We're Not All Ninjas is a movie review podcast focusing on Asian American Representation in Hollywood Films. Hosted by Melissa Slaughter, Rachel Liu, and Alex Chester Music by Ryan Majoris
Hapa Hour: The Casting of Henry Golding
25/04/2017 Duration: 46minA few weeks ago, Henry Golding was cast as the lead of Crazy Rich Asians. Women swooned and men....had a different reaction. Especially this guy ( But is casting a hapa as a full-Asian white washing? We brought together a panel of our hapa and full-Asian male friends (Viet Vo, Kevin Shuering, Eddy Lee, and Matt Park calling in) to give us some perspective. *Melissa totally misspeaks and says that she read somewhere that Nick is meant to be part British in CRA. That's incorrect. She's sorry. :(
Ghost in the Shell Part 2
18/04/2017 Duration: 44minGaby Wilson (MTV) returns for the second half of Ghost in the Shell. We cover the spider tank, Adwoa Aboah, transracialization, and our own mixed race heritage. - Why Japan Won't Save GITS From Being A Box Office Flop from The Hollywood Reporter - Ghost in the Shell: The Major's Body from Women Writing About Comics
Ghost in the Shell Part 1
12/04/2017 Duration: 33minGaby Wilson (MTV) is our special guest this week! We all watched Ghost In the Shell, which means we contributed to its 19 million dollar flop. *Jes Toms "Ghost in the Shell PSA"- *Ornamental Orientals and using Asian Bodies as Narrative Props-
Star Wars: Rogue One Bonus
04/04/2017 Duration: 29minIt's a Rogue One Bonus! This episode features long discussions about how this might be the best starter Star Wars, how Melissa ships Chirrut and Baze, and how special this story is in the Star Wars cannon. Dedicated to the memory of Carrie Fisher. RIP.
Star Wars: Rogue One
28/03/2017 Duration: 43minSta Wars is the biggest movie franchise there is. This episode, we're talking about Chirrut, Baze, and Bodi.
Hapa Hour: We So Hapa
21/03/2017 Duration: 17minWelcome to the first ever Hapa Hour Bonus Episode! Host Alex Chester, and her theatre company We So Hapa, is putting on a cabaret. Alex and I sat down with Rebecca Lee Lerman, Kevin Shuering, Stephanie Mieko Cohen, and Carlos Martin to talk about what their upcoming performance, and what being hapa means to them. Hapa (noun): a slang term for a person of mixed ethnic heritage 6:51-
The Great Wall Bonus
15/03/2017 Duration: 10minThis week, we consider The Great Wall and how it's like Pacific Rim, Game of Thrones, and Ghost in the Shell. At the same time. We're Not All Ninjas is a movie review podcast focusing on Asian American Representation in Hollywood Films. Hosted by Melissa Slaughter, Rachel Liu, and Alex Chester Music by Ryan Majoris Image by Brett Love Edited by Melissa Slaughter
The Great Wall
08/03/2017 Duration: 51minMatt Damon saves China. Or does he? The first foray into a Chinese-American creative partnership, The Great Wall has some ups and some major downs. We're Not All Ninjas is a movie review podcast focusing on Asian American Representation in Hollywood Films. Hosted by Melissa Slaughter, Rachel Liu, and Alex Chester Music by Ryan Majoris Image by Brett Love Edited by Melissa Slaughter
Moana Bonus
21/02/2017 Duration: 23minIn this bonus episode, Melissa Slaughter and Keith Chow gush over Hamilton, breakdown the importance of casting, and recast La La Land. We're Not All Ninjas is a movie review podcast focusing on Asian American Representation in Hollywood Films. Hosted by Melissa Slaughter, Rachel Liu, and Alex Chester Music by Ryan Majoris Image by Brett Love Edited by Melissa Slaughter and Keith Scopinich
Moana with Keith Chow
14/02/2017 Duration: 51minKeith Chow, founder of Nerds of Color, joins Melissa to talk about Moana. In a host-lite episode, Melissa and Keith talk about Lin-Manuel Miranda, The Rock, and what it means to be a Brown Disney Princess We're Not All Ninjas is a movie review podcast focusing on Asian American Representation in Hollywood Films. Hosted by Melissa Slaughter, Rachel Liu, and Alex Chester Music by Ryan Majoris Image by Brett Love Edited by Melissa Slaughter and Keith Scopinich
Memoirs of a Geisha Bonus
07/02/2017 Duration: 17minIs Memoirs of a Geisha really a Cinderella story? Or is it just a male fantasy? We'll discuss that and so much more! We're Not All Ninjas is a movie review podcast focusing on Asian American Representation in Hollywood Films. Hosted by Melissa Slaughter, Rachel Liu, and Alex Chester Music by Ryan Majoris Image by Brett Love Edited by Melissa Slaughter and Keith Scopinich
