Bernie @topgold Goldbach shares observations about edtech, teaching, and learning.
PR Stack, Artistic Influence, and Fake News E84
14/06/2019 Duration: 03minEvery summer we explore the upper end of creativity. In this short cast, I talk about tracking influence, using selected items of the PR Stack, and parsing fake news.00:23 explore #CJAF19 for influencers 00:59 Learning from Cliona Maher, Clonmel Junction festival director 01:07 PR Stack for Full Stack Employee 01:18 h/t 01:34 Followerwonk 01:39 Tweetdeck (actually Hootsuite) 01:50 Fake News 02:27 global weirding 03:20 03:34 Music by Andre Louis
Obstacles Often Provide Best Results E83
09/06/2019 Duration: 07minAs Tim Harford suggests, "when life confronts us with an unplayable piano, perhaps we should sit down and try to play it". This lesson permeates David Epstein's new book Range and the idea extends beyond pedagogical techniques as Harford explained in his book Messy. Cover art is from Keith Jarrett's 1975 concert in Köln.
Claire Bentley and Bernie Goldbach Prep #cjaf19 E82
07/06/2019 Duration: 04minClaire Bentley and discuss plans for the Clonmel Junction Arts Festival podcast series.
Dylan Explains Greenscreens E81
25/04/2019 Duration: 11minFran Curry invites Dylan Goldbach (7) onto TippFM to explain how green screens fit into ICT-enabled classrooms. It's a workshop at the annual in Thurles, Co Tipperary, Ireland on Saturday, May 11, 2019.
Planning a Drone Flight And Zoom Hangout E80
13/04/2019 Duration: 03minUsing the DJI Phantom drone to stream a live aerial survey. But high winds may squash our attempt today. See our drone images at
Announcing #ictedu 2019 E79
12/04/2019 Duration: 11minBernie Goldbach and Pamela O'Brien explain the unique theme of the annual ICT in Education Conference set for Saturday, May 11, 2019 in Thurles, County Tipperary, Ireland. Music by Andre Louis. Details at
Making desktop audio in a noisy space E78
11/04/2019 Duration: 04minQuickly recapping thoughts after a desktop studio session with creative students. I'm in the noisiest space on campus with a t.bone SC-450 mic and the Shure X2U adapter.
Ireland's Youth Media Team after Their First Television Appearance
20/03/2019 Duration: 03minMembers of the Youth Media Team reflect on the set up and recording of a television segment for Ireland's national broadcaster.
Discord And Slack
15/02/2019 Duration: 09minAidan Murphy talks about his experience with Slack and Discord.
Experiments With Sennheiser Memory Mic
12/11/2018 Duration: 01minTesting a new wireless mic from Sennheiser. It records audio onto the mic itself. It is controlled by the Memory Mic app. It can be used for audio or video recording.
Reflecting on The Book of Ireland
15/08/2018 Duration: 14minReflecting on how our family project about The Book of Ireland didn't unfold, a digital camera on our wishlist, Derek Baird's The Generation Z Frequency, and the work of [Greg Dickson] ( Includes When We Are Young by Suede. More on
Shotgun Mic As Android Mic
27/07/2018 Duration: 03minProving you can use the Beyerdynamic MCE 86S II as a mic by plugging it into the earbud jack of a Sony Xperia Z5. #edtech
While using a shotgun mic from our kitchen studio
27/07/2018 Duration: 02minCreating a short episode to prove you can make content in an ambient setting using a shotgun mic (in cover art), Spreaker studio on a laptop, and a 7yo wrangler who tuned our Amazon Echo Dot to a track of his choice.
Twitter Analytics During a Slack Month
27/07/2018 Duration: 04minSkimming through the analytics Twitter offers during a slow month (July 2018) on the @topgold account while using
We Need To Keep Learning
15/07/2018 Duration: 05minAfter reading Maeve McElwee and IBEC's Future Ready report.
Testing Heroes on Spreaker's Stereo
14/06/2018 Duration: 03minTesting Spreaker's playback capability by uploading a stereo track by David Bowie.
Coding And Computational Thinking h/t @pamelaaobrien
14/06/2018 Duration: 03minListening to Pam O'Brien describe a valuable professional development initiative thst extends the digital literacies skills I teach.
First touch of Spreaker Studio on W10
30/05/2018 Duration: 01minThinking about how easy Spreaker Studio will be to run on our Windows workstations with creative media students. BUT it also picks up the hum of the laptop's fan as well as most of the taps I use on the keyboard.