Design Yourself



A weekly podcast for people who want to lead a well-designed life. Figure out what you want + make it happen. Hosted by Sharon Lipovsky, founder of Point Road Studios, executive coach, and creative entrepreneur.For show notes visit


  • Baby Steps to Giant Leaps

    31/01/2024 Duration: 27min

    The wildest, dreamiest things start from the smallest of steps. How can we be more mindful of how what we do today connects to where we dream of going? What practices support us on that path? That’s what we get into in today’s episode on Baby Steps to Giant Leaps.   Links and Resources To book your 1:1 Vision Reading: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Adaptive Leadership

    25/01/2024 Duration: 28min

    We live and work in a complex world. The markets, environments, and circumstances in which we operate are changing rapidly. How can we evolve our leadership to find new, compelling, and sustainable solutions? How can we spark transformation from the inside out? That’s what we discuss in this episode of Design Yourself on adaptive leadership.   Links and Resources To book your 1:1 Vision Reading: For show notes visit:  To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify    

  • The Art of Incompetence

    17/01/2024 Duration: 33min

    I'm going to let you in on a little secret today. Those spaces where you feel most clumsy and lacking in ability offer incredible growth opportunities. But not if you sit around judging yourself or worrying about what other people think. In this episode of Design Yourself learn how to cultivate the mindsets that will accelerate your learning as we discuss The Art of Incompetence.   Links and Resources To book your 1:1 Vision Reading: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Discerning What's Right For Me

    11/01/2024 Duration: 21min

    Happy New Year! Tis the season full of calendar-driven inspiration about how to make this year the best one ever. Words of the year, themes of the season, goals, resolutions and intentions abound. How can you avoid getting caught up in trends and move to the beat that works best for you? That’s what we get into today's Design Yourself episode on Discerning What’s Right For Me.   Links and Resources To book your 1:1 Vision Reading: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Celebrating 200 Episodes of Design Yourself

    03/01/2024 Duration: 28min

    Celebrating milestones is a foundational leadership practice that supports us as we build positive momentum toward our goals, strategies, and - ultimately - our vision, mission, and purpose. In today's episode, Point Road founder Sharon models this practice as she pauses to celebrate and reflect on 200 episodes of Design Yourself. Learn about what the show has meant to her, what she's most grateful for and what struggles she's faced along the way.   Links and Resources To book your 1:1 Vision Reading: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Encore: Wintering

    27/12/2023 Duration: 32min

    Wintering is a season in the cold. It is both literal and figurative. It acknowledges those times where we move through a fallow period – cut off from the world. What is the power of wintering? How can we learn to call in the dark and the cold? In today’s encore episode on wintering we discuss what wintering is, borrowing from the brilliance of writer Katherine May; we speak to the power of wintering, specifically the power of the dark, the cold, letting go and resting; and we close with reflection questions to spark your own best thinking on how to integrate this practice. “So that is my wish for you – that you may be unburdened by the cold and dark of wintering. And more than that. That you can embrace it. Call in the dark and the cold – don’t run from it. It is through learning how to sit in this discomfort that we build our resilience for when the unexpected winters arrive.”   Links and Resources: To book your 1:1 Vision Reading: For show notes visit:

  • Thank You and A Wish

    20/12/2023 Duration: 21min

    An ending is an invitation to pause and reflect. It is a chance to disrupt the routines you are in and take stock of what you have learned through whatever experience you have just gone through. In this episode of Design Yourself, we share a favorite closing ceremony well-suited to the end of the calendar year: Thank You and A Wish. Links and Resources: To book your 1:1 Vision Reading: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Sharon's Year-End Letter

    13/12/2023 Duration: 16min

    It’s that time of year where we are invited to stop, look back and reflect. Last week I taught you how to compose a letter for yourself. And this week I am sharing my own. Join me as I share my year end letter to myself. xo, Sharon     Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Year-End Letter to Yourself

    06/12/2023 Duration: 19min

    We are officially in the final moments of 2023, and it is a natural moment to take stock of lessons learned and goals for the year ahead. Join us in this episode as we consider what we are celebrating and what we are calling in as we learn the art and ritual of how to write a year-end letter to yourself.   Links and Resources For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Dreaming Big Without Burnout

    29/11/2023 Duration: 25min

    The experience we have on the journey to get to our destination is indicative of how we will feel once we arrive. Chasing our vision can be exhilarating, and it can also be exhausting. How do we build momentum and follow our dreams in a sustainable way? That’s what we explore in Dreaming Big Without Burnout.   Links and Resources For show notes visit:  To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify  

