Bernie @topgold Goldbach shares observations about edtech, teaching, and learning.
Dervala Hanley on Innovation and Fitness #StartupGathering
06/10/2015 Duration: 54minIn conversation with Sport Management students at the Limerick Institute of Technology during the Start-up Gathering in Limerick's Absolute Hotel.
#octaver First Songs with @ymtfm
02/10/2015 Duration: 12minRecorded with clever Youth Media Team members.
In Conversation with @Ina #MWC15
06/03/2015 Duration: 33minSkype conversation (Barcelona to Clonmel) recorded on Lumia with creative multimedia students.
Interview with Leigh Graves Wolf
15/07/2014 Duration: 03minHere Brídín and Finn interview Leigh on various things about her life #great14 #ymtfm
Peg Hanafin
15/07/2014 Duration: 06minHere Finn talks to Peg Hanafin about here views on education and here upcoming book launch of her book "getting more out of life"
Peter Lydon on Gifted Education #ictedu
13/05/2013 Duration: 01minRecorded by the Youth Media Team in Thurles.
Bianca Ni Ghrogain in Flipped Classrooms #ictedu
13/05/2013 Duration: 02minRecorded by the Youth Media Team in Thurles. Screenshot from UserGeneratedEducation.
Rachael Cooke illustrated #ictedu
13/05/2013 Duration: 59sYouth Media Team talking to Rachael Cooke, creative multimedia developer and illustrator.
The Pathway Project #ictedu
12/05/2013 Duration: 04minPathways to inquiry-based learning explained.
Scratch with Stephen Howell #ictedu
12/05/2013 Duration: 05minLearning you don't have to be pure maths to program well.
Phil Bourke at #ictedu
12/05/2013 Duration: 01minLIT Lecturer Phil Bourke knows the Irish games developer community and he shared some thoughts with student interviewers during the ICT in Education Conference in Thurles, County Tipperary, Ireland.
Marco Booth at #ictedu
12/05/2013 Duration: 01minThe Youth Media Team catches up with entrepreneur Marco Booth during the Student Voices Conference in Thurles, County Tipperary, Ireland.
Turning Tables on the Youth Media Team #ictedu
12/05/2013 Duration: 01minAsking authentic student voices what they want from education and what they've taken away from the day-long ICT in Education Conference on the campus of LIT-Thurles, Ireland.
Apps in Education #ictedu
12/05/2013 Duration: 04minWith acclamation from attendees at the annual ICT in Education Conference, Thurles, County Tipperary, Ireland.
Grainne Conole Interview #ictedu
12/05/2013 Duration: 02minRecorded by the Youth Media Team at the Student Voices Conference in Thurles, County Tipperary, Ireland.
Screenway at #ictedu
12/05/2013 Duration: 01minLearning how smart schools make wifi work with iPads and more.
Interview with Maria Hinfelaar #ictedu
12/05/2013 Duration: 02minLooking at Student Voices from Maria Hinfelaar's executive perspective.