Doctor Who: The Sonic Toolbox

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 282:03:43
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A Doctor Who podcast, hosted by Daisy Kaufman and Cheryl Lowe. We focus on Doctor Who from a "how does that work in the Doctor Who universe" science-ish point of view. There's also lots of other Doctor Who discussion, and some rabbit chasing.


  • Episode 128: The Once and Almost Story

    13/04/2014 Duration: 01h34min

    Arthurian legend (without Arthur) meets interdimentional space travel meets U.N.I.T. meets quirky English countryside characters.  It must be a story from the 7th Doctor era.  This week we discuss, review and attempt to stay of the subject of "Battlefield".  WARNING: Contains rabbit infestation Link: TV Tropes website.  Have fun!

  • The Baker Street Report 2014

    06/04/2014 Duration: 19min

    We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you this special report.  This week we're liveish from the Atlanta Marriott Perimeter Center in Atlanta, Georga.  Our roving co-host, Cheryl, is attending the Sherlock Holmes convention 221b Con and brings you these reports from throughout the weekend. The Sonic Toolbox will resume regular programming next week with the promised review of the 7th Doctor story, "Battlefield".

  • Episode 127: Ideal Pairings

    30/03/2014 Duration: 01h36min

    We've all done it.  Facebook posts have been dedicated to discusing it.  There have probably even been panels at cons on the subject.  This week we tackle the topic of fantasy TARDIS crew building.  Like chefs in the kitchen, we're taking a pinch of him, a dab of her, putting them together and seeing what comes out. 

  • Episode 126: Turlough's Choice

    23/03/2014 Duration: 01h28min

    Spooky music, ships that race in space and creepy ship's officers are the thing this week.  The 5th Doctor, Turlough and Tegan find themselves stuck between an Eternal and a Black Guardian in "Enlightenment", and we find ourselves talking about it.  And a whole lot of other things, too. WARNING: Contains rabbits, lots of rabbits "Electric Avenue" by Eddy Grant, off the album Killer on the Rampage (1982, Parlophone, EMI)

  • Episode 125: Down The Rabbit Hole

    16/03/2014 Duration: 59min

    This week we make a valient effort to discuss the powers and abilities of Time Lords.  However, we keep getting drawn off topic, tho not off subject.  Yes, we're still talking about Time Lords (sort of), just other stuff regarding them.  Like regeneration and artron energy.  WARNING: Contains rabbit chasing   dynamic character: (noun) a literary or dramatic character who undergoes an important inner change, as a change in personality or attitude. 

  • Episode 124: Do I Detect A Red Shirt

    09/03/2014 Duration: 01h15min

    Having just seen Katy Manning at Gallifrey One, we decided to review a Jo Grant episode.  Then we noticed that this week is right in the middle of the 42nd anniversary of "The Sea Devils" first airing on TV in the UK.  It seemed a match made in...well, somewhere.  So here you have them: The Master, the third Doctor and the wonderful, amazing, self-relient Josephine Grant!  Oh yeah, and a guy who checks out strange noises in the dark. WARNING: Contains some rabbit chasing

  • Episode 123: Trying Not To Step On The Cockatiels

    03/03/2014 Duration: 01h56min

    As we try to recover from our trip to Gallifrey One, we explore the doctor's own recovery process from regeneration.  Each itteration of our favorite time lord has his own reaction to post-regeneration sickness.  From coma to crazy, this week we talk about who did what and what causes this bizarre condition.

  • Gallisode 2: Fun, Panels and Colin Baker

    19/02/2014 Duration: 22min

    This is our entry for the last two days of Gallifrey One: 25 Glorious Years.  Sorry it's a bit late, but this year things were so busy time just slipped away.  In fact, after we recorded this, Daisy had to run to help her friends from L.I. Who host a party.  Fun days!

  • Gallisode 2014-1: First Night

    17/02/2014 Duration: 16min

    Our reactions to the first day of Gallifrey One and touching Arthur Darvil.

  • Episode 122: Gearing Up for Gallifrey One

    09/02/2014 Duration: 01h08min

    With Gallifrey One, the largest Doctor Who convention in America, only days away, we can't help but talk all about what's going to go on outside of the panels.  The ice cream social, the trock concert, the kaffeeklatsches.  There's so much going on you need a time turner to do it all!  If you're going to Gally, we hope that this weeks show whets your anticipation.  If you're not going, we hope the show piques you interest for next year.

  • Episode 121: We Are Sherlocked

    08/02/2014 Duration: 01h20min

    Episode 121 exists after all!  It just faked it's own death.  Much like Sherlock Holmes did at the end of Series 2.  Appropriate since this show we are reviewing Series 3 of "Sherlock".  With Gallifrey One almost here, we thought we'd take a step away from Doctor Who for a moment to discuss Moffat's other, pet project. WARNING: Contains MASSIVE Spoilers's

  • This episode has been lost.

