Bob Fm Breakfast Podcast With Graham Mack



The best (and worst) bits of BOB's Breakfast with Graham Mack.


  • Mack Nuggets

    26/07/2016 Duration: 32min

    Why Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States; Classic calls from Australia; Why Sir Philip Green should not lose his knighthood; Miscommunication in the communication business; What they should be burning in the Olympic flame; The Prime Minister of New Zealand is talking out of his bum; Graham Mack is going solo; £44,000 given to an idiot.

  • Mack Nuggets

    22/07/2016 Duration: 24min

    Why Donald Trump is like Hitler; A case of mistaken identity; Why you should be sleeping with a live chicken; The Mackmoblie is too expensive; How to stop people stealing milk at work; Cyclist are the insects of the road; Chris the vigilante.

  • Mack Nuggets

    20/07/2016 Duration: 27min

    Proof that Donald Trump’s wife stole bits of her speech from someone very important; The Prime Minister is a cold blooded killer; The way to stop Russia from doping their Olympians; Why the Trident nuclear missile is the best; When you’ve been scammed; Karolina is hot to trot; How to beat the heat; Why cyclist should be banned from the road.

  • Mack Nuggets

    18/07/2016 Duration: 37min

    The truth about the news; Do you want a date with a hot Polish lady?: The Graham Cinema; Holiday arguments; All you need to know about Pokemon Go; It's time for a War on cyclists; Proof that Jamie Oliver has caused childhood obesity.

  • Mack Nuggets

    14/07/2016 Duration: 16min

    Can Theresa May match the comedy stylings of David Cameron?; What was the old Prime Minister humming?; What’s Eric Pickles on about?; Why Liverpool is special; How much is it going to cost to fix my car?

  • Mack Nuggets

    12/07/2016 Duration: 26min

    24 hours is a long time in politics; Meet the bloke that won £3020 on BOBfm; What is David Cameron singing to himself?: why you have to be a freak; naked people in Hull; Songs that you sing to yourself; Why you shouldn’t feed monkeys; A Tale of The Unexpected.

  • Mack Nuggets

    09/07/2016 Duration: 54min

    Paula Abdul gets puked on; Your feelings over Brexit and the English football team; The longest day; The pagan who let himself down; Why you should never ride a bike naked; The Avocado crime wave; Kids don’t get the freedom we got to create great memories; Food served but not on plates; The invasion of the killer hornets; How Nancy got wound up by her husband for 25 years; Why I don’t trust Cambridge; The truth about plain cigarette packaging; Why they shouldn’t be searching for the missing EgyptAir plane’s black box; The reason the Queen gets two birthdays; An amazing lost and found story; How I almost got thrown out of a West End theatre; The best way to have pancakes; David Cameron is not dead; Fancy dress stories; Are the Spice Girls getting back together? I talk to Geri Horner (Halliwell), Ginger Spice; Justice for the 96.

  • Mack Nuggets

    08/07/2016 Duration: 23min

    Religion and politics; Julie gets an unexpected compliment; The Chilcot report and a lack of shame; First car quirks; BOB, a man who loves his work; Jim Bob at the Graham Cinema; The answer to FIFA corruption.

  • Mack Nuggets

    06/07/2016 Duration: 16min

    When you beat the odds; Your resignation story; The immigrant work ethic; Win a million pounds on BOB fm?; Conservative Karaoke; Why British people have a problem with commitment.

  • Mack Nuggets

    04/07/2016 Duration: 33min

    Boris Johnson the porn star; BOB’s claim to fame; When you’ve been stabbed in the back; Protesters; The dead puppet; Why Britain voting itself out of Europe shouldn’t have been a surprise; Why the British national anthem isn’t British; Why you'd have to be crazy to ride a bike on a public highway; The useless Met Office sinks to a new low.

  • Mack Nuggets

    01/07/2016 Duration: 31min

    It’s time to sort our airport security; Your feelings over Brexit and the English football team; Good news if you’re a female job seeker or employer; Is there a time traveler in the news?; The longest day; The frogs that lived in the toilet; The pagan who let himself down; Why you should never ride a bike naked; The Avocado crime wave; How Tim Peake ruined a weekend; Paula Abdul gets puked on; Kids don’t get the freedom we got to create great memories; Food served but not on plates; The invasion of the killer hornets.

  • Mack Nuggets

    30/06/2016 Duration: 21min

    The race to be Britain’s unelected Prime Minister; How you can be TOO christian; Dave’s coincidence story; It’s time to sort our airport security; The return of Martin the German; The truth about courtesy cars; Why won’t Vanquish Bank leave me alone?; How to end all deaths on Everest.

  • Mack Nuggets

    28/06/2016 Duration: 24min

    Your feelings over Brexit and the English football team; Chris Evans has ruined Top Gear; Good news if you’re a female job seeker or employer.

  • Mack Nuggets

    24/06/2016 Duration: 38min

    Brexit, how this historic story unfolded on BOB; Dates from hell; How you could have made a fortune from the Brexit vote; Alec Baldwin still hasn’t nailed it; Why Irish football fans are the best; Would you drink Spam?; Is there a time traveler in the news?

  • Mack Nuggets

    22/06/2016 Duration: 09min

    Conclusive proof that time travel exists and the time traveler in the news; The longest day; How a sandwich shop will go out of business because they can't get BOB; The truth about classical music.

  • Mack Nuggets

    20/06/2016 Duration: 10min

    The word that yanks have trouble with; How Dick Van Dyke invented rap; The frogs that lived in the toilet; The most embarrassing thing your dad ever did; The pagan who let himself down.

  • Mack Nuggets

    16/06/2016 Duration: 25min

    Did Led Zeppelin nick Stairway to Heaven? UEFA are bluffing; Why you should never ride a bike naked; The Avocado crime wave; When Loraine wasn’t on TV; The demise of men; Being stalked by Google; BOB’s weird dream; The world's biggest Graham Mack fan is Paula Abdul; What to ask Charlie Sheen.

  • Mack Nuggets

    14/06/2016 Duration: 17min

    Why the shooting in Florida WASN’T terrorism; A have-a-go hero story; Another nuisance call from a bank; Strange people you’ve worked with; How Tim Peake ruined a weekend.

  • Mack Nuggets

    12/06/2016 Duration: 54min

    The reason the Queen gets two birthdays; How Nancy got wound up by her husband for 25 years; Why I don’t trust Cambridge; The truth about plain cigarette packaging; Strange ways you’ve injured yourself; What you got up to on your wedding night; Why they shouldn’t be searching for the missing EgyptAir plane’s black box; The daft delivery; A new twist in the Boaty McBoatface story; An amazing lost and found story; The Graham Mack Theory of Everything; How I almost got thrown out of a West End theatre; The best way to have pancakes; David Cameron is not dead; The answer to Britain’s obesity epidemic; Fancy dress stories; Are the Spice Girls getting back together? I talk to Geri Horner (Halliwell), Ginger Spice; Justice for the 96;

  • Mack Nuggets

    10/06/2016 Duration: 15min

    What England fans in France for Euro 2016 should be chanting; Why I’m sick of hearing about Tim Peake; Breastfeeding a full-grown man; What have you had stuck inside you? Ed Sheeran in trouble; The rugby union position; Paula Abdul gets puked on; The truth about bees; Forced to work with a soap dodger.

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