The StoryMen live at the intersection of Pop Culture, Theology and History. Nothing's off limits!
Beyond Colorblind with Sarah Shin - StoryMen Season 8
22/12/2017 Duration: 53minIt's the StoryMen Season 8 finale! We go out with a bang, welcoming author Sarah Shin to discuss why being "colorblind" just isn't good enough. We do a deep-dive into what it looks like to seek out cross-cultural friendships without being "that person" who offends and wounds when we're trying to heal.
Best of 2017 - StoryMen Season 8
15/12/2017 Duration: 45minIn our penultimate episode of Season 8, we review our favorite Books, TV shows and Films of 2017.
Vindicating the Vixens with Dr. Sandra Glahn - StoryMen Season 8
08/12/2017 Duration: 01h05minWhy are so many female characters in the Bible ignored, marginalized or sexualized? Dr. Sandra Glahn joins us to discuss her new project, Vindicating the Vixens. We explore John 4 and Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman as a case study.
Seventh Decimate with Stephen R. Donaldson - StoryMen Season 8
01/12/2017 Duration: 51minStephen R. Donaldson returns to the StoryMen to discuss his new book, Seventh Decimate. We talk about pursuing knowledge in the age of alternative facts and fake news, and the StoryMen convince Steve to preach a little, despite himself.
Emboldened with Tara Beth Leach - StoryMen Season 8
24/11/2017 Duration: 58minPastor and author Tara Beth Leach brings us a new vision for empowering women in ministry. Drawing from her new book, Emboldened, she demonstrates how empowered women are good news for the whole Church - and the world!
The Myth of Equality with Ken Wytsma - StoryMen Season 8
17/11/2017 Duration: 53minWhite people find race challenging to talk about. Far too often conversations around race summon feelings of shame and anger. Author, pastor and justice activist Ken Wytsma helps us talk about white privilege and white supremacy. How can we have the conversations that are healing and holy?
The Genius Plague with David Walton - StoryMen Season 8
10/11/2017 Duration: 43minScience-fiction author David Walton joins us to explore his new book The Genius Plague. A hard-science novel about a terrifying smart-zombie apocalypse raises questions about what it means to be human and conscious.
Grieving a Suicide with Al Hsu - StoryMen Season 8
03/11/2017 Duration: 46minJR.'s editor from IVP, Al Hsu, joins us to talk about the rerelease of his book Grieving a Suicide. We explore how conversation surrounding mental health and suicide has changed in the last fifteen years, as well as how we can be better about prevention. 2 - Book Launch 6 - Incentives 11 - PPOW 15 - Al Hsu 26 - Is Suicide a Cardinal Sin? 30 - Processing Suicide 43 - Connect with Al
Empathy for the Devil - StoryMen Season 8
27/10/2017 Duration: 01h10minAfter eight seasons of the StoryMen, JR. finally publishes his first book! We get the scoop on Empathy for the Devil, including a deep dive on Jezebel. Plus, a giveaway with a surprise prize.
What's so Confusing about Grace? - StoryMen Season 8
20/10/2017 Duration: 50minRandal Rauser returns to the StoryMen to talk about his problems with salvation. Specifically, Randal helps us think through how we think about what it means to be saved. From being friends with the Devil to saved serial killers to trying to understand the Trinity, we work to wrap our minds around exactly how vast God's grace for us is. 3 - Book Update 7 - Randal's Back 10 - What does it mean to be saved? 40 - Ending on a high note 44 - PPOW 48 - Where on the Internet?
The Zombie Gospel with Danielle Strickland - StoryMen Season 8
13/10/2017 Duration: 43minSalvation Army officer and warrior against human trafficking Danielle Strickland joins us. She quickly becomes our new favorite person as she explains why begrudgingly watching The Walking Dead became a spiritual exercise that tied directly into her justice mission. In This Episode: 4- Danielle Strickland 8 - In the Salvation Army 16 - The Zombie Gospel 33 - PPOW 40 - Connect with Danielle
The Write Life - StoryMen Season 8
06/10/2017 Duration: 56minThe StoryMen discuss the habits of a writer. When did we begin writing? What habits help us be effective? And how do we hack our own brains to make sure we get projects done? 7- Writing 23 - First Pro Paper 31 - Making time to write 44 - PPOW
The Need for Knees
29/09/2017 Duration: 57minIn this week's episode we tackle the controversy over NFL personnel protesting the National Anthem. What's it all mean and what is an appropriate response? We also consider why the billion dollar American Christian fiction industry doesn't export so much to other nations. Plus, a fun cameo from a very special guest making his first appearance by phone on the Storymen.
The EnCLAYgement
22/09/2017 Duration: 01h08minOur co-host Clay got engaged over the summer! We welcome his fiance Jen to the show to get the scoop on how they met and how he popped the question. Plus, Jen joins in on our PPOWs and of course displays her Geek credentials. It's probably the most heartwarming StoryMen ever!
StoryMen Return Part Ocho
15/09/2017 Duration: 52minThe StoryMen return once more! We catch up on our very eventful summers. We update you on the various projects we have brewing. We recap our favorite books of the summer. And we argue over which movie reigned supreme at the box-office. We're back! And it's good to be back.
The Light is Winning with Zach Hoag
16/06/2017 Duration: 58minChurches all over North America are in sharp decline - especially among younger believers. Author Zach Hoag sees this not as a threat, but an opportunity. It's an apocalypse - a revealing of deep problems in the Church - and great promise.
Flee, Be Silent, Pray with Ed Cyzewski
09/06/2017 Duration: 47minEvangelicalism tends to create anxiety in us - that we're not doing enough to earn God's love. Author Ed Cyzewski joins us to share his path from anxiety to security, through the path of contemplative prayer.
Translating the Bible
19/05/2017 Duration: 59minSince Matt just put out a new translation of the book of Ruth, we discuss the issues that go into translating the Bible. What questions do translators have to ask themselves? What're our favorite translations? PLUS: our hot take on the new Jordan Peele project!dro
What's So Funny about Politics?
12/05/2017 Duration: 52minLate Night has become a landscape of political humor. What is satire? When is it effective? And what effect is the current brand of political humor having on American culture? PLUS: Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2.
Not So Civil War
05/05/2017 Duration: 52minIn light of some recent confusion surrounding the Civil War, Clay leads us in a historical discussion of President Andrew Jackson and the causes of the Civil War. We also argue about Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol 2 and play a new game: Generals vs Generals!