Calvary Chapel San Ramon Podcast



Welcome to the audio podcast of Calvary Chapel San Ramon, where the Word of God is central to all we are. Our fellowship is focused around the one and only Son of God, Jesus Christ. He alone is Lord and you are invited to join with us as we celebrate Him in worship, prayer, communion, and through the teaching of His Word. As Psalm 66 says, "Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles He performs for people!" God Bless you.Pastor Brian Daly


  • Episode 210: An Old Testament Survey - The Power And Heart Of God

    30/05/2022 Duration: 40min

    Calvary Chapel Tri Valley is a community following Jesus. Reading and studying the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter and book by book.Text: trivalley to 97000 to receive notifications, reminders and a digital church bulletin. This message can also be heard on the Church website at and viewed on YouTube.Tune in weekdays at 11:00 am and 11:30 pm to KEPT 96.9 FM for Hydrate Radio. A half hour ministry outreach collection of teachings from previously recorded studies.

  • Episode 209: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 "Kingdom Parables: Wheat and Tares"

    23/05/2022 Duration: 47min

    Calvary Chapel Tri Valley is a community following Jesus. Reading and studying the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter and book by book.Text: trivalley to 97000 to receive notifications, reminders and a digital church bulletin. This message can also be heard on the Church website at and viewed on YouTube.Tune in weekdays at 11:00 am and 11:30 pm to KEPT 96.9 FM for Hydrate Radio. A half hour ministry outreach collection of teachings from previously recorded studies.

  • Episode 208: Matthew 13:1-23 "Kingdom Parables: Part 1, The Parable of the Soils"

    16/05/2022 Duration: 56min

    Calvary Chapel Tri Valley is a community following Jesus. Reading and studying the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter and book by book.Text: trivalley to 97000 to receive notifications, reminders and a digital church bulletin. This message can also be heard on the Church website at and viewed on YouTube.Tune in weekdays at 11:00 am and 11:30 pm to KEPT 96.9 FM for Hydrate Radio. A half hour ministry outreach collection of teachings from previously recorded studies.

  • Episode 207: Matthew 12:38-50 "Clash of Kingdoms" Part 2

    02/05/2022 Duration: 51min

    Calvary Chapel Tri Valley is a community following Jesus. Reading and studying the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter and book by book.Text: trivalley to 97000 to receive notifications, reminders and a digital church bulletin. This message can also be heard on the Church website at and viewed on YouTube.Tune in weekdays at 11:00 am and 11:30 pm to KEPT 96.9 FM for Hydrate Radio. A half hour ministry outreach collection of teachings from previously recorded studies.

  • Episode 205: Matthew 12:1-21 "Finding Rest"

    11/04/2022 Duration: 51min

    We live in a stressful world and lead stressful lives. So where do we find rest? Jesus sends a divine invitation to us in Matthew 11:28. In the book of Genesis, man was created on the 6th day, so by design man’s next day was for him to rest in the presence of God. Laws upon Gods laws were created by the Pharisees to condemn the guiltless. For the Son of Man is the Lord even of the Sabbath. Mark’s Gospel reads that Jesus has fire in his eyes as He addresses the Pharisees and their hypocrisies. How do we find rest? The assurance that we are accepted before God? Come to Jesus. Prayer is simply coming to Jesus. Our soul needs to catch up with our body. We need to slow down and engage in the moment. Bible References for context:Matthew 11:28, Deuteronomy 23, Genesis 1 and 2, Mark 2:27, Isaiah 42, 1 Corinthians 10:13Today is the day of salvation.

  • Episode 204: Matthew 11:20-30 "Grace Pierces Through"

    04/04/2022 Duration: 45min

    Grace is a central theme from God. Three parts to this study:1.    Recognizing grace2.    Revealing truth3.    Rest for the wearyThe people of the cities mentioned chose indifference instead of repentance. Its not what they did, it is what they didn’t do. We all need something outside of ourselves to survive. How do we respond when God moves and we see His miracles?  Indifference or humble amazement? When a warning is given, it is really a gift from God. An opportunity has been given to consider and repent. This is grace. Judgement does not happen when Jesus speaks. He warns, by grace, to give us an opportunity to repent and let Him change us. Bible References:Luke 10, John 20:29, Romans 1, Jonah 3, John 5:18, 1 Corinthians 3:19, Jeremiah 9:24, John 14:9, Jesus will help you find rest for your soul. 

