The StoryMen live at the intersection of Pop Culture, Theology and History. Nothing's off limits!
Shannon Wilson's Wild Ones
30/09/2016 Duration: 50minThe StoryMen welcome author and self-proclaimed Wild One Shannon Wilson. After comparing travel notes with Matt, Shannon tells us who these Wild Ones are. Why hasn't the Church embraced them? And how can the Church do better at making space for Wild Ones?
Smells Like History with Dr. Emily Friedman
23/09/2016 Duration: 49minDr. Emily Friedman joins us to put our geek credentials to shame, then share about her work in the history of smell. Why is something so essential to understanding our world so easily ignored?
Summer Movie Retrospective
16/09/2016 Duration: 40minThe StoryMen revisit their Summer Movie predictions and inquire as to why the movies of 2016 have been so disappointing, overall. PLUS, what have we been reading lately?
Capeville: Death of the Black Vulture with Matt Mikalatos
02/09/2016 Duration: 55minIn honor of Matt's new superhero novel, CAPEVILLE, the StoryMen welcome author John Otte to help us interview Matt. Get the scoop on his new book, and enter for a chance to win!
Underground Airlines with Ben H. Winters
26/08/2016 Duration: 52minThe StoryMen return for season 7 with best-selling author Ben H. Winters. Ben gives us the scoop on his new book Underground Airlines, a thriller set in an alternate history where slavery was never outlawed in the United States. We talk religion, race and inhabiting a world nearly as terrifying as the one Ben created... our own!
Damn Shame with Curtis Tucker
17/06/2016 Duration: 45minThe StoryMen welcome pastor and author Curtis Tucker to discuss SHAME in the Church. Why have our churches become such shame-factories? And how can revisiting our picture of God help restore our sense of the good news that God did not create us to be ashamed?
Last Days in the Desert with Erik Lokkesmoe
10/06/2016 Duration: 57minProducer Erik Lokkesmoe of Different Drummer productions joins us to talk making films about faith. We talk about his newest film, LAST DAYS IN THE DESERT. A provocative movie imagining Jesus' temptations in the wilderness, this movie spoke to all of us. Come behind the scenes of this breathtaking movie!
The Legacy of Greek Mythology with Jason Boyett
03/06/2016 Duration: 55minAuthor and all around good guy Jason Boyett was our first ever guest on StoryMen, and now he's back for episode 132 to talk about his new book on Greek Mythology. Plus Matt and JR. face off in a Pop Mythology Trivia Battle. It's The Greek vs. The Beard in a titanic quiz clash.
The Pursuing God with Joshua Ryan Butler
27/05/2016 Duration: 39minJoshua Ryan Butler returns to the StoryMen to talk about the spiritual sequel to The Skeletons in God's Closet. Joshua takes us into The Pursuing God to discover a fresh vision of a relentless, loving God. PLUS: we discuss whether Jesus could have sinned or not!
Summer Movie Preview
20/05/2016 Duration: 51minSummer Movies are upon us! After we review Civil War, we wonder if any of the upcoming Summer films can unseat it from #1 at the box office. We also predict what will be the biggest box office flop, and talk about the films we're most excited for.
Moda Spira with Latifah Phillips
13/05/2016 Duration: 01h04minLatifah Phillips returns to the StoryMen to spill the beans on her new solo project Moda Spira. She tells us what it's like to work as an independent musician, and what's next for Moda Spira.
How to Start a Podcast
06/05/2016 Duration: 01h09minEver thought about starting your own podcast? The StoryMen welcome 4th StoryMan Aaron Kretzman back to the other side of the mic, as well as StoryFan and podcastor Rick Reynolds. We talk about the ins and outs of getting a podcast started, and list some of our personal favorites.
Hitler, Communism and Feminism: How WWII Shaped American Christianity
29/04/2016 Duration: 01h09minGuest co-host Paul Asay returns to the StoryMen to celebrate the anniversary of VE Day. How did World War II change the trajectory of American Religion? How are we still living with the consequences - both good and bad - of the religious response to WWII?
How to Survive the Apocalypse with Alissa Wilkinson
22/04/2016 Duration: 52minFilm critic Alissa Wilkinson tells the StoryMen why the recent spate pop culture apocalypses are good news for people of faith. Along the way, we talk about Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Walking Dead and more!
Tex Thompson's Children of the Drought
15/04/2016 Duration: 01h02minAuthor Tex Thompson tells us about her Wild West fantasy series Children of the Drought. How does an author write multiple races responsibly, and how to employ magic users while avoiding the "magical native" trope.
Batman v Superman ft. Leia Calderon
01/04/2016 Duration: 01h02minThe StoryMen welcome back geek guru Leia Calderon to discuss the record-setting Batman v Superman. Since none of us particularly enjoyed the film, we talk about what didn't work, and why. Plus, why won't Matt see the film?
Flannery's Good Friday
25/03/2016 Duration: 01h17minIn honor of Flannery O'Conner's 91st birthday and Good Friday, we welcome Dr. Tim Basselin and fan-favorite Emily Maynard to discuss why O'Conner is one of the great American authors, her distinctive Christian voice and a particularly appropriate Good Friday story, "Parker's Back".
Pop Culture Bracketology 2016
18/03/2016 Duration: 54minOur annual March Madness Pop Culture Bracket playoff is on. How do the biggest names, events and artifacts from the last year of pop culture fare when pitted against each other? Listen up to find out, and cast your votes in the final four round!
Strong and Weak with Andy Crouch
04/03/2016 Duration: 56minWe struggle to balance strength and weakness in our lives. Is it better to be authoritative or vulnerable? Andy Crouch returns to the podcast to suggest we're approaching the question all wrong. Andy offers a new paradigm: to flourish we must be both strong and weak. What does that look like? Listen in.
American Exceptionalism with John Wilsey
19/02/2016 Duration: 56minThe StoryMen welcome Dr. John Wilsey to take on American Exceptionalism. Wilsey argues that while American Exceptionalism often leads to idolatry, it doesn't have to, When is exceptionalism idolatry and when does it encourage the common good?