Welcome to Bravepreneur Parents Academy, with Bolaji O!
Where the world's most inspiring entrepreneurs reveal their most defining childhood moments...
And share their legacy for raising Brave Little Heroes who will grow up to change the world.
But why a show for entrepreneur parents?
Because if you aren't consciously and intentionally passing along your wisdom, and creating that quality time with your kids every day, you're letting them get those life lessons from other sources outside the family
-- TV, video games, and friends from school.
For most of us, there's no manual for entrepreneurship.
Every PARENT has a superpower.
What's yours?
And do your kids know it?
Join Bolaji Oyejide (Bolaji O) 7 days a week, as he leads a hilariously entertaining, powerfully poignant, raucously rich master class on your most important job in the world. DAD, or MOM.
009: Diagnosis Down's Syndrome. Scariest Moment of His Life. With Brian Horn.
04/11/2015 Duration: 32min -
007: Juice Box Bully Author Maria Dismondy Helps Kids Discover Their Inner Confidence.
02/11/2015 Duration: 31min -
006: Juicing Saved Her Dad's Life. Green Juice Recipes Even Kids Will Love. With Parul Agrawal.
01/11/2015 Duration: 31min -
005: Reluctant Dad Blogger to Reality Show Dad?'s Mike Smith.
31/10/2015 Duration: 51min -
004: Work Almost Killed Him. From Workaholism to Fatherpreneurship. Rodney Kellum.
30/10/2015 Duration: 39min -
003: Write Your Life As an Amazing Story. With Stacy Curtis of
27/10/2015 Duration: 29min -
002: Oprah Called Him One of America's Great Dads. Meet Hogan Hilling of the Dadly Rally.
27/10/2015 Duration: 47min -