Gcf Austin

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 142:58:12
  • More information



Listen to weekly messages from Grace Community Fellowship of Austin, Texas. GCF is a warm, friendly, growing, and dynamic church. To find out more about who we are, and how to be a part, visit us on the web at www.gcfaustin.org!


  • Fear Of Man

    16/07/2023 Duration: 45min
  • Chapter 5

    02/07/2023 Duration: 45min
  • Chapter 4

    25/06/2023 Duration: 55min
  • Chapter 3

    18/06/2023 Duration: 56min
  • Chapter 2

    11/06/2023 Duration: 44min
  • Intro & Chapter 1

    04/06/2023 Duration: 43min
  • Uncomfortable

    28/05/2023 Duration: 53min
  • Mind Games

    21/05/2023 Duration: 53min
  • Jesus Endured Our Rejection So We Might Have His Acceptance

    14/05/2023 Duration: 41min

    Life Group Questions Key Verse: Isaiah 53:3 – “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.” 1.    What would you say is your main takeaway from this message? 2.    What forms of rejection have you personally experienced, and how have those experiences played out to-date in your life?  3.    Of the three wonderful gifts we’ve been given as a result of this exchange at the Cross (Acceptance, Access, and Adoption), which one speaks to you the most? Why so?

  • Jesus Was Made A Curse So We Might Receive The Blessing

    07/05/2023 Duration: 38min

    Life Group Questions 1.    Read Galatians 3:13-14 and Genesis 24:1. Christ became a curse for us so we might receive the blessing of Abraham, and the Lord blessed Abraham in every way. Do you believe that blessing is for you? Why or why not? 2.    Pastor Rob described some common curses that we see today. Idolatry, false religion, wrong attitude towards parents, training your child, injustice to the weak and fatherless, your words towards people, and your words towards yourself. Which one stood out to you and why? 3.    Is there anything/anyone that you are currently worshiping in place of God? If yes, what/whom are you worshiping and how can we, as a family, help you? 4.    Pastor Rob prescribed a solution for dealing with curses. Recognize, repent, renounce, and resist. Are you ready to shine a light and deal with curses? If not, what’s holding you back? 

  • Our Old Man Died In Jesus So The New Man May Live In Us

    30/04/2023 Duration: 31min

    Life Group Questions1.  Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior? 2.  Read Romans 6:6-7. Every Christian’s “old self” was crucified with Christ and they were set free from sin. Do you define yourself as a “sinner” or a “saint” who chooses to sin from time to time? Why does this matter? 3.  How do you “put the old man off?” 4.  Read Romans 13:14 NASB. What does it mean to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh?”

  • Jesus Bore Our Shame So We Might Share His Glory

    23/04/2023 Duration: 42min

    Life Group questions:Our key verse: Hebrews 12:2 (Aramaic Bible in Plain English) - And let us gaze at Yeshua, him who is The Author and The Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was his, endured the cross and ignored the shame, and he sits upon the right side of the throne of God.1.    Take away: a.    What struck you the most about this teaching? b.    What was your biggest takeaway? 2.    Glory: a.    In your own words, what is the glory of God? b.    Give examples of things that demonstrate His glory? 3.    Shame: a.    In your own words, what is shame? b.    What are the consequences of shame? c.     Do you have shame? If so, what are you going to do about it?4.    Jesus bore our shame: a.    What seemed like the most shameful thing that Jesus bore for us? Talk about why?5.    We might share His Glory: a.    Rom 10:11 says that anyone who trusts Jesus will “never be put to shame.” Talk about what that means. b.    How is that possible? c.     How does a Christ follower rid

  • Jesus Died Our Death So We Might Share His Life

    16/04/2023 Duration: 35min

    Life Group Questions1. It says in Isaiah 53:12, “He poured his life unto death,” meaning Jesus died our death, the death we should have died, and put it on himself. What does that mean to you? 2. Pastor Rob described the last reference in the bible to the shed blood of Jesus as overcoming blood (Revelation 12:11), meaning that His blood will see you through to the end. What will this change the way you look at valleys in your life?  3. Pastor Rob showed a chart (see below) of a lifespan of 70 years outlining the typical life and how time is spent. Looking at these numbers, how do you view how you spend your time and what changes should you make? Sleep | 23 years | 32.9%Work | 16 years | 22.8%TV | 8 years | 11.4%Eating | 6 years | 8.6%Travel | 6 years | 8.6%Leisure | 4.5 years | 6.5%Illness | 4 years | 5.7%Dressing | 2 years | 2.8%Religion | 0.5 years | 0.7% 4. “Get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’.” Are you living life abundantly? Yes, then How? No, why? 

