Fleshing It In



Death is Inevitable


  • Episode 4 – KayCee Tarricone


    For the fourth episode of Fleshing It In, Jon sits down with KayCee Tarricone, aka Rotgut God, to discuss death, amongst other things. KayCee talks about his mother’s death premonitions and his lackluster attitude toward taking care of himself. Jon and his guest also discuss burial traditions from cultures around the world, and the episode ends with… Continue reading Episode 4 – KayCee Tarricone →

  • Episode 3 – Buck St. Thomas


    For the third episode of Fleshing It In, Jon sits down with Buck St. Thomas to discuss death, amongst other things. Buck discusses being a music snob while questioning why he is even friends with Jon in the first place. Listen to Jon talk about his days doing whippets, on the job, while he is revealed… Continue reading Episode 3 – Buck St. Thomas →

  • Episode 2 – Albe Larson


    For the second episode of Fleshing It In, Jon sits down with Albe Larson to discuss death, amongst other things. Albe gives us his predictions for biggest celebrity death of 2017 while spilling his heart out about his unrequited love for Prince. Listen to Jon reveal how selfish he is while Albe tries to keep the… Continue reading Episode 2 – Albe Larson →

  • Episode 1 – Intro


    For the first episode of Fleshing It In, Jon got a bunch of voicemails about celebrities dying in 2016 and more importantly, which celebrities might make 2017 their year to go. Listen to our death predictions, Jon’s body issues, and his plans for the future of this podcast.

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