Wheaton Bible Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 67:26:53
  • More information



Our mission as a church is that more and more people would love God, grow together, and reach the world.


  • All Life is Sacred, Part 4 (The Poor, The Marginalized, and The Oppressed)


    Forcibly displaced from their homes, this year alone more than 59 million people will officially become refugees—half of whom are under age 18. In the face of such overwhelming injustice, how do God's people respond? Pastor Chris looks to Isaiah 58 to make some guesses as to what God might tell the Church in DuPage County today.

  • All Life is Sacred, Part 3 (Sex Trafficking and Sexual Abuse)


    As Pastor Rob examines the massive tragedy of sexual abuse and exploitation taking place in our world today, he points to a biblical account of just such a sin, and reminds us of the staggering difference between disgrace and God's grace that offers the only path to hope and healing, both for the victim—and for the perpetrator—of sexual violence.

  • Through Us, Part 2


    "The Bible," says Dr. Daniel Carroll, "is full of stories about migration—people leaving their homes and native lands in search of food and safety." Dr. Carroll's message on our Local Impact MissionsFest Sunday reminds us of the growing relevance of those biblical stories and metaphors in our culture and in the lives of those who are followers of Jesus Christ.

  • Through Us, Part 1


    Henri Aoun—born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon, and now a missionary to the Muslim world—kicks off MissionsFest 2015, sharing dramatic stories of God at work in the Middle East, "reconciling the world to Himself" through the strategic and creative witness of His people.

  • All Life is Sacred, Part 2 (Orphans, Widows, and Those with Special Needs)


    As we continue our series on living out biblical convictions in the face of cultural norms, Pastor Chris offers a surprising word on the kind of worship that pleases God. Looking to Isaiah chapter 1, he details the special care God requires us to extend to widows and the fatherless--and the great care Christ Himself showed to those with special needs.

  • All Life is Sacred, Part 1 (Abortion and Euthanasia)


    In the fifth in a series of messages on some of the most challenging cultural issues of our day, Pastor Rob addresses the subject of abortion, laying out two foundational truths that will clarify our thinking and our response to this critically important issue.

  • God's Vision Lost, Part 2 (Adultery, Pornography, and Transgender Issues)


    Tackling tough issues relating to sex and gender from the perspective of the Gospel, Pastor Lon examines God's design for human sexuality and the devastating consequences that result when sexual temptations pull men and women away from God's perfect plan and into sexual sin.

  • God's Vision Lost, Part 1 (Homosexuality)


    Speaking into the cultural debate surrounding the issue of homosexuality, Pastor Rob looks at what the Scriptures teach about homosexual behavior within the larger context of the Gospel—which doesn’t divide people into categories but is a message of repentance and belief, and a call to holiness, for everyone.

  • God's Grand Vision for Marriage and Singleness


    This is the second in a 10-part series of messages examining current cultural issues from a biblical perspective. Explaining that God is for marriage, for singleness, and for healthy relationships in community, Pastor Rob looks at three misconceptions about marriage in our society today and two ways even those within the Church can embrace an unhealthy view toward singleness.

  • The Gospel and Culture


    This message opens a 10-week series on some of the most difficult issues facing our culture today—and explains how the Gospel of Jesus Christ forms the framework for responding with clear, biblical convictions. Pastor Rob begins by offering two foundational principles that can help us speak God’s truth, demonstrate His love, and also understand the role we play as Christians in helping our culture and our communities flourish.

  • A Vision for Community


    The New Testament speaks of the Church both as a body and as a building made of "living stones." Both, Pastor Rob says, are beautiful pictures of the unity, connectedness, and interdependence God intends us to experience within His Church in order to prepare us for our vital mission of blessing a broken and waiting world.

  • A Vision for Service


    When Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, Pastor Ted Coniaris reminds us, He turned the social norm of the day upside down, introducing His followers to a whole new way of thinking and living—a new set of Kingdom realities under which the greatest become the least and the most powerful are unleashed to serve the powerless.

  • Reach the World


    Starting in Genesis and all through the Bible, God calls His people to live on mission. Pastor Hanibal examines that call and what it looks like when we l put that kind of missional living into action in our everyday lives.

  • Grow Together


    Pastor Rob continues a foundational series on the mission of Wheaton Bible Church by focusing on Christ's call to all believers to "grow together" as we live in a community of radical love.

  • Love God


    The mission God has given to Wheaton Bible Church—to love God, grow together, and reach the world—gets at why we exist as a church. But it is only as we personalize that mission, Pastor Rob says, that it will begin to impact our lives 24/7, in every relationship, wherever we are.

  • Psalm 121


    Pastor Rob concludes our series of studies in the Psalms by looking at the great comfort found in Psalm 121, and God's promise to rescue and empower His people--in spite of life's anxieties and struggles.

  • Psalm 34


    Understanding the amazing backstory of Psalm 34, makes David's declaration of faith and praise in this psalm even more remarkable and powerful for us today.

  • Psalm 29


    Every thunderstorm is a worship service, Pastor Rob says, when viewed through the lens of Psalm 29. In the violent turbulence of a storm a vivid picture of God's awesome power and majesty is revealed.

  • Psalms 150


    When he calls Psalm 150 "a psalm of ecstatic praise," Pastor Lon refers to the beautiful picture this Psalm paints of those times when reason and emotion come together in exuberant "all in" adoration of our great and powerful Creator God.

  • Psalm 42


    It’s not a sin to be sad, Pastor Lon says in this sermon based on Psalm 42—a psalm that is labeled, “a psalm of lament.” But even in our sadness, we can, and must, continue to place our hope in God.

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