  • Episode 203: Matthew 11:1-19 "Expectations"

    29/03/2022 Duration: 57min

    Expectations – are things that we look forward to. Something is going to happen exactly the way we want it to. But when we experience expectations that don’t come to pass, how do we respond?John the Baptist is a prophesy fulfilling forerunner for Jesus, currently in prison and wondering why he is still in prison. What is the disconnect? We pray, we believe, we have faith, we ask, we seek, we knock, yet, we experience unmet expectations which leads to doubt and questions. Find comfort knowing that our faith is big enough for our doubts because our God is big enough for our questions. What are your questions for Jesus?3 Key points:1.    Bring your questions to Jesus.2.    We need to take our expectations back to the word to read what it says.3.    God is not bound to our expectations He is bound to His word.By our faith, we stand here today, forgiven, not because of what Jesus is going to do, but by what He has already done. Let God be God.  Bible Study References:Mark 6, Isaiah 61, Romans 8:28, Matthew 11:6‘Wi

  • Episode 202: Matthew 9:35-10:4 "God of Compassion"

    14/03/2022 Duration: 51min

    Jesus came to reveal God to us. Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God. “It has never been seen like this in all of Israel,” said the people as they observed Jesus doing Messiah like things, which made the multitudes ready to receive. But, the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit by the Pharisees was unwavering to Jesus as He stayed the course of his mission, teaching, preaching and healing. Jesus is the first mover. Everything is in motion except the first mover because He does not have to be in motion, because He, is the first mover. Moved to compassion, Jesus sees people who are weary, scattered and lost sheep without a shepherd. What do we see when we look into a crowd of faces? Do we sort them by hygiene, income, race, politics? Or do we sort them by Heaven or Hell? The destiny of their souls? Everyone we see has been fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. Jesus came and did not send anyone else, because it was personal to Him. We all need the forgiveness and grace of God.How do we get the

  • Episode 201: Matthew 9:14-34 "Stuck in the Middle"

    07/03/2022 Duration: 55min

    This is the continuation of the 10 miracles that show the heart of God. There are 4 different types of people here who are at a point of indecision in their hearts of who Jesus really is. However, Jesus has no interest in keeping the traditions of men. Jesus came to bring a new covenant. The old covenant of law versus the new covenant of what Jesus has done. Extending grace to us on the basis of faith not on the basis of doing. It is easier for us to follow a man-made religion than to walk in faith as a disciple of Jesus. Faith will be rewarded. This is God’s heart. In this season, we may feel like we are stuck in something, so here are applications for spiritual growth: Be willing to let Jesus do something new and fresh in your life. We need to stop being afraid and just keep on believing. Faith. No matter the cost, no matter the crowd, we are going to reach out with all we have and touch Jesus. Learn two words; “Yes, Lord.'“ Scripture References:Mark 5Leviticus 26:12Malachi 4:2Number 15:38

  • Episode 200: Matthew 9:1-13 "Authentic Authority"

    07/03/2022 Duration: 40min

    We are surrounded by counterfeits. There is an element of truth in a counterfeit, but it is not authentic. Matthew labors hard in his writings so that anyone who reads his account, it will prove undeniably that Jesus is the promised Messiah. 3 points to focus on are faith, forgiveness and fellowship. 5 points to focus on from Jesus are:  That you may know. The Son of man is the Lord of the Sabbath. He has authority and power on earth to forgive sin. No ceremony, no show, Jesus only says rise and walk. Jesus heals in front of everyone publicly. Jesus authenticates his authority by not only forgiving sin but also healing. Disease and sin were inseparable to the Scribes of the day. That is why the Scribes said within themselves that this was blasphemy, but Jesus read their thoughts. Religion loves to create obstacles to the truth. Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God. 

