Victoria University Of Wellington - Podcast



Victoria University of Wellington's podcast gives you the chance to catch up with our academics and guest speakers who lead thinking on the big questions facing society. Capital thinking. Globally minded.


  • Te Whare Wānanga o te Ūpoko o te Ika a Māui – Living up to our name

    07/09/2016 Duration: 01h07min

    Professor Charlotte Macdonald (School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations) and Dr Mike Ross (Te Kawa a Maui—School of Māori Studies) chair this forum as part of Victoria University of Wellington’s commitment to further develop ‘Enriching national culture’ as one of its areas of academic distinctiveness. Professor Susy Frankel (School of Law), Professor Jeff Tatum (School of Art History, Classics and Religious Studies), Professor Yiyan Wang (School of Languages and Culture), Professor Simon Keller (School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations), Nan O’Sullivan (School of Design) and Dr Ocean Mercier (Te Kawa a Maui—School of Māori Studies) each speaks about how the Treaty of Waitangi can inform and shape their very different research fields.

  • Capital City University initiative

    15/08/2016 Duration: 02min

    Professor Grant Guilford - Victoria University of Wellington's Vice-Chancellor announces the Capital City University initiative.

  • What are Universities really for?

    10/08/2016 Duration: 48min

    In the recent past, universities have been seen as in the service of the knowledge economy. That is no longer possible. The relationship between higher education and the labour market is now far more complex and there is no direct relationship between a university degree and an assured economic future. The question “what is a university for?” goes back to Humboldt and Newman and requires a new justification every time society undergoes a fundamental crisis. In this lecture, Professor Hugh Lauder argues that higher education will become more, not less, important. Key to the argument is Michael Young’s argument for powerful knowledge, which can provide the vision and resilience that the next generation will need to thrive in the new era. This lecture, presented by Professor Hugh Lauder from the University of Bath, is the first in the Provost Lecture Series on University Futures. Hugh Lauder is Professor of Education and Political Economy at the University of Bath. He has written and edited more than 10 book

  • Cyberbullying and social manipulation

    11/07/2016 Duration: 31min

    Who are cyberbullies and cyber victims and what is the best way to address the issue of social manipulation? Cyberbullying can be understood by looking both at the individuals who take part in this behaviour as well as the communities where it takes place. Victoria University academics Dr Jaimee Stuart from the School of Psychology and Professor Vanessa Green from the School of Education discuss effective intervention and prevention programmes that will enable us to find ways to decrease the occurrence of cyberbullying for both current and future generations of New Zealanders. This was part of the Victoria University Spotlight Lecture Series —an opportunity to sample the research undertaken by Victoria academics, in bite-sized lectures.

  • Can anyone trump Trump?

    29/06/2016 Duration: 45min

    How did Donald Trump become the presumptive Republican presidential nominee? It’s a question that’s baffling political pundits around the world. Victoria University academics Associate Professor Marc Wilson and Dr Claire Timperley offer their thoughts on the pending US election, discussing what is going on in the minds of voters, and what Donald Trump’s rise means for the Republican Party. This was part of the Victoria University Spotlight Lecture Series —an opportunity to sample the research undertaken by Victoria academics, in bite-sized lectures.

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