    02/02/2014 Duration: 01min

    This week was supposed to be Episode 121 and we were going to review Series 3 of Sherlock.  We did record it, however, during editing the computer crashed and most of the audio was lost.  There is not enough left that makes sense.  I guess it's just as well since Daisy was sick and coughed throughout the recording and almost lost her voice by the end.  Our next episode is our Gallifrey One pre-con show. 

  • Episode 120: Don't It Make Your Brown Eyes Blue

    26/01/2014 Duration: 01h02min

    It's Cheryl's first time with Leela as a companion.  What better way for a horror fan than with The Horror of Fang Rock.  It's got all the classic elements, and a Rutan for good measure.  What more can we say?  You'll just have to listen. Link: The Doctor's electrical gobbledygook explained

  • Episode 119: I Am Woman

    19/01/2014 Duration: 02h17s

    Hear me roar!  And scream, and complain and ask “What’s that, Doctor?”  But watch me fight, and run, and calculate, and build, and outsmart and survive.  The wonderful women of Doctor Who are the subject of this week’s Toolbox.  We’ve heard just about all we can take regarding misogyny in Doctor Who and we’re out to refute those claims.  As women ourselves, we have long held these female companions as role models.  Strong, independent and smart, these women hold their own alongside the Doctor throughout his adventures.  WARNING: Contains rabbit chasing

  • Episode 118: The Rabbit Dilemma

    12/01/2014 Duration: 01h11min

    It’s Episode 118 and we’re talking about The Twin Dilemma.  Since we just had a regeneration, we figured it was a good time to examine a post-regeneration story and what better one than the Doctor’s 6th.  Since it looked like our new (Peter Capaldi) Doctor seems to be suffering with post-regen memory loss we wanted to take a look at past regen that went thru not just memory loss a drastic personality change, as well, just in case. The Twin Dilemma is one of those polarizing stories in Doctor Who history.  It seems either you love it or hate it.  The vast majority seem to hate it.  Here in the Toolbox, we have a split, which works out wonderfully to give you a fair look at this controversial story.   Also, Daisy gets completely confused trying to count in hexadecimal (which she hasn’t done in 20 years) while Cheryl falls into a small coma. All this and rabbit chasing, too! Link: How to count in hexadecimal.

  • Episode 117: TARDIS Talk and Gally Walk

    05/01/2014 Duration: 01h24min

    We know the Doctor loves his TARDIS.  Like a man and his hot rod, the Doctor dotes on his old girl.  What exactly is the relationship between a Time Lord and his TARDIS?  This week, we try to get inside the mind and design of that relationship.  Is it like a husband and wife?  Or is it more symbiotic than that? Then, with only five weeks left before Gallifrey 2014 the first block of panel discussion topics has finally been announced.  In our over excitement, we give you our preview of them all.  If you are going to Gally this year, this will get you just as excited as we are.  If you're not going, we hope this will begin your desire to start saving your money now for 2015 since tickets will be going on sale in a few months. Links: Life on a TARDIS Gallifrey 2014 - Late December Program Update & Panels

  • Episode 115: Time Travel is a Paperclip

    29/12/2013 Duration: 01h30min

    The most important thing about time travel is never break The 1st Law of Time Travel.  Which, of course, the Doctor breaks about every 10 years.  In fact, we're breaking it right now.  This is episode 115, our last episode was 116 and our next will be 117.  We're looping back on ourselves!  (Actually, this is the episode that we missed due to technical difficulties, but what the hey!)  This week we're discussing the intricacies of time travel and The 1st Law.  So, take an asprin, pour yourself a drink and get comfortable.  This is where it gets complicated. WARNING: Contains rabbits Links: Time Travel Grammar TV Tropes - Time Travel Mutability Chronophysics More Time Travel Grammar

  • Episode 116: Time of the Doctor Review


    Watch out!  This episode is spoiler filled, if you haven't seen The Time of the Doctor yet.   If you have, jump right in.  We're talking all about the Christmas/Regeneration episode for this year.  We're also fantasizing about what Peter Capaldi will be wearing as the Doctor.  There's not much else to this episode but lots of Christmasy Time of the Doctor talk...and CAPALDI, CAPALDI, CAPALDI! Also, a bit of Gally news and, of course, rabbit chasing. Merry Christmas, one and all!!

  • Error Message

    22/12/2013 Duration: 01min

    Due to extensive technical difficulties, we are unable to bring you this week's episode.  Fortunately, we had already planned to post our review of the Christmas special early, on Christmas shortly after it airs on BBC One.  We should hopefully be able to give you this week's episode, about the 1st law of time travel, next Sunday.

  • Episode 114: The First Meetup

    15/12/2013 Duration: 01h26min

    Forty years ago the first multi-doctor story celebrated the 10th Anniversary of Doctor Who.  Here, the first three Doctors (sort of) get together to combat the evil Omega and thwart his insane plans.  This week we get into our TARDIS and zoom back to take a look at that story, cleverly entitled "The Three Doctors".  We also delve, sometimes a little too deeply, into the science that keeps cropping up.  Yup, our rabbits seem to have donned lab coats.  Grab a glass and join us in celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Doctor Who!

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