for a purpose, discover this purpose and set up a plan or goal to achieve it. When you fix your eyes on the goal, you will never see anything as obstacle. Giving up is a guarantee of certain failure, so you must never give up. In today's broadcast, Pastor Joseph opined that everyone cannot love or accept you, so, be prepared never to hang your life and destiny on anybody because the one you trust the most can disappoint. The beauty of life is that inside the barrier or obstacle making life difficult for us there is a miracle, you need to search it and find it how.

  • Wisdom From Above 6

    27/02/2017 Duration: 08min

    This message comes to you to empower you and to inspire and motivate you. Pastor Joseph Adenuga continued on the topic of Wisdom from above. 1Samuel 18 tells us how david demonstrated the wisdom of God and he later became the king of Israel. Pastor Joseph emphasized the need for you to ask for the wisdom of God. Through this wisdom, David refused to kill Saul when he had the opportunity to kill Saul. A man with the wisdom of God does not attack or criticize the anointed men of God.

  • Wisdom From Above 5

    27/02/2017 Duration: 08min

    With the wisdom of God inside you, the power to rule over all your enemies naturally comes without sweat, but to get this wisdom from above there are some important steps to take. In today's broadcast, Pastor Joseph encourage you to stop at nothing less that the spirit of excellence which is the wisdom of God. David behaved himself wisely and this made even the king Saul to be very afraid of him. Jesus Christ used the wisdom from above everyday during his earthly ministry. He used this wisdom to set the woman who was caught in the act of adultery, he used it to answer the question of paying taxes.

  • Wisdom From Above 4

    27/02/2017 Duration: 09min

    These messages are sent and broadcasted everyday by the servant of God, Pastor Joseph Adenuga with the intention to help you, inspire and motivate you to a life of success. This messages come to empower you to prevail over your enemies. The Lord will sent the rod of your strength out of these messages, saying "Rule thou in the midst of your enemies". Today's message is still focusing on the need for you to invest your time and life in getting the wisdom from above. Bible says, get wisdom, and with all your gettings, get understanding. This message is very essential and you need to hear the audio message even now.

  • Wisdom From Above 3

    27/02/2017 Duration: 09min

    All wisdom come from God. I have explained on this platform before that there are four types of wisdom namely, Earthly Wisdom which is given by God to all living things both plants and animals to survive and to avoid or escape danger. The second one is sensual wisdom which is given by God to mankind so that man can replenish, subdue and have dominion over all the earth. The third wisdom is devilish wisdom which was given by God to Lucifer who betrayed God and corrupted his wisdom to do evil by stealing, killing and destroying. The last is the pure wisdom of God which descends from above, this is what Pastor Joseph focussed more in today's broadcast, it is a beautiful message with eye opening information that will help you and inspire you.

  • Wisdom From Above 2

    27/02/2017 Duration: 09min

    Today's broadcast by Pastor Joseph Adenuga is highly inspiring and you need to listen to this message so it adds up to what you have been hearing about wisdom from above. When the Bible talks about wisdom from above he is refering to the word of God. Taking his text from Job 28: 7-12, he emphasized on the sacredness of the wisdom from above and the fact that it is hidden from all living. The message concluded with the golden question in verse 12 and that is, "Where shall we find wisdom and where is the place of understanding? This is a very important question begging for answer. Listen to today's broadcast and find out how Pastor Joseph went about answering that question with the word of God.

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