Cross Examined



Clear thinking about Christianity


  • #20 God’s Kryptonite

    15/02/2013 Duration: 06min

    If anything is unchanging, God should be. But our picture of God (all powerful, omniscient, omnipresent) doesn't represent the God you get out from the Old Testament. Back in God's youth, he was a lot weaker than he is now. Consider two examples from the Bible. (For the podcast transcript, search for the title at

  • #19 The Perplexing Monty Hall Problem and How It Undercuts Christianity

    13/02/2013 Duration: 05min

    One of the three doors has a car behind it. You pick one, and the game show host reveals that one of the other two is a goat. Knowing that there's a total of two goats and one car, do you switch? (For the podcast transcript, search for the title at

  • #18 Argument from Design Busted!

    11/02/2013 Duration: 06min

    DNA is marvelously complicated, but mere complexity can make us miss the real issues. When we examine DNA and the sloppy way it's put together, the Argument from Design collapses. (For the podcast transcript, search for the title at

  • #17 Design Hypothesis: DNA and Dysteleology

    08/02/2013 Duration: 05min

    Teleology says that life shows the hand of a designer; dysteleology says the reverse. Four aspects of DNA—the c-value enigma, pseudogenes, endogenous retroviruses, and atavisms—make a clear case for the latter. (For the podcast transcript, search for the title at

  • #16 How Likely the Jesus Miracle Stories?

    06/02/2013 Duration: 07min

    How can probability be used to help clarify the God question? A quick (and easy) summary of Bayes' Theorem will provide a useful tool in weighing competing claims. (For the podcast transcript, search for the title at

  • #15 Rationalizing Away the Canaanite Problem, Part 2

    04/02/2013 Duration: 07min

    Let's conclude our look at Greg Koukl's analysis of the Problem of Evil. We're on the same page that this is a tough problem for Christianity, but I'm not sure that his resolution is as complete as he thinks. (For the podcast transcript, search for the title at

  • #14 The Religious Foundation of Groundhog Day

    01/02/2013 Duration: 03min

    Groundhog Day (February 2) is a day when we can celebrate some old wives' tale about groundhogs seeing their shadow, but few people know about the religious foundation of this day. (For the podcast transcript, search for the title at

  • #13 Pushback on Abortion

    30/01/2013 Duration: 06min

    My comments in honor of the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade has gotten a response. It's more supportive than many Christian responses. Let's take a look. (For the podcast transcript, search for the title at

  • #12 Rationalizing Away the "Canaanite Problem"

    28/01/2013 Duration: 07min

    A popular fundamentalist Christian wrestles with the Problem of Evil. He's confident that he's got this persistent problem under control. Take a look and see if that optimism is well placed. (For the podcast transcript, search for the title at

  • #11 Why Worry About a God That Isn’t There?

    25/01/2013 Duration: 05min

    You don't call yourself an a-unicornist. Or an a-Santaist. Why should people without a god belief call themselves a-theists? (For the podcast transcript, search for the title at

  • #10 A Defense of Abortion Rights: The Spectrum Argument

    24/01/2013 Duration: 06min

    "Abortion means the death of a baby!" That's true only if you say that a newborn baby is no different than the single cell that it came from. But this denies a spectrum of personhood that we all acknowledge. (For the podcast transcript, search for the title at

  • #9 Weak Analogies Don't Prove God

    21/01/2013 Duration: 04min

    How do you describe the relationship between you and Jesus? It's similar to an ordinary person-to-person relationship ... or so goes the popular analogy. Think about it for a moment, however, and this analogy falls apart. (For the podcast transcript, search for the title at

  • #8 Lawyer Thinking, Revisited

    18/01/2013 Duration: 07min

    A podcaster has pushed back against my recent "Scientist Thinking vs. Lawyer Thinking" post. Let's give him a hearing and see what that does to my argument. (For the podcast transcript, search for the title at

  • #7 Top Religion Story of 2012

    16/01/2013 Duration: 07min

    The Catholic League's Bill Donohue enjoys getting agitated about this or that perceived insult against his religion, but he's delighted with a new study showing the religious to be more generous. A little research uncovers a different story, however. (For the podcast transcript, search for the title at

  • #6 Exponentially Increasing Claims and Christianity

    14/01/2013 Duration: 05min

    "God exists" is an easy claim to make, but how likely is it? Consider a series of increasingly unlikely categories of claims to see where the Christian claim fits in. (For the podcast transcript, search for the title at

  • #5 Christianity Infantilizes Adults

    11/01/2013 Duration: 04min

    Christians often reshape their view of life's events to fit and bolster their Christian worldview, but give it a little thought. The simple Christian explanation of God's hand at work often leads to a bizarre conclusion. (To find the transcript, search for the title at

  • #4 What Did Paul Know About Jesus? Not Much.

    09/01/2013 Duration: 07min

    Sift through Paul's writings, and you get very little of the biography of Jesus. What does this say about how the Jesus story grew over time? (To find the transcript, search for the title at

  • #3 Reject the Scientific Consensus? How Do You Justify THAT?

    07/01/2013 Duration: 07min

    Is a scientific consensus inconvenient? Then just handwave a reason to reject it! Though this is a popular response to unwanted scientific conclusions, it is intellectually indefensible.

  • #2 Scientist Thinking vs Lawyer Thinking

    05/01/2013 Duration: 04min

    Consider two kinds of thinking--scientist thinking and lawyer thinking. Each has its place, but we fool ourselves when we use one but pretend that we're using another.

  • #1 And God Is Not Good, Either

    04/01/2013 Duration: 09min

    Christopher Hitchens' book observed, "God is Not Great." While we're at it, God doesn't seem particularly good, either. Take a look at the slavery, genocide, and general barbarity the all-loving Creator of the universe apparently approves of, and "good" doesn't seem to apply.

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