A podcast dedicated to helping others tell their personal and family stories. We showcase examples of well documented family histories, help with tools and strategies for curating your own family history, as well as updates and helpful hints related to the Xistance website.
Episode 4 - John Hopewell
01/12/2016 Duration: 09minHost Jesse McQuarters interviews John Hopewell, Earth Science Specialist and Writer for the Washington Post, about his family history.
Episode 3 - Barbara Shaiman
01/11/2016 Duration: 22minHost Steve Lubetkin interviews Barbara Shaiman, founder of, about ethical wills and living your legacy now.
Episode 2 - Mary Danielsen
04/10/2016 Duration: 15minHost Steve Lubetkin interviews Mary Danielsen, of Documented Legacy, about storytelling and creating context for your family history.
Episode 1 - Steve Pender
20/09/2016 Duration: 27minHost Steve Lubetkin interviews Steve Pender, of Family Legacy Video, about the importance of recording family history.