  • Episode 199: Matthew 8:18-34 "Be a Disciple (a follower, not a fan)"

    22/02/2022 Duration: 53min

    What is a disciple? It is defined as a devoted disciplined learner. How Jesus reveals God’s heart is that on His heart is the desire to make disciples. 269 times the word disciple is used in the Bible. The word Christian is used only 3 times. The New Testament is written by disciples for disciples. Key points in this Study: It is knowing Jesus and knowing who He is. We need to prioritize Him first, not our will be done but His. We have God’s word. It is the anchor to our soul as we build on this rock. Who do we cry out to in a storm? What wakes Him up is the cry of His disciples. We will suffer rejection. Live in hopeful anticipation that one life you touch will be changed. Here Jesus makes clear the cost of discipleship. This is a ‘me first’ culture we live in. As disciples we need to remember that this earth is not our home, we are citizens of Heaven. This is the heart of a disciple. This is our abundant life.Accept today God’s free gift of salvation. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Seek H

  • Episode 198: Matthew 8: 1-17 "Jesus says...I am willing"

    16/02/2022 Duration: 56min

    Miracle 1: The LeperMiracle 2: The Centurion’s ServantMiracle 3: The Mother In-Law of PeterMiracle 4: The casting out of demons and healing the sickThe Sermon on the Mount ends, Jesus comes down from the mountain and great multitudes followed Him. Then behold, a leper comes to Jesus, and asks “are you willing to heal me?” We ask this same question today. “Jesus, are you willing to make beauty from ashes in my life, are You willing to heal, me?” Anyone whosoever will fall at the feet of Jesus, He will heal them. This is the heart of God. Faith makes Jesus marvel. “As you have believed, so let it be done for you.”4 practical take away examples that show God’s heart are: There are no untouchables to God There are no political lines to Jesus God has a heart for both men and women There are no little things to God Life changing inspirational truths are referenced and located in this week’s Study Guide.Accept today God’s free gift of salvation. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Seek Him while He can

  • Episode 197: Matthew 7:15-29 "Kingdom Culture" Part 10

    08/02/2022 Duration: 46min

    One word is focused on in this study, the word '“beware.”3 Warnings: Beware of who we follow Beware of who we imitate Beware of who we build our lives upon 11 time in 11 verses in the New Testament we are given the warning to “watch out for false prophets.” There is no other gospel. Notice in these warnings that “they” come to us we do not go to them. It is our responsibility to be Bereans, checking that the word preached is accurate. This means that we need to know our Bibles. Having His word written on our hearts. This is our compass. Do not build foolishly.Be wise. Be watchful. You will know them by their fruits.Life changing inspirational truths are referenced and located in this week’s Study Guide.Accept today God’s free gift of salvation. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Seek Him while He can still be found. His evidence is all around us. How is your heart? If you have questions, need someone to talk to or would just like to say hi, contact us.This message can also be heard on the Church

  • Episode 196: Serving Conversations Part 1

    04/02/2022 Duration: 55min

    We are spending some time talking about ministry. What it means to serve. How we as Christians are all called to serve. What does that look like? How do we get started on this journey. Tune in and listen to the discussion.

  • Episode 195: Matthew 7:1-14 "Kingdom Culture" Part 9

    13/01/2022 Duration: 32min

    What is the real personal danger of hypocrisy? It deceives us to believe that we are less in need of God’s grace than somebody else. We are blind to our own faults.3 key points in this Study are: honesty, heart and humility.God’s reveal to us should be that: He is not indifferent to us He desires to give good gifts to His children He wants us to be honest with ourselves God’s word is a mirror for us to examine ourselves which then allows the Holy Spirit to convict us and bring about change. God first loved us and then we responded.Life changing inspirational truths are referenced and located in this week’s Study Guide.Accept today God’s free gift of salvation. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Seek Him while He can still be found. His evidence is all around us. How is your heart? If you have questions, need someone to talk to or would just like to say hi, contact us.This message can also be heard on the Church website at and viewed on YouTube.Tune in weekdays at 11:00 am and 11:30 pm

  • Episode 194: Matthew 6:22-34 "Kingdom Culture" Part 8

    13/01/2022 Duration: 41min

    Happy New Year! A fresh start, a new beginning, a fresh focus.3 areas to focus on are: What we see: it fuels who we are What we serve: if shows us what we value the most What we say: we eventually will believe ( ll Timothy 1:7 ) Romans 12 tells us do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.This year may a fresh falling of God’s Holy Spirit fill us all. There is only one Lord, and His name is Jesus. Choose today.Life changing inspirational truths are referenced and located in this week’s Study Guide.Accept today God’s free gift of salvation. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Seek Him while He can still be found. His evidence is all around us. How is your heart? If you have questions, need someone to talk to or would just like to say hi, contact us.This message can also be heard on the Church website and viewed on YouTube.Tune in weekdays at 11:00 am and 11:30 pm to KEPT 9

  • Episode 193: Matthew 6:1-21 "Kingdom Culture" Part 7

    29/12/2021 Duration: 47min

    What is the Christ centered mindset we are called to have? Temporary treasures on earth, or permanent treasures in Heaven? Is it our desire for our deeds to be seen by man, or for our deeds to be done in secret for the Father? Jesus instructs us to not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. 3 key points to focus on are: Giving Praying Fasting Jesus also teaches us how to pray and says; “in this manner, therefore pray.” In the Lord’s Prayer, the word Father is the Christian name for God. Life changing inspirational truths are referenced and located in this week’s Study Guide.Accept today God’s free gift of salvation. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Seek Him while He can still be found. His evidence is all around us. How is your heart? If you have questions, need someone to talk to or would just like to say hi, contact us.This message can also be heard on the Church website at and viewed on YouTube.Tune in weekdays at 11:00 am and 11:30 pm to KEPT 96.9 FM for Hydrate Ra

  • Episode 190: Matthew 5:27-37 "Kingdom Culture" Part 5

    08/12/2021 Duration: 45min

    Pastor Brian continues this study into the Sermon on the Mount. The word ‘kingdom’ is used and referenced throughout today’s message and study. Jesus wants to reach out to the deepest struggles within the human heart. Beyond the deed, beyond the act, to heal at the heart level. Sin is always a heart issue. Sin is progressive in nature and is exponential in its destructive force. Let us pray daily for conviction of the spirit in our hearts. Conviction proves that God is working in us. Life changing inspirational truths are referenced and located in this week’s Study Guide.Accept today God’s free gift of salvation. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Seek Him while He can still be found. His evidence is all around us. How is your heart? If you have questions, need someone to talk to or would just like to say hi, contact us.This message can also be heard on the Church website at and viewed on YouTube.Tune in weekdays at 11:00 am and 11:30 pm to KEPT 96.9 FM for Hydrate Radio. A half hour minis

  • Episode 189: Matthew 5:21-26 "Kingdom Culture" Part 4

    30/11/2021 Duration: 42min

    Pastor Brian continues this study with key observations and take away points.Jesus wants to teach us: The severity of unrighteous anger Relationships are more important than religious activity We need to handle anger the right way Unrighteous anger is poison. It will always cloud our wisdom and interfere with our spiritual walk. When anger enters, wisdom departs. The anger of today is the remorse of tomorrow. Our anger is then our problem and we need to take it to Jesus in prayer  Do not lose your sense of agreeableness Do not let moss grow under your feet, move, be purposeful Do not lose sight of the big picture Be willing to be wrong Anger is one letter away from danger.Life changing inspirational truths are referenced and located in this week’s Study Guide.Accept today God’s free gift of salvation. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Seek Him while He can still be found. His evidence is all around us. How is your heart? If you have questions, need someone to talk to or would just like to sa

  • Episode 188: Matthew 5:13-16 "Kingdom Culture" Part 2

    15/11/2021 Duration: 44min

    Jesus tells us here that we, you, I, are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.  Salt flavors Salt preserves Salt heals Salt creates thirst Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Light shines Light disperses darkness Light exposes Light is to be seen not only heard Since God is bigger than us and He lives inside of us, then Jesus should shine through us into our assigned  mission field where we are called to bring illumination. Let us repent, be renewed and walk forward in faith.Life changing inspirational truths are referenced and located in this week’s Study Guide.Accept today God’s free gift of salvation. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Seek Him while He can still be found. His evidence is all around us. How is your heart? If you have questions, need someone to talk to or would just like to say hi, contact us.This message can also be heard on Podcast and viewed on YouTube.Tune in weekdays at 11:00 am and 11:30

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