Rosenfeld Media



Lou Rosenfeld talks with a LOT of brilliant, interesting changemakers in the UX world and beyond. In these conversations (mostly 20 min long), Subscribe to the Rosenfeld Media podcast for a bird's eye view into what shifts UX faces, and how individuals and teams can respond in ways that drive success.


  • Navigating Information Environments: A Chat with Jorge Arango

    15/06/2018 Duration: 24min

    What are the hidden side effects of the digital products and services you make? Author and design consultant Jorge Arango shares why it's important to create products as digital places. Hear how you can intentionally reframe your digital products to create with deeper intent and meaning for users–and society as a whole. Follow Jorge Arango on Twitter: Buy a copy of Living in Information: Responsible Design for Digital Places:

  • Facilitation for Designers: A Talk with Dan Brown

    09/05/2018 Duration: 22min

    Pressure keeps mounting for designers to be more than just designers. What can you do if you find yourself serving as the intermediary between different departments? Dan Brown talks with Lou about his workshop Facilitation for Designers and shares the habits, behaviors, and techniques you can bring into your own practice. Sign-up for Dan’s workshop, Facilitation for Designers, at Enterprise UX 2018: Follow Dan Brown on Twitter:

  • Scaling Design Systems: A Talk with Nathan Curtis

    09/05/2018 Duration: 18min

    As an organization and its products expand, so do the complexities of making sure that that there’s a consistent user experience. How do you accomplish that across multiple teams and locations? Lou talks with Nathan Curtis of EightShapes about his workshop at Enterprise UX 2018, Scalable Design Systems, and how having a design framework bridges the gap between teams and creates a cohesive customer experience. Follow Nathan Curtis on Twitter:

  • Deconstructing the Enterprise & Organizational Design: A Talk with Adam Connor

    02/05/2018 Duration: 18min

    What happens when you take apart the individual pieces that make up the design of your organization? And, more importantly, how do you make it better? That’s where Organizational Design comes into play. Lou chats with Adam Connor, VP of Organizational Design at Mad*Pow and author, about his upcoming workshop at Enterprise UX 2018, Transformation by Design. Transform your enterprise at Enterprise UX 2018: Follow Adam Connor on Twitter: Follow Rosenfeld Media:

  • Orchestrating CX and UX: A Talk with Chris Risdon and Patrick Quattlebaum

    01/05/2018 Duration: 24min

    Designing the experience for customers to move through all of your touchpoints has gotten more complex: from your call center through your website, app, email, social media, on-the-ground store...the list goes on. Lou chats with authors Chris Risdon & Patrick Quattlebaum about their latest book, Orchestrating Experiences. Learn how you can collaborate differently across your teams to design a consistent experience that meets customers where they are. Follow Chris Risdon on Twitter: Follow Patrick Quattlebaum on Twitter: Get your copy of Orchestrating Experiences:

  • Fourth Order of Design and the Enterprise: A Talk with Richard Buchanan

    25/04/2018 Duration: 20min

    Enterprises present complex challenges for designers and, really, everyone in a large org. Lou talks with Dick Buchanan about his pioneering work around the “fourth order of design,” and how design and systems thinking are related. Learn why Richard believes enterprises are the ultimate design challenge. Join Dick at Enterprise UX 2018: Follow Rosenfeld Media:

  • Integrated Data Thinking: A Chat with Tricia Wang

    14/04/2018 Duration: 22min

    Big data is getting its fifteen minutes of fame - but where does qualitative data fit in, if at all? Lou talked with Tricia Wang, co-founder of Sudden Compass, about the importance of integrating qualitative and quantitative data, and why the only way to successfully scale an enterprise org is to bring back the human element. Tricia is our Scale theme leader at Enterprise UX 2018 Conference and introduces the lineup of speakers. Follow Tricia Wang on Twitter: Follow Rosenfeld Media:

  • Enterprise UX and Storytelling: A Chat with Dan Willis

    12/04/2018 Duration: 17min

    Everyone has a story to tell, and UX practitioners are no exception. Lou talked with seasoned UX consultant Dan Willis about his role as the Storytelling Curator at the Enterprise UX Conference. Dan discusses the process that speakers go through to join the pantheon of past Enterprise UX Conference Storytellers - and how you can be part of this amazing tradition. Apply to be a Storyteller at this year’s Enterprise UX: Follow Dan Willis on Twitter: Follow Rosenfeld Media:

  • Investing in People and Products: A Talk with Amy Marquez

    01/04/2018 Duration: 17min

    When it comes to investing, most people think of dollars. But if you work in enterprise tech, you must invest in your people or your budget gets squandered. Amy Marquez, Manager of the Alexa Personality Experience team at Amazon, shares how you can better invest in people. And gives a sneak peek into what you can expect to hear about investing at the Enterprise UX 2018 conference. We’d love to see you at this year’s Enterprise UX conference: Follow Amy Marquez on Twitter: Follow Rosenfeld Media:

  • Blockchains and AI: A Conversation with Nathan Shedroff

    28/03/2018 Duration: 28min

    What do blockchains and conversational UI have to do with UX? Everything. Nathan Shedroff, founder of a new startup SEED Vault Ltd., believes the blockchain technology will transform the way we run businesses and achieve greater transparency in businesses for the overall social good. Hear how his new venture will use these emerging technologies to improve user experience. Follow Nathan Shedroff on Twitter: Follow Rosenfeld Media:

