Coulter Road Baptist Church



Weekly audio messages from Coulter Road Baptist Church and lead pastor, Aaron Summers, as well as other special guests. Come join us in person on a Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.!


  • Stressed Out!!


    Pastor Aaron, from Matthew 11, shows us how to find rest when we are stressed.

  • Running on Empty


    This Easter Message begins a series on letting God fill you up when you're empty.

  • Missions


    God is at work through His people and His church reconciling the world to Himself through Jesus. Pastor Aaron walks us through 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 and shares with us this important work of reconciliation.

  • Ministry


    Pastor Aaron encourages us to follow the King and further the Kingdom through the use of our spiritual gifts in church work.

  • Membership


    Pastor Aaron uses Acts 2:41-46 to help us understand the necessity and responsibility of local church membership.

  • Unity


    Lead pastor Aaron Summers continues our WAYPOINTS series with the third message - "Unity." Focal Scripture passage is Ephesians 4:11-13.

  • Doctrine


    Our second Waypoint is DOCTRINE. What we believe is important. Our absolute truth come from God's Word. From the Gospel to good decisions, it is all in there.

  • Identity


    Lead pastor Aaron Summers begins a new series entitled "Waypoints." Today's message is entitled "Identity," and the focal Scripture passage is Ephesians 5:25-33.

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