All In The Mind is Radio National's weekly foray into the mental universe, the mind, brain and behaviour - everything from addiction to artificial intelligence.
Seeing red — anger and aggression
19/02/2022 Duration: 29minWhat happens when we let our most destructive emotion dominate? On All in the Mind this week, we explore why we get angry, how you might control aggression and whether it can ever be ... useful.
Toxic positivity — when happiness becomes harmful
12/02/2022 Duration: 31minWe're urged to stay positive and keep up a cheerful disposition ... but sometimes things are just awful, aren’t they? On All in the Mind this week we look at why we engage in toxic positivity, why it's so damaging when we do and whether something called 'tragic optimism' could be the antidote.
Controlling the chatter in your head
05/02/2022 Duration: 29minMost of us have an inner voice – it reminds you to pick up milk on your way home, helps problem solve, or rehearse what you’re going to say. But there are times that helpful voice veers into harmful chatter.
How our brain chemicals drive our behaviour
29/01/2022 Duration: 31minYou’ve heard of adrenaline, oxytocin and cortisol, but what about glutamate and GABA? And how much do you really know about the chemicals coursing through your brain? On All in the Mind this week, we take a whistle stop tour through your brain to learn how various chemicals influence our behaviour.
Post-partum psychosis
22/01/2022 Duration: 29minHaving a baby is supposed to be a joyous time, despite the sleep deprivation and constant crying. But for many women, it can be a dark time. We know one in six suffer post partum depression, but there's another condition that affects women during this period that you may not have heard of. It's called post-partum psychosis. It's rare, but for those who get it, it can be utterly debilitating. This episode was first broadcast on 25 April 2021.
The damage done by emotionally immature parents (and how to heal)
15/01/2022 Duration: 29minHow would you describe your parents? Nobody's perfect, of course, but some parents leave more of a mark than others. On All in the Mind this week, we look at the life-long impact of having 'emotionally immature' parents. This episode was first broadcast on 30 May 2021.
Does self-help ... help? The problem with pop psychology
08/01/2022 Duration: 29minHave you ever tried a self-help book? Did it… well, help? On All in the Mind this week, why self-help sometimes falls short ... and the problem with pop psychology more generally.
The making of a magnificent memory
01/01/2022 Duration: 29minOne spring weekend a few years back, around 15 people gathered in a south Melbourne office space. They were mostly neuroscience and maths types and there for something super niche and somewhat nerdy — the Australian Memory Championships. Anastasia Woolmer was a first time competitor — but she’d go on to win. On All in the Mind, she explains the techniques memory athletes use, and how you can apply them to everyday life. This episode was first broadcast on 30 May 2021.
Mood and the magic ion
25/12/2021 Duration: 29minIt’s the lightest metal on the periodic table. Its origins lie in the very beginnings of our universe. And it's taken, in the form of a pill, by thousands of Australians every day. Join us as we dive deep into the story of this wonder element lithium — the magic ion, as it's sometimes called — and its remarkable impact on mood. This episode was first broadcast on 28 March 2021.
Misadventures in multitasking
18/12/2021 Duration: 28minHow many times in a day are you doing just one thing? Or is it more common that you’re multitasking – maybe texting and walking? Reading while listening to music? We all multitask to some degree, but do any of us do it well? And is that even possible? This week on All in the Mind, we look into the science of multitasking – why we struggle to do it, why some of us are better at it than others – and how to do it effectively if you must
Psychedelics for mental illness
11/12/2021 Duration: 28minMajor trials are bringing us a step closer to seeing psychedelic substances used in therapy practice for PTSD, anxiety and depression. On this episode of All in the Mind, we take a look at where the research is currently at.
Overcoming resentment with gratitude
04/12/2021 Duration: 29minWe all have resentments in our lives, big or small. How can we move past the feeling and even repair relationships that get bogged down in resentment? The answer may have something to do with ... gratitude.
How dopamine drives our addictions
27/11/2021 Duration: 29minWhat role does dopamine play in cycles of addiction — and how might we use that knowledge to break them?
Making big decisions
20/11/2021 Duration: 29minCareer, family, relationships - how do we think about big decisions and in turn how do they shape our lives? And what makes a 'good decision?' On All in the Mind this week, we hear from three people who have faced big life decisions and an expert who researches life's choices and how we can make better ones.
The toxic effects of rudeness
13/11/2021 Duration: 28minAre your colleagues rude? Do people regularly ignore each other or dismiss opinions in meeting? Ever gotten an all caps email? On All in the Mind this week, we examine the toxic effects of rude behaviour. And are we getting more rude as a society?
Language and loss
06/11/2021 Duration: 29minWhat goes on in the multilingual mind? And what does it mean to 'lose' your language? Author and linguist Julie Sedivy with a story of losing – and re-discovering – her native language.
Habits and making them stick
30/10/2021 Duration: 29minHabits are notoriously hard to change—exercising more often, practising calmness, getting healthy—it all takes time and effort. So perhaps you’ll be pleased to know that there’s a way to get habits into your routine. We talk with Bernard Balleine, Director of the Decision Neuroscience Lab at UNSW; and with B J Fogg, founder of the Behaviour Design Lab at Stanford University about his new book Tiny Habits.
Tears, fears and hope — your pandemic life
23/10/2021 Duration: 29minWith restrictions easing around the country, we wanted to know how you've survived the past year and a half - what's gotten you through and what you can't wait to do next. On All in the Mind this week, we turn the show over to you, our listeners, and hear your pandemic survival stories.
'As real as waking life' — exploring lucid dreams
16/10/2021 Duration: 29minHave you ever realised you were dreaming ... while in the middle of a dream? Lucid dreams are a common phenomenon, but many people don't realise that these surreal experiences of slumber can be influenced or controlled. On All in the Mind this week, we explore the world of dreams, hear some of the latest research in the area and learn the best ways to induce lucid dreaming.
The peculiar power of talking to strangers
09/10/2021 Duration: 28minAre you the kind of person who loves chatting to strangers? Like people in cafes, parks or the train? Or does the thought of small talk make you cringe? On All in the Mind this week, we cover a growing body of research on how talking to strangers can make you feel happier, more connected to your community and less lonely.