BFN Networks presents Noble Efforts, an intimate, bittersweet and darkly funny chronicle of the complete and utter moral and emotional downward spiral of Justin Velander Holt (f/k/a Bob Dubilina). Listen, laugh and (possibly) learn from the lurid tales, bold declarations, risky propositions, questionable decisions and angry rants of a man who struggles daily to live an honest, unconventional life. For more information, go to:
2010-01-21: Voicemails From My Mother
21/01/2010 Duration: 19minA series of bizarre, unsettling and completely inappropriate phone calls left on Justin's voicemail on the night of January 21, 2010.
2009-12-10: Petty Grievances
13/12/2009 Duration: 02h21minThe end of the 161-hour work week; why Bob would make a GREAT rich guy; further negative references and the dreaded warning box; pre- and post-Turkey Day dramas; a most decadent holiday office party and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-11-10: Egregious Violations
10/11/2009 Duration: 01h45minInappropriate office etiquette; bizarre men's room neuroses; follow-up on Bob's first negative reference; hosting preferences and surfer privileges; the most aggravating first date EVER(!) and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-10-27: The Livers!
27/10/2009 Duration: 01h56minRamos Lives! A week of freak accidents; the pros and cons of living life to the fullest; full slate of CS events; Bob's first negative reference vs. the best reference to date; Kyle's crazy school schedule; transition boyfriends and relationship games; sleepsexing and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-10-06: Hint Of A Spark
06/10/2009 Duration: 01h48minMaya donates (some good-lookin') eggs and other alternative avenues of scoring quick cash; Sofi Minx & Naked Girls Reading; recent spats with potential dates; fighting assumption (and majority opinion); cutting your losses; hints of a spark; Malakov Tango; lack of prime candidates and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-09-29: The Pirates of Palmer Square
29/09/2009 Duration: 01h27minHenry moves! Adventures with U-Haul; alleyway commuting; pirates of Palmer Square; roomate rifts; USA #1 (re: All Things No. 2); packing and drinking; hunting your couchsurfers; hosting withdrawals and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-09-22: Primer: Season 20 Edition
22/09/2009 Duration: 01h49minSeason 19 Recap: The aftermath of Veronica, Kit, Penny and Tilda; the perfect motivator; fantasies of violence; the downside of honesty; a year of compounding heartbreak; learning to accept (a lack of) closure; life summaries and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-07-26: Rude Awakenings
26/07/2009 Duration: 02h11minThe solution to Bob's problems; desperate and willing to settle; a season of epiphanies; living with loneliness; passion as a liability; the reality of perception; the right time to discuss dealbreakers; recent upsets on the dating scene; godawful acquaintances; the worst thing you could say during sex and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-07-11: Summer Of Rosbar
11/07/2009 Duration: 01h17minThe continued misadventures of Madison Rosbar! Hitting the crazy chick jackpot (in public!); more reasons why NOT to answer text messages; new plans for "next times"; bizarre DUI charges; a summer of sobriety and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-07-01: Swede|Scot|Rock!
01/07/2009 Duration: 02h18minThe Swede|Scot Invasion begins! Cultural mythbusting; swimming the Atlantic; fighting in Frankfurt; rainy day riots in Stockholm; long-awaited reunions in Edinburgh; Air India incidents and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-06-02: Domino Effect
02/06/2009 Duration: 02h03minThe (perceived) threat of the ex; bedroom dealbreakers; Kit's betrayal; Penny's confession; Tilda's rejection; booty call faux pas; WORST. NIGHT. EVER!; reestablishing control; the big 5-0 and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-05-21: The Low Road
21/05/2009 Duration: 01h48minThe year of lying; surviving Fresno; getting cockblocked by an Irishman; improper usage of frozen Bonamassas; potential Myspace fuck buddies; belated sexual awakening; negotiating an open marriage; BFN double teams and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-05-10: Battle Fatigue
10/05/2009 Duration: 01h39minKyle locks down a girlfriend; all or nothing on the first date; Dubilina Jawbreaker; desperate isolation; precarious emotional bonding; The Nicaragua Referendum; the importance of preserving friendship; picking your battles; respecting yourself enough to walk away and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-04-26: Noble Efforts
26/04/2009 Duration: 01h29minVigilante lovin'; Penny brings on the heartbreak; one last shot at pursuing Samantha; slight vindication for Bob Dubilina and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-04-12: Nobody's Wolf
12/04/2009 Duration: 02h30minBob's life as public knowledge; the prime directive of BFN; big backlash to The Big Come Down; Penny's rejection; Kit bails again; the dilemma of the Waiting Game; little distractions that make up a life; love insurance and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-04-05: The Chronicles Of Whitman
06/04/2009 Duration: 02h22minThe 10-year reunion commences! High school memories with Bob Dubilina; falling in love with Las Vegas; Symon the Cyst; aggravated food poisoning in Eureka; scandalous Windy City flings and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-03-22: Spring Cleaning
23/03/2009 Duration: 01h37minRodent infestation at the Berkley Manor; EJS Doctrine; the surprise reaction; overcoming (perceived) awkwardness; Big Red's first heartbreak; Bekah seeks closure; counseling couchsurfers and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-03-15: The Big Come Down
15/03/2009 Duration: 02h13minTriple love high; true disciple of the gut feeling; the ultimate favor; LADD; the importance of the first fight; awkward finish to a threesome; Frankengirlfriend; playing it cool; a desperate need for trust; unexpected residual baggage; a retraction of friendship; the best assurance and so much more! For more information, go to:
2009-03-05: Ex-Communication
05/03/2009 Duration: 02h21minKyle's in pain Bob's first panic attack; the shock of an ex's sudden marriage; dating to forget; the real danger of Puerto Vallarta; stories about Kyle's family; the trouble with Erin; an introspective on Brucie "Mad Dog" Mittman and so much more! For more information, go to: