Tea and Toast's recent posts to
Being Social Media Human
15/01/2015 Duration: 09minMy take on the simplicity of how social media can change the world and drive income and interest to you.
manage your life not your time.
16/12/2014 Duration: 07min
Five scientifically proven ways to get more retweets
05/12/2014 Duration: 07minDoes what it says on this tin.
The Future Face Of Web and Digital Culture.
27/11/2014 Duration: 09minCity data centres, education establishments and much more have now shaped he web. The power of Social Media is now moving into a new dawn that we have already created.
Our Event
25/11/2014 Duration: 09minA reflective set of podcast sessions about how we have developed from Leeds Social Media Cafe @leedssmc to Tea and Social @teaandsocial through our Tea and Toast brand @teaandtoast . Each podcast aims to talk through the journey and discuss our future events. Please be a part of the discussion and get involved through twitter or audioboom. Please also share your thoughts via email for future podcasts at
My warm up thoughts and techniques for presentations and speakers
18/11/2014 Duration: 04minBe confident in speaking to an audience. If you are still nervous, try this before hand.