A comedic gaming podcast where actual gamers talk about actual games! We give our honest opinions on the gaming industies biggest news. Expect to laugh, talk, and game with us!
DayOne GameCast: Episode 7 - 400M and They Hatin'
06/11/2015 Duration: 48minHey guys, welcome back to the DayOne GameCast! This week, your boys discuss Halo 5's post launch stats, BattleBorn, Kingdom Hearts 3, Ash Vs The Evil Dead and more!If you like what you hear, please Subscribe and Share! On iTunes, Stitcher App, TuneIn and other podcast services!Please feel free to check out our website at www.DayOneGameCast.comSend emails to DayOneGameCast@gmail.comTweet @DayOneCast
DayOne GameCast: Ep. 6 - Halo 5:The Truth/Paris Games Week
29/10/2015 Duration: 40minHey guys! Welcome back to antoher episode of DayOne GameCast! This week, your boys talk about the controversy surrounding Halo 5, our Paris Games Week impressions, and the msot recent episode of The Walking Dead!If you like what we do, please Subscribe on iTunes, leave a review, and tell a freind! to stay up to date with the podcast and connect with us!Email questions, feedback, or whatever to DayOneGameCast@gmail.comTweet us @DayOneCast
DayOne GameCast: Episode 5 - Games on the Horizon
23/10/2015 Duration: 36minDayOne! Welcome back and thanks for listening to DayOne GameCast! This week the boys discuss upcoming games, game news, consoles, Star Wars Episode 7 trailer and more!Please leave feed back and send in your questions and well add them to the Question of the Week Box!Email: Tweet: @DayOneCastand visit our home at www.DayOneGameCast.comAlso Don't forget to Like, Share, and Subscribe!
DayOne GameCast: Ep 4- Star Wars Up to Something
15/10/2015 Duration: 37minNicks back! This week Johnny and Nick share thoughts on Star Wars BattleFront Beta, talk gaming news, Destiny's microtransactions and some Tv and Movie talk. Please leave feed back and send in your questions and well add them to the Question of the Week Box!Email: Tweet: @DayOneCastand visit our home at www.DayOneGameCast.comAlso Don't forget to Like, Share, and Subscribe!
DayOne GameCast: Episode 3 - Is Xbox Really Going to Take Over?
08/10/2015 Duration: 01h21minThis week Nick is out and Johnny is joined by Melwheezy of the Geekly Podcast! The Guys totally fanboy out on some Microsoft News, talk some games, and then gossip out on some Tv and Movie stuff. Don't miss this one!If you like the show: Like Subscribe or Tell a Friend!Tweet @DayOneCastEmail DayOneGameCast@gmail.comVisit our home
DayOne Gamecast: Episode 2 - Are You Running Through the Six Day One?
01/10/2015 Duration: 31minWe're back! This week Johnny and Nick share what "DayOne" means to them, talk about Halo 5, Halo 6 (???), Rainbow Six Seige Beta, and much more!Please leave feed back and send in your questions and well add them to the Question of the Week Box!Email: DayOneGameCast@gmail.comTweet: @DayOneCastand visit our home at www.DayOneGameCast.comAlso Don't forget to Like, Share, and Subscribe!
DayOne GameCast: Episode 1 - First Impressions (Pilot)
24/09/2015 Duration: 44minWelcome to the DayOne GameCast podcast! Meet Johnny and Nick as they introduce themselves, talk a little games, and suggest tv shows. Please Like, Share, Support! Email: dayonegamecast@gmail.comTweet @DayOneCastvisit: