Sid Roth's Messianic Vision



Shortly after becoming a believer in Jesus as his Messiah in the 1970s, Sid Roth started the Messianic Vision radio program. Today, the daily 15-minute show reaches across America, impacting tens of thousands with a powerful message that encourages and heals.


  • Craig Hill - Prepare for the Season Ahead


    Craig Hill says, "If I don't reveal what God has shown me now, next year will be too late!" He has found ancient Biblical mysteries concerning finances that bring God's supernatural increase. Prepare and prosper even in the face of a world economy collapse.

  • Graeme Walsh


    Graeme Walsh shares that few recognize their enemy when several generations have sickness, divorce and even poverty running down their family line. He urges you to close the door on generational curses AND he tells how.

  • Jim Richards - Change Heart


    Dr. Jim Richards is going to teach you how to activate every promise in God's Word. You can and must do it for yourself. Watch how it changes YOUR world!

  • Joan Hunter


    Joan Hunter had such trauma in her life she should have been a basket case. Her parents were told she would never master reading or writing. Today she has written her tenth book, and she's ready to share!

  • LaDonna Taylor


    When LaDonna Taylor plays the violin something amazing happens. The music of heaven literally comes out of her violin and people are instantly set free from pains, sickness, suicide and depression!

  • Katie Souza


    Katie Souza got offended over something small and quickly gained 6 pounds. Then she prayed the way the Holy Spirit showed her and released the offense. Instantly the weight was gone! Guess what else God showed her — how to STAY un-offendable.

  • Faisal Malick and Khalida Wukawitz


    Something new is happening on planet earth. Muslims are having supernatural visitations from Jesus. Some are transported to heaven, others have dreams and visions! And they are moving in the miraculous. Meet two Ex-Muslims, Fasil Malick and Khalida Wukawitz, who are walking in the supernatural power of God!

  • Walid Shoebat - End Times


    There is a conspiracy of silence by the news media concerning the dangerous results concerning the recent election in Egypt. Walid Shoebat received a revelation of the End Times that is a major paradigm shift from what most bible scholars teach. Now he wants to share this with you!

  • Keith Duncan


    Keith Duncan went to heaven to the throne room and was taught how to be a professional tour guide of what he calls "The Throne Zone." He wants to take you there so you can be in the atmosphere of heaven 24 seven!

  • David Herzog


    When David Herzog shares how to enter God's Glory Zone miracles, signs and wonders are plentiful - instant weight loss, bald heads grow hair, the sick are healed, people are transported into the heavenly realm! David wants to help you enter into the Glory Zone where anything is possible!

  • Shane Warren - Future of America


    Prophecy is being fulfilled everyday! Wars. Rumors of wars. The economy shaking. Muslim extremism. But you can have God's favor even as America comes under judgment. Are you ready to thrive?

  • Peter Gammons


    Dr. Peter Gammons prophesies to leaders of nations and it changes their destiny! Wherever he goes, miracles happen. Wait until you hear what he has for you!

  • Shane Warren - Live in the Throne Room


    Shane Warren was caught up into Heaven and heard secrets on how you can walk in God's manifest presence 24/7.

  • Kerry Kirkwood - Worship


    Find out about the revelation given by God to Kerry Kirkwood about the POWER of worship!

  • Corey Russell


    Corey Russell says, "When I'm hit with things like fear, depression, shame and hopelessness, and I tap into this ancient mystery, 100 out of 100 times these things leave!"

  • Janie DuVall with Sid Roth - Healing Rivers


    Can supernatural sound and music catapult you into Heavenly realms where all things are possible? Our guest, Janie Duvall, has hit this Glory Zone!

  • Dr. Michael Brown - Debate 2012


    Take a trip back 2,000 years in time to capture the debate between Jews who believed in Jesus and Jews who did not. I have selected the best Orthodox rabbi challenging the best Messianic Jewish scholar in the country. Wait till you eavesdrop on this fiery, amazing family feud.

  • Judith MacNutt


    Judith MacNutt has such an anointing the spiritual scales will come off your eyes and many of you will see angels.

  • Dr. Jim Richards - Power of the Resurrection


    Jim Richards has received a revelation from heaven that few believers--good believers--have ever heard. What he shares will revolutionize your life!

  • Joan Hunter


    Are you stressed out? Are you fearful due to the global economic shaking and the pessimistic forecasts? Joan Hunter's supernatural faith for finances is contagious! Her revelation even causes people in third world countries to prosper. Learn to NOT JUST survive, but THRIVE financially!

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