  • Jesus Was Made Sin So We Might Be Made Righteous

    09/04/2023 Duration: 40min

    Life Group QuestionsKey Verse:2 Corinthians 5:21 – He made Him who knew no sin to be sin in our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.1.  Jesus didn’t “put on” our sins like a robe. He was made sin. What does this mean to you and how will it change your outlook on life moving forward? 2.  What is righteousness and how do we attain it? 3.  All born again believers were made righteous. We don’t put on Jesus’ righteousness and wear it like a coat while we are still dirty on the inside. What does this mean to you and how will it change your outlook on life moving forward? 4.  Do you see yourself as righteous? Explain. 5.  Guilt and shame are two of Satan’s primary weapons he uses to trap God’s people. If we are going to live an abundant life in God, we must win victories at the front door and back door of our lives. How will these truths help you win victories against the enemy?

  • Great Faith

    02/04/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Life Group questions: 1.  Read Hebrews 11:1 & Mark 11:24. The bible teaches us that “believing is seeing” though many people need to see something in order to believe it. How would you describe your faith, personally? 2.  In the gospels, we only see Jesus tell two people that they have great faith; the Roman Centurion & the Canaanite Woman. In both cases, they pleaded with Jesus to help someone else in need. How does this challenge you? 3.  Pastor Myles said one of the reasons people don’t have great faith is they are “too familiar with a non-powerful Jesus.” Why is this and what can we learn from it? 4.  Read Matthew 15:21-28. The Canaanite Woman passed four tests. -      Silence Test-      Reproach Test-      Theological Test-      Offense Test        She was going to fight for her daughter no matter what! Would you fail any of these tests? If so, which one(s) and why?

  • Jesus Endured Our Poverty So We Might Share His Abundance

    26/03/2023 Duration: 46min

    Life Group QuestionsKey Verse: 2 Corinthians 8:9 – “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.” 1.  What is the main thing you got out of Sunday's teaching? 2.  Is it difficult or hard for you to believe that Jesus intends for you to walk in total and complete abundance in every area of your life? Please explain.  3.  Pastor Ryan talked about how poverty is a biblical curse (Deut. 28:45-48). How have you viewed this idea of “poverty” in your own life to-date?   4.  Pastor Ryan talked about the three levels of provision: insufficiency, sufficiency, and abundance. Which level of provision are you currently living in right now, and why? 5.  Name at least one way that you will commit yourself to giving out of the abundance of your life. Remember, God provides abundance in all areas of our lives. 

  • Jesus Was Wounded So We Might Be Healed

    19/03/2023 Duration: 39min

    Life Group QuestionsKey Verse: Isaiah 53:5 – “… and by His wounds, we are healed.” 1. What is the main thing you got out of Sunday's teaching? 2. Do you ever find yourself wanting to give up, getting frustrated, or being fearful when praying for healing? Why do you think this is? 3. When should you stop praying for healing? Why? 4. In your own words, what does it mean to allow your feelings to define God? Can you identify areas in your life where you have allowed this to happen? 5. Kasey talked about how the Bible doesn’t put our healing in a future tense or even a present tense, but rather, in a past tense. Jesus declared the word tetelestai at the Cross: perfectly perfected, completely completed, nothing left out. Meaning, the physical aspect is just as perfect as any other. Do you believe that God has already provided health and healing for you in the perfect sacrifice (exchange) of His Son Jesus? How does this knowledge change your life going forward?

  • A Church Model

    05/03/2023 Duration: 47min
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