Earning Our Worth and Owning Our Future
Building a powerful network is dependent upon reciprocity and generosity.
05/08/2016 Duration: 02min"Daily Motivation"
Gossiping reveals more about the person gossiping than the person being gossiped about.
31/07/2016 Duration: 03min"Daily Motivation"
It’s far better to make a decision than drown yourself in analysis. Doing nothing might mitigate risk but it will absolutely eliminate possibility.
30/07/2016 Duration: 03min"Daily Motivation"
Give yourselfpermission to change direction or change your mind. Sticking with something that doesn’t work is a waste of precious time.
28/07/2016 Duration: 03min"Daily Motivation"
It’s an incredible mistake to look at people and contemplate what they can do for you. Focus instead on what you have to offer.
26/07/2016 Duration: 02min"Daily Motivation"
The most difficult barriers to overcome are the ones that we build ourselves.
24/07/2016 Duration: 03min"Daily Motivation"
When I’m feeling overwhelmed I remind myself that there are people who have done far more with far less. This gives me perspective.
21/07/2016 Duration: 02min"Daily Motivation"
With enough grit, enthusiasm, and dogged commitment, there’s very little you can’t do.
14/07/2016 Duration: 03min"Daily Motivation"
89. We live in a culture of competitive consumption seducing us to buy and acquire more. The trick is to step out of the game and focus on growing your money rather than spending it.
30/06/2016 Duration: 02min"Daily Motivation"
Stay in your lane. Don’t worry about how fast anyone else is going or which turn they take. You are on your own journey.
27/06/2016 Duration: 02min"Daily Motivation"
Don’t be intimidated and overwhelmed by competition. No one can do what you do the way you do it.
24/06/2016 Duration: 03min"Daily Motivation"
Money alone is a poor motivator for hard work. You need a powerful sense of purpose to truly be inspired.
22/06/2016 Duration: 02min"Daily Motivation"
I learned a long time ago that you never get a higher result by lowering the bar.
20/06/2016 Duration: 02min"Daily Motivation"
Wealth requires a measure of risk. You have to develop a higher tolerance for risk to build wealth.
17/06/2016 Duration: 03min"Daily Motivation"
The ability to earn your worth is not just about skills and experience – it’s about belief systems and mindset.
14/06/2016 Duration: 03min"Daily Motivation"
Be patient. “Overnight success” generally translateYs to five to seven years.
10/06/2016 Duration: 03min"Daily Motivation"
Learn to ask and accept help. Support is critical to sustainability.
06/06/2016 Duration: 02min"Daily Motivation"
Care deeply about the people you work with and for. Nothing is built without great people.
02/06/2016 Duration: 03min"Daily Motivation"