  • Relationships and Framing Conversations

    22/11/2023 Duration: 24min

    Tis the season for gathering with the important people in our lives. Let us take a moment and remember how to have purposeful, heart-centered conversations. What am I really trying to accomplish here? Are we on the same page? Am I leading with love and empathy or am I igniting the fuse? Learn three points for how to frame important conversations as we explore these questions and more in this episode of Design Yourself.   Links and Resources: To book your 1:1 Vision Reading: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Clearing Your Leadership Stuff

    15/11/2023 Duration: 29min

    Leadership begins on the inside and takes place out in the world. It makes sense then that we want to pay attention to and care for what we carry with us on the inside. But how can we tell what is taking up space in our leadership closets? How do we edit and curate this inner space?  In today’s Design Yourself podcast, we explore the intangible leadership stuff we carry and reflect on how to release the unnecessary weight.   Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify  

  • Clutter Clearing

    09/11/2023 Duration: 42min

    Results follow attention. So knowing what matters (and what doesn't) is a key part of bringing ease and order to your life and work. But letting go isn't always intuitive. How do I know what to get rid of and when? How can I overcome old habits and worries about letting go of stuff? Guided by Shira Gill's framework and the evergreen wisdom of Marie Kondo, we dive deep into the what's and how's of Clutter Clearing - both in your home and in your leadership.     Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Am I Behind?

    01/11/2023 Duration: 32min

    It's easy to feel like you are being left behind. Like everyone else is doing more, faster, better. Is no one on the same path as me, you might wonder? It's understandble that we feel anxious about what we are doing. And a sense of urgency that we ought to be doing more. Let's explore how to reframe our mindset, focus and actions as we tap into the question: Am I behind?     Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Think Small

    25/10/2023 Duration: 21min

    The day-to-day minutiae isn't where most of us turn for inspiration. This small stuff tends to be pretty monotonous. In this episode of Design Yourself, we challenge these assumptions and turn our excitement up for the granular and the mundane. Let's explore together how we can crack our ennui and find comfort and a sense of direction by thinking small. In Thinking Small we explore 1) clues that thinking small is good leadership "move;" 2) the practice of paying attention (without judgement); 3) a Louise Glück poem to inspire us all to look closer.    Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Making A Plan

    18/10/2023 Duration: 32min

    A plan is like a treasure map. A visual representation of how you can get from where you are today to where you dream about being in the future. But can we create a realistic path? How can we plan in the wild and unpredictable times we lead in? And is it even worth it? Let's discuss together in this Design Yourself episode all about making a plan. In Making A Plan we explore: 1) The importance of an adaptive mindset; 2) The top 2 markers of an effective plan (believability and sparking action); 3) Discerning when it's time to adapt from the plan 4) Building momentum toward your end goal - even as things shape shift along the way.   Links and Resources: For show notes visit:  To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Clean Eating Reflections

    11/10/2023 Duration: 37min

    "Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are." This wisdom comes to us from a French gastronome writing in 1825. The message stands up. Science shows us that what we consume impacts way more than numbers on a scale. Our moods, emotions, physical health, and mental well-being all connect back to what we eat and drink. What kind of eating will steward your professional and personal ambitions? Let's explore together in this Design Yourself episode on Clean Eating Reflections.   Links and Resources: For show notes visit:  To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Celebrating Small Wins

    04/10/2023 Duration: 31min

    Our biggest aspirations are realized less like a tsumami crashing down on the shore and more like a toddler making their way down the block. We take one small, shakey step and then another. With commitment and focus, we move steadily to a new place. What tweaks could radically improve the way we live, work and lead? What victories are just beneath our awareness waiting to be uncovered? Let's explore in this episode of Design Yourself on Celebrating Small Wins.   Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Persistence

    27/09/2023 Duration: 21min

    To lead a well-designed life does not mean things are never hard. How we act in the face of an obstacle says a lot about our values and integrity. What's your move when the going gets tough? Do you walk away? Do you tighten your grip and attempt to control? Do you point fingers and look for an external source to lay blame? Or maybe you tap into your ability to keep moving in spite of the difficulty or opposition you face? We explore these questions and more in today's episode on persistence.   Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Defining Your Personal Values

    20/09/2023 Duration: 34min

    Our values show up everywhere - in how we make decisions, in the charges on our bank statements, in the way we spend our time, and in the company we keep. Get curious about how your priorities are revealed through your everyday habits.  What guides us in our work and lives? How do we discern and clarify what matters? And how do our values interact with others? We explore these questions and more in Defining Your Personal Values.   Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

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