Western Hills Church Of Christ, Temple



Messages from the preaching & teaching ministry of the Western Hills Church of Christ in Temple, TX.


  • How to Find Joy 6: In Contentment

    02/06/2019 Duration: 23min

    by Scott Meyer.   Billions are spent every year to make you DIScontent with what you have and who you are. With culture working so hard against you is it possible to find contentment in your life? In this message we learn the secret.

  • How to Find Joy 5: Don't Be Anxious

    26/05/2019 Duration: 27min

    by Scott Meyer.  Are you anxious? Is something worrying you constantly? Is it possible to live life without anxiety? In this message, we discover the secret to rejoicing and a life of peace.

  • How to Find Joy 4: Joy in Grace

    19/05/2019 Duration: 24min

    by Scott Meyer. Christ followers ought to be the most joyous people in the world yet JOY is not the first word many in our culture associate with Christians. In this message, Paul challenges our tendency to find satisfaction in ourselves.

  • How to Find Joy 3: Joy in Humility


    by Scott Meyer. In this message, we discover the one thing that steals our joy more than any other - SELF. Paul teaches us the way to overcome this joy killer.

  • How to Find Joy 2: Change Your Prospective

    05/05/2019 Duration: 32min

    by Scott Meyer. Do you feel imprisoned by your circumstances? Can you have joy even when you can't control the outcome? Paul would tell you ABSOLUTELY. In this message, we discover how.

  • How to Find Joy 1: In Christ

    28/04/2019 Duration: 27min

    by Scott Meyer. Are you happy? It seems that our culture is becoming increasingly unhappy. Joy is in short supply. In this message, we discover that joy is not found in a circumstance or possession but in a person, Jesus.

  • CRUCIFY HIM! 7: Jesus Dies

    14/04/2019 Duration: 32min

    by Scott Meyer. What does it mean that God died on that day? At the moment of Jesus' death a curtain in the temple was torn in two. What access do you now have to God? This message explores the unbelievable change in our relationship to God because of Jesus' death.

  • CRUCIFY HIM! 6: Thief on the Cross

    07/04/2019 Duration: 22min

    by Lane Luttrell.  How did you come to faith in Jesus? In this messae we discover how a condemned criminal became an unlikely candidate for grace.

  • CRUCIFY HIM! 5: Daughters of Jerusalem

    31/03/2019 Duration: 24min

    by Lane Luttrell.  God has a Bigger Picture for you and we often miss it. Luke 23:27-31 gets us one step closer to Jesus on the cross and before that moment Jesus takes a minute to address where the people of Jerusalem are headed and calls for a look at who they are and where they are spiritually. In the darkest hour of the darkest day Jesus had us in mind.

  • CRUCIFY HIM! 4: Carrying the Cross

    24/03/2019 Duration: 31min

    by Scott Meyer.  Are you carrying an unfair burden in your life? Are you having to endure a condition, situation, limitation, or relationship, that is weighing you down and draining you? In this message we explore how a man named Simon was forced to carry an unfair burden and how it made all the difference.

  • CRUCIFY HIM! 3: Condemned to Die

    17/03/2019 Duration: 29min

    by Scott Meyer.  Have you ever been caught up in a crowd headed the wrong direction? Ever wondered "What would I have done, if I was there?" This message explores our place in the story when a crowd shouted: "Crucify Him!"

  • CRUCIFY HIM! 2: Denials & An Affirmation

    10/03/2019 Duration: 27min

    by Scott Meyer.  The text for this message is Mark 14:53-72. While the chaos of Jesus' trial before the Sanhedrin proceeds inside, outside in the courtyard, another story unfolds. What does the story of Peter's denial say about his relationship to Jesus and ours?

  • CRUCIFY HIM! 1: Garden Betrayal

    03/03/2019 Duration: 25min

    by Scott Meyer.  All of the Christian faith is based on 2 connected events - The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. In this series we explore the steps that Jesus took that led him to his death on a Roman cross. Our journey begins in a garden.

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