  • Digital Governance in the Enterprise: A Talk with Lisa Welchman

    26/03/2018 Duration: 30min

    A large organization operating online steps required to define how it manages digital politics: that’s how Facebook happens. Digital governance ensures large organizations can scale in ways that meet ethical standards. Lou talks with Lisa Welchman, digital governance expert and author, who explains the two big factors that lead to governance failures. Follow Lisa Welchman on Twitter: Follow Rosenfeld Media:

  • Communication and UX: A Chat with Margot Dear

    25/03/2018 Duration: 18min

    We know we should have good communication skills, but what does that look like in an enterprise UX environment? In this episode, Margot Dear, Senior Director of User Experience at ADP, gives an overview of the different facets of communication. Hear about how she uses journey mapping to make a difference to talking to C-level execs. Finally, Margot gives a sneak peek into what you can expect to learn about communicating at Enterprise UX 2018. We’d love to see you at this year’s Enterprise UX conference: Follow Margot Dear on Twitter: Follow Rosenfeld Media:

  • Building Enterprise Processes: A Talk with Eduardo Ortiz

    18/03/2018 Duration: 23min

    How do you build enterprise-level products while keeping ethics and diversity at the forefront of your process? Eduardo Ortiz, Product Designer of Siberia introduces the 3 experts who will speak about their experience developing ethical products within the enterprise environment at the Enterprise UX 2018 conference. Join us at Enterprise UX: Follow Eduardo Ortiz on Twitter: Follow Rosenfeld Media:

  • Making the Most of Meetings: A Chat with Kevin M. Hoffman

    17/03/2018 Duration: 33min

    Lou sat down with author Kevin M. Hoffman to talk about his book, “Meeting Design: For Managers, Makers, and Everyone”. Kevin explains how and why design thinking can be applied to meetings. Listen for tips you can use right away to set your meetings up for success. Buy a copy of Meeting Design: Follow Kevin M. Hoffman on Twitter: Follow Rosenfeld Media:

  • UX and Digital Data: A Talk with Phil Kemelor

    22/01/2018 Duration: 22min

    It’s one thing to have the data and research, and it’s another to put it together in a way that teaches you something as an organization. Lou sits down with Phil Kemelor, VP of Client Services of MaasMedia, to discuss how digital data can complement the qualitative methods of UX best practices, in organizations of all sizes. Follow Phil Kemelor on Twitter: Follow Rosenfeld Media:

  • Designing A More Hopeful Future: A Talk with Dirk Knemeyer

    18/11/2017 Duration: 24min

    The road of life is filled with many twists and turns. Design and UX careers are no different. Lou chats with Dirk Knemeyer about the evolution of his own journey, from the days when they founded, to Dirk’s divergent path as a tabletop game designer, chairman of Involution Studios, and the worldwide travels that led him to become a social futurist. Follow Dirk Knemeyer on Twitter: Follow Rosenfeld Media:

  • This Game is Never Done: A Chat with Erin Hoffman-John

    08/11/2017 Duration: 18min

    At first glance, the emerging field of DesignOps doesn’t have much in common with creating video games. Erin Hoffman-John, CEO of Sense of Wonder and Assistant Professor of Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center in Silicon Valley, talks with Lou Rosenfeld about how game designers have a more direct connection to their users, and what that means for UX practitioners. Erin is one of our speakers at this year’s DesignOps Summit! Stay tuned for details about next year’s conference. Follow Erin Hoffman-John on Twitter: Follow Rosenfeld Media:

  • The Enterprise Elephant: A Chat with Milan Guenther

    18/10/2017 Duration: 18min

    The fable of The Blind Man and the Elephant is a favorite here at Rosenfeld Media. But how does that apply to enterprise design? Lou sits down with Milan Guenther, co-founder of EDA (Enterprise Design Associates) and the creator of the Intersection Conference ( to talk about how this fable has influenced their views on enterprise design - and how its influencing the future of UX. Follow Milan Guenther and EDA on Twitter: @ent_des Follow Rosenfeld Media: @rosenfeldmedia

  • The Right Way to Select Technology: A Chat with Tony Byrne and Jarrod Gingras

    12/10/2017 Duration: 18min

    How does your enterprise handle the selection and implementation of new technology? Lou chats with Tony Byrne and Jarrod Gingras, authors of “The Right Way to Select Technology” and founders of the Real Story Group, to discuss how enterprises can select the correct technology without the headaches–or throwing money away. Follow Tony Byrne on Twitter: Follow Jarrod Gringas on Twitter: Follow Rosenfeld Media:

  • DesignOps in a Post-Industrial World: Crash-Coursing Complex Systems with Jeff Sussna

    21/09/2017 Duration: 25min

    Lou and Jeff Sussna discuss the challenge of synthesizing development and operations in a digital world. How do you scale design as part of a responsive digital business when everyone is digital? Jeff Sussna is the author of Designing Delivery. As principal at Ingineering.IT, he helps clients apply Agile, DevOps, and Design Thinking to maximize delivery speed and service quality. Join Jeff and Lou at the DesignOps Summit: Follow Jeff Sussna on Twitter: Follow Rosenfeld Media:

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