Memoirs of a Geisha
31/01/2017 Duration: 33minSo are geishas artists or prostitutes? Is Ken Watanabe sexy or creepy as the Chairman? Does it matter that Ziyi Zhang is Chinese and not Japanese? Alex, Melissa, and Rachel discuss Rob Marshall's Memoirs of a Geisha. We're Not All Ninjas is a movie review podcast focusing on Asian American Representation in Hollywood Films. Hosted by Melissa Slaughter, Rachel Liu, and Alex Chester Music by Ryan Majoris Image by Brett Love Edited by Melissa Slaughter and Keith Scopinich
Harold and Kumar Bonus
17/01/2017 Duration: 15minHarold and Kumar Go to White Castle Bonus round! This week we talk about how all Asians, and South Asians, know each other. And we've got a webseries idea for Chris Meloni. With special guest, Aneesh Sheth We're Not All Ninjas is a movie review podcast focusing on Asian American Representation in Hollywood Films. Hosted by Melissa Slaughter, Rachel Liu, and Alex Chester Music by Ryan Majoris Image by Brett Love Edited by Melissa Slaughter and Keith Scopinich
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
10/01/2017 Duration: 42minSpecial guest Aneesh Sheth came to the studio to help us discuss the stoner classic, Harold and Kumar. This week we talk about weed, Neil Patrick Harris and riding cheetahs. We're Not All Ninjas is a movie review podcast focusing on Asian American Representation in Hollywood Films. Hosted by Melissa Slaughter, Rachel Liu, and Alex Chester Music by Ryan Majoris Image by Brett Love Edited by Melissa Slaughter and Keith Scopinich
Better Luck Tomorrow Bonus
27/12/2016 Duration: 13minIt's the last episode of 2016! In this bonus episode, we talk about Justin Lin's Better Luck Tomorrow, the "model minority" stereotype, Roger Ebert, and Hogwarts House Sortings. We're Not All Ninjas is a movie review podcast focusing on Asian American Representation in Hollywood Films. Hosted by Melissa Slaughter, Rachel Liu, and Alex Chester Music by Ryan Majoris Image by Brett Love Edited by Melissa Slaughter and Keith Scopinich
Better Luck Tomorrow
20/12/2016 Duration: 50minThis week we talk about Justin Lin's Better Luck Tomorrow. High school haunts us all in this 2003 MTV movie. Starring Sexy Asian John Cho. We're Not All Ninjas is a movie review podcast focusing on Asian American Representation in Hollywood Films. Hosted by Melissa Slaughter, Rachel Liu, and Alex Chester Music by Ryan Majoris Image by Brett Love Edited by Melissa Slaughter and Keith Scopinich
Kill Bill pt.1 Bonus
13/12/2016 Duration: 13minIn this week's bonus episode, we talk about Quentin Tarantino's obsession with blood, Sophie Fatale, and Bill as a Daddy. We're Not All Ninjas is a movie review podcast focusing on Asian American Representation in Hollywood Films. Hosted by Melissa Slaughter, Rachel Liu, and Alex Chester Music by Ryan Majoris Image by Brett Love Edited by Melissa Slaughter and Keith Scopinich
Kill Bill pt. 1
06/12/2016 Duration: 35minWe're Not All Ninjas is a movie review podcast focusing on Asian American Representation in Hollywood Films. This week, we talk about Alex's favorite movie, Quentin Taratino's Kill Bill. See how Oren Ishii and the Crazy 88 rank on the Abacus. Hosted by Melissa Slaughter, Rachel Liu, and Alex Chester Music by Ryan Majoris Image by Brett Love Edited by Melissa Slaughter and Keith Scopinich
Harry Potter Bonus
29/11/2016 Duration: 05minWe're Not All Ninjas is a movie review podcast focusing on Asian American Representation in Hollywood Films. This week, we have our Harry Potter Bonus, where we talk about Ron, Hermoine, and the Yule Ball, and Harry as a Ravenclaw Hosted by Melissa Slaughter, Rachel Liu, and Alex Chester Music by Ryan Majoris Image by Brett Love Edited by Melissa Slaughter and Keith Scopinich
Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire/Order of the Phoenix
22/11/2016 Duration: 44minWe're Not All Ninjas is a movie review podcast focusing on Asian American Representation in Hollywood Films. This week we focus on Cho Chang and her role as Harry Potter's love interest in Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix. Does she live up to the hype? Or is the the token Asian hot chick? Hosted by Melissa Slaughter, Rachel Liu, and Alex Chester Music by Ryan Majoris Image by Brett Love Edited by Melissa Slaughter and Keith Scopinich