A twice weekly podcast focusing on career management and recruitment with executive recruiter John G. Self, Managing Partner of a Dallas-based search firm.
Impact of Healthcare Transformation On Career Paths
22/09/2017 Duration: 13minAs the transformation of healthcare care gains steam, futurists and talent planning specialists are focusing on the consequential changes — some that today that are known, and many that are unknown — and those that will emerge in the future.
7 Strategies to Avoid the Rumor Mill
12/09/2017 Duration: 13minSome employees are so invested in the status quo they will go to great lengths to derail change. Here are seven steps to immunize yourself from rumors.
Bigger Is Not Better: Networking With Recruiters
05/09/2017 Duration: 09minBigger is not always better when it comes to networking with recruiters.
Avoid 'Sameness': Differentiating Your Job Search Brand
30/08/2017 Duration: 07minToday’s BIG Idea for career management is to avoid sameness. In a crowded, noisy job market, it does not pay to be like everyone else. If you are not getting calls back when you submit an application or your resume, it is time to think about a new approach.
Outplacement: A Career Transition Benefit You Should Demand
15/08/2017 Duration: 19minIn today’s podcast we will build on a recent theme of my blog posts: career management and career transition. In part one, we will explore outplacement services — what it is, how does it work, who pays for it, why it is so important for executives who have been laid off or terminated, and how to request this important benefit. In Part 2, I will share a story about a Chief Operating Officer who, in the summer of 2015, learned that his health system no longer required his services.
EMPLOYEE TURNOVER: 10 Big Mistakes Executives Make
09/08/2017 Duration: 11minEmployee turnover is one of the biggest unreported expenses in business. Here are 10 mistakes executives are making that drive employee turnover numbers up.
Managing Your Career: Don't Get In A Hurry
02/08/2017 Duration: 15minToday our theme is “Don’t Get in a Hurry" and we're covers three dimensions: The early careerists, anxious to get to the top of their chosen profession Those executives and managers who are well on their way in their careers but who should periodically hit the their pause button and take stock of their strengths and skills. They should ask themselves whether they are truly happy and fulfilled in their quest. And finally, a look at the challenges and opportunities in navigating the road to the top and how we should never become so impatient to get there that we exchange our core values for that golden ring.
C-suite Onboarding, Avoiding the Internet Trolls on Social Media
25/07/2017 Duration: 14minThere are some important benefits for new executives who participate in an organization’s onboarding program – especially for Chief Executive Officers. Plus, what on earth is an internet troll and why you shouldn't let them scare you away from using social media.
Managing Your Career In A Period of Great Acceleration
19/07/2017 Duration: 16minToday’s podcast is in two parts. We begin with a career management idea to help you adapt your brand strategy in a time of explosive acceleration. In part two, we will talk about leadership and what happens when you